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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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217039 No.217039 [Reply] [Original]

any kind rich anons up for the idea of funding my youtube channel? the money would be for a gaming pc and capture card, mic and webcam

>> No.217051

yeah sure anon, sent ;)

>> No.217053

Just sent you money too. Godspeed buddy

>> No.217059

Just make a kickstarter. retard

>> No.217062

I would but I can't record and I don't have a mic, it'll end up looking really shoddy

and I'm not a retard

>> No.217067

If you can't even do a kickstarter how would you even make a career out youtube?

>> No.217075

the laptop I have is running linux, making it next to impossible to record and edit together a polished looking video, the two aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.217088

Dear diary.

Today OP deserved the abuse.

>> No.217094

if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all

>> No.217101

Sent you more money :) Enjoy!

>> No.217103

do you need the link to my paypal?


>> No.217110

No thanks. I guessed what it was.

>> No.217114

Aside from the obvious rule violation begging thread there has been given no reason to support this wannabe jewtube personality.

>What kind of channel will you make?
>Why would I be interested in your channel over similar channels in the [undefined] genre?
>What return would I receive as an investor?
There's lots more questions I can't be bothered to type.

>> No.217126


>What kind of channel will you make?
A let's play/general gaming channel aimed at young teens (no mature content, no swearing)

>Why would I be interested in your channel over similar channels in the [undefined] genre?
Because I believe I have what it takes, I am determined and I have studied this particular field passively for 4 and a bit years, I l know what works and what doesn't work

>What return would I receive as an investor?
Obviously I don't want to discuss that here

>> No.217138

>Because I believe I have what it takes, I am determined


>> No.217149

>A let's play/general gaming channel aimed at young teens (no mature content, no swearing)

As if there aren't a billion of "lets play" garbage already. You're trying to start a venture in an over-saturated market where any 12 year old can do a let's play with his daddy's personal computer.

>> No.217150

I don't get it

>> No.217154

>As if there aren't a billion of "lets play" garbage already

I realise this, but those channels lack substance

>You're trying to start a venture in an over-saturated market where any 12 year old can do a let's play with his daddy's personal computer.

But I'm talented, you're going to have to take my word on that

>> No.217169


>A let's play/general gaming channel aimed at young teens (no mature content, no swearing)

So a Pewdiepie clone

>Because I believe I have what it takes, I am determined and I have studied this particular field passively for 4 and a bit years, I l know what works and what doesn't work


>Obviously I don't want to discuss that here

So 10% of the 25 bucks youtube will send you every other month.

>> No.217178

You aren't talented. You're trash.

>> No.217180

>those channels lack substance

So what exactly do you plan on doing differently?

>> No.217191

How old are you exactly OP?

>> No.217195

>So a Pewdiepie clone
that's biased wording, my attitude and taste in video games is nothing like Felix's


I'm actually being serious

>So 10% of the 25 bucks youtube will send you every other month.

if that's what it takes

>So what exactly do you plan on doing differently?

I have access to a closed beta of a new innovative game, there's other details but obviously I'm not going to share my inner workings here

>> No.217201

I'm 22

>> No.217208


>> No.217221

>So 10% of the 25 bucks youtube will send you every other month.
>if that's what it takes

God, I hope you're trolling.

But as a reference point:
If you need $2,000 worth of stuff, and earn revenues of $150 per year, and you expect someone to give you said $2,000 for 10% of your revenue, then the investor would break even (ignoring inflation) in 133.3 years.

By way of comparison, a venture capitalist normally needs to be able to see a 10x return in 5 years to make the deal acceptable.

>> No.217222


Look, OP I'll break it to you.

No one is going to fund your new gaming rig for you.

I suggest you go to one of the /b/ begging threads or whatever, or a even better idea, get a fucking job.

>> No.217225

I don't need 2 grand, assuming I'm going to make 150 dollars a year is wrong too

employment is low where I live, I'm applying for jobs every single day and have been for going on 5 months now

>> No.217231

This has to be a fucking troll thread. No one is dumb enough to think that coming here with nothing to show for yourself and begging for money for a gaming rig would work.

>> No.217242

o yee of little faith

>> No.217254

>o yee of common sense

>> No.217265

I should add that I look like ryan gosling

>> No.217344

prove it

>> No.217348

If you really look like him, then tell your friend to take pics of you doing something stupid, sell them to TMZ for money. Split the money with said friend, and then buy the equipment you need.

