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21675297 No.21675297 [Reply] [Original]

i fudged some numbers on my taxes, especially my expenses so that the amount owed is lowered. i called the IRS and ask for my payment bill and the guy asked "the question is why do you owe money, you're an Uber driver." what do you think he meant by it? he seems kinda nosy. i'm little paranoid now. you think he's going to review my filing and notice my sketched numbers?

>> No.21675389

Yes, enjoy jail.

>> No.21675411

The mileage write off uber/delivery drivers get is huge, and most people who do those jobs are really stupid and really bad at them so they end up writing off more than they even earned

>> No.21675614

i didn't write off more than earned that's why i had to pay some back. you think i'm in the clear? you think he's just curious why i owe money as Uber driver when many other Uber drivers don't pay any tax? i just don't want to get audited

>> No.21675672
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Probably not based off the phone call, but the NSA agent reading this post will likely flag you for review. Between the two of them you are likely screwed. What is the current penalty for tax evasion/fraud I wonder (and that is exactly what willfully lying on your taxes is, which you have just openly admitted you have done). Possibly a rather large fine and/or a jail sentence up to 5 years?
>Hope your using a reliable VPN

>> No.21675780

yeah he probably meant it more in a joking way like "it's surprising you owe money as an uber driver since most uber drivers get completely fucked in the ass (ie. their business expenses/vehicle depreciation greatly outweighs what they actually earn)"

>> No.21675987

You also know that nearly all the exchanges will provide them with the records of your trades and the banks will notify them of large external transfers into your account right?
These all come up as flags. Dude was probably being a bro and trying to give you the opportunity to admit it and avoid the penalty.
Too late for that now though I guess.
Anyway, how much tax have you stolen from old uncle sam to make you feel this worried?

>> No.21676016

thanks. yeah, hope so. i answered "uh, that's what my tax guy said i owe" and tried to quickly move on to next topic/question i had for him. lol, i probably should have answered "i need to find a better tax guy next time"

>> No.21676174

if i were to guess...if i didn't fudge the numbers i would have had to pay like $20K in tax but since i fudged the numbers i only pay like $8K. i should be OK, right?

>> No.21676422

Well shit, why do you owe so much? Crypto gains?

>> No.21676834

shit, i don't know, very "little" crypto gains like only $500
shit i really need to find a better tax guy next time
think i really made about $80K taxable income
but my tax guy was able to cut it down to around $50K taxable income and so i had to pay about $8K in tax
you think this is reasonable?

>> No.21677123
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>being this worried about 500 bucks in gainz
nigga just log out, i have 200k gainz in crypto alone

>> No.21677270
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>> No.21677377

most likely no, but maybe yes. For what its worth almost everyone fudges numbers a little bit on their taxes. Its not like you'll go to jail over $12k more owed in an absolute worst case scenario, they'll just say you have to pay it.