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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 618x565, Screenshot 2020-08-20 at 11.18.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21674769 No.21674769 [Reply] [Original]

XRP declared NOT a security...

SHIT going down now!



>> No.21674787

Yeah I'm thinking we are close

>> No.21674817


So sad all the 2 year bagholders are going to be rekt again...

Big whales opening SHORTS now.

Going to be a massive drama.

>> No.21674857

>xrp is not a security
>live stream goes down

oh wow

>> No.21674903
File: 276 KB, 1080x1874, Screenshot_20200820-185135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to make him win

>> No.21674929


hahaha wanna cover up the "bad" news...

this is perhaps the biggest scam of the year.

>> No.21674951

What does this security mean? Europoor here

>> No.21674989

Can't tell if you're just a retard or trying to prevent people from being rich

>> No.21675015


>> No.21675017


means "unacceptable"


Explain me this bad news again?

>> No.21675025

This is bullish for XRP you fucking mongoloids

>> No.21675048

Why would anybody short the fucking bottom, especially when it's declared not a security, it means regulatory clarity for xrp, literally fucking bullish brainlet.

>> No.21675061


>> No.21675069

being a security was a bad thing a while ago? lol wtf is this

>> No.21675074

Wait, you are saying your post is bearish? You stupid fuck are you blind?

>> No.21675078

xrp is a dumpster fire
but if you're calling short you need to post the screenshot of your position
otherwise this is another LARPbear thread
nocoiners coming here and LARPing as bears is the worst fucking shitpost on the board

>> No.21675095


>Ripple donates 500K to his campaign
>XRP is not a security!

Wow so surprised. Guess what, Ripple can’t bribe the judge. Bribing irrelevant goons to say it isn’t has no legal weight.

>> No.21675138

see you at 20 hahahhaa


>> No.21675237

You forgot to 00 you stupid fuck.
I get that this thread is reverse fud, but it's still annoying

>> No.21675272


don't be a cry baby.

sell now xrp sir

>> No.21675310
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>paper hands being shaken of their XRP right before the switch flip

>> No.21675392

Xrp not being a security is bullish you fucking retards

IYKYK. But obviously none of you know

>> No.21675461

There are still 30 cents to drop for ripple. Plenty of room for shorts.

>> No.21675499

That is good news you retard

>> No.21675557

XRP is a shitcoin ..yet how do you all think this is bearish? It’s good for them that it’s not considered a security.

>> No.21675634
File: 12 KB, 461x345, Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right into my hands.

>> No.21675688

>posting random twitter faggot
What does it bring to this conversation?

>> No.21675930
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 3c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped so I can repost this EOY when nothing has happened. Based retard.

>> No.21676010

Remember the prophets predict one big dump before the grand pump to shake out all weak hands. Watch for it and buy accordingly.

>> No.21676050


a security is a a tradable asset of any kind. like a stock or a currency. it means everyone thinks xrp is a shitcoin except you guys.

>> No.21676076

Let these thick skulls figure it out at $50 $XRP

>> No.21676087

it could also be a scam to hold the last worthless bags

>> No.21676131

So if it is not a tradable asset ?
What is it ?
Because to me, everything is tradable

>> No.21676192

>Implying the system isn't corrupt as fuck
This is incredibly bullish, you need to be more Jewish

>> No.21676194

yes, you can trade dildos amongst your friends for their value. if you owe your friend $50 you can give him your dragon xxl instead, as it has a value of $50. but major financial trade will never be done in dildos. same with xrp.

>> No.21676195
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>> No.21676196

Then sell! i don't care

>> No.21676263
File: 26 KB, 311x302, EE2436yUwAA7h8l~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...

>> No.21676283

It means xrp is a currency you invalid.

>> No.21676340

Anon, you're... retarded. A security is an asset like a banknote or a stock. Mr. crypto congress himself doesn't even think xrp is a security, he laughed about it.

>> No.21676347

good, it's not a security, get ready for the switch, xrp is a currency bitches.
xrp the standard

>> No.21676414

So fucking dumb lol. What else can you expect from a Chainlink board tho.

>> No.21676458
File: 60 KB, 699x485, pepe pondering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what that means. When will the fedniggers finally admit that cryptocurrencies are currencies, and what implication would this have in terms of regulation/tax/etc

>> No.21676470

securities are like bonds you fucking idiot, not currency. you trade a bond (security) for currency (not security)

>> No.21676539

Ripples are the digital equivalent to Pogs, according to the United State Government

>> No.21676668

lol OP kys you absolute fucking moron, holy shit LINKies on literal suicide watch

>> No.21676683


>> No.21676737
File: 275 KB, 618x565, 1597945696534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the United States, a security is a tradable financial asset of any kind. Securities are broadly categorized into: debt securities (e.g., banknotes, bonds and debentures) equity securities (e.g., common stocks)

>> No.21676752
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 34E8F854-85C7-4BB0-995D-7A201AF9A041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking cringe lord this is the whole premise of the lawsuit. It’s not a security it’s a commodity and a currency. Thanks for the shill article you fucking brainlet you should’ve known this was going to happen.

>> No.21676841

September 1st is when it replaces Swift according to that bald british guy on a webcam

>> No.21676866

ofc it´s not a security
it´s the standard
honestly, there is not stopping now, we will make it

>> No.21676902

*checks the price*

>> No.21676979

It's literally going up lmao

>> No.21676986

This entire thread is XRP Bagholders trying to FUD other XRP Bagholders, while XRP Bagholders try to shill to XRP Bagholders >>21674769

>> No.21677006

Banknotes =/= currencies, dumbass

>> No.21677007
File: 27 KB, 811x220, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't wan't XRP being a security because then it would be much more difficult for it to be used for it's intended purpose, different regulations etc. The value of XRP would come from pic related (#4 on the howey test of what classifies as a security currently). It doesn't pass this test because it's price is not actively being promoted/influenced by Ripple, but would rise depending on the number of participants in it's ecosystem. Hence all the fuss about 2k EOY if all banks adopted it once it's confirmed not to be a security. This is the reason the determination is such a big deal in the minds of people that hold XRP.

>> No.21677013

You don’t understand neoliberalism, huh?

>> No.21677033


>> No.21677113
File: 76 KB, 860x866, Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 2.49.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making it

>> No.21677125
File: 639 KB, 804x608, Screenshot_20200731-185640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best FUD /biz/ has to offer? If XRP was ruled a security that would be a BAD thing. The XRP community has always been hoping it would be ruled not a security. We want XRP to be a currency, not a security. Holy shit, you zoomers man.

What is wrong with you retards?

>> No.21677195

When you are done replying fud to your other id that is shilling to another fake fud

>> No.21677369

gen xer parents taught by a terrible school system

>> No.21677599

Alright, plebbit

>> No.21678364

>but major financial trade will never be done in dildos. same with xrp.
Dildo backed cryptocurrency wen?

>> No.21678784


>> No.21678945

The the fuck are you on about, did you watch the video? It is a security, he is very clear that this is a personal stance of his. This is not the official stance and he is unable to convince his peers. They consider it a security, this is absolutely bearish.

>> No.21679046

yeah you'll eat those words end of august after the case turns out to be it's not a security.
FUD harder faggot bitch