>> No.217364

You need to work on those "resume" skills OP. You haven't said anything that makes me want to "hire" you. Also if you were actually serious put up a kickstarter.

Also you are probably underage b& because adults can afford to build a gaming computer and necessary peripherals.

>> No.218156
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>I have studied this particular field

>> No.218189

wait, why do you think you need a video capture card to capture the stream from a game playing on a pc? You can just do that with free software.
the only reason you would need a capture card is to record from and EXTERNAL source like a gaming console.
>tfw op hasn't studied this field at all

>> No.218194


Just sent you £200, that should get you started :--)

>> No.218199

>I'm not a retard

You're asking for money to fund a lets play youtube channel, you're a fucking moron

>> No.218326

>I'm not a retard
>Goes on 4chan asking for free money to fund some stupid YouTube channel
>I'm not a retard

Protip: You're a huge one.

>> No.218340

You laugh, but actually Youtube is a lucrative area of business if you know what you're doing. The money is more in operating within the networks that own channels, though, and that's only if you can get involved with a large network that owns a lot of channels.

OP doesn't have potential, though. The "Let's Play" thing has gotten huge due to a trick of Google's SEO systems, where if a video was watched for longer it was more likely to be promoted at the top of all search results. This meant that "Let's Play" videos, which are more easily produced than, say, an original cartoon, are watched for a full half hour and were more likely to be promoted.

However, the days of taking advantage of that system has passed. "Let's Plays" have saturated the site and are the single greatest contributor to bandwidth on Youtube, which is why it's become so attractive for Google to use Content ID to seize revenue on those videos.

I mean, I could genuinely go on about the money and business aspects of operating a network or channel on Youtube, but I don't know if anyone is interested since both unstable and a creative market that hasn't yet been locked into a static business model.

The lack of static model is the reason it's growing so fast and attracting so many people, but to investors it's incredibly risky and I wouldn't advise unless you're getting an advertising deal from someone who already has a good viewership base.

>> No.218344

>if you know what you're doing
You're going on 4chan asking for free handouts. You should have been banned by now because you broke the rules.

You obviously don't know what the fuck you're doing.

Reported for begging. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.218348

I'm not OP, you idiot.

Also, it's against the rules to tell everyone you reported someone.

>> No.218375

Sent ;)

>> No.218561

This is gold, this is the funniest thread on 4chan.

>> No.218566

If you have no capital willing to invest in something, why would anybody else.

>> No.218731

Why do you need a $2000 PC to start LPing. I did a few let's plays back when o was in highschool playing emulated games. My equipment? A dell dimension 2600 my parents gave me. Had a pentium 4 and geforce 6300 (if I remember correctly). It couldnt play the latest games, so I played emulated SNES and gameboy games. I found the shittiest $5 mic and starting screen capturing.

You dont need expensive anything to get started in most businesses, especially in LPing, the barrier of entry is extremely low. If your serious try playing a game from your childhood on your laptop, which can most definitely handle something from the 90s/early 2000's. Before you come begging, really make sure you have what it takes.

Also if you're wondering, I don't LP anymore, its not worth the work for the money you get, and it takes forever to get even to like 100subs. It might be worth the effort of you really like it and don't care about the money (obviously not you), but that time could be spent working a real job, with real pay.

TL;DR? You dont need a $2k gayman machine to make shitty gaming videos, LPing is time consuming, its hard to gain a YouTube following in a short period of time, and YouTube is not very profitable until you reach pewdiepie levels.

>> No.220946


>> No.220962

>Obviously I don't want to discuss that here
Ah, I get it... You want to discuss it in bed. I'll be waiting for you on my bed with a sack of cash, pretty boy. ;) <3~

>> No.220963

Fucking sold.

Sent ;)

>> No.220990

1. Theres over 10000 of those (literally)
2. You have 4 years experience. Ha.
3. So nothing because you are underage and don't understand investment

>> No.221010

If OP was serious he would post a video of what he's capable of, then reasons why having a new PC would improve his content.

Looks like he wants this PC just to even get started, meaning he has no drive, and no potential. He just wants a new PC to play games all day on while not working

>> No.221018

This is why I can't even eat salad anymore.