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File: 47 KB, 550x407, 1597749150147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21673518 No.21673518 [Reply] [Original]

You NEET gamblers will NEVER understand hard work and dedication.

>> No.21673542

So that's how goyim look like

>> No.21673547
File: 17 KB, 228x221, 1552085252403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right i don't understand it

why work hard when I can just buy shitcoins and make 3x the average salary in a few months

>> No.21673588

>former golem of israel
>turbo wageslave
>love jews
The absolute state of the USA

>> No.21673594

what a fucking wageslave cuck. First he bends over to the state and feeds a warmachine that cucks other countries which in return makes that shitholes which makes for immigrants/refugees which fuck up your home country with PTSD due to drone strikes and bombings, while you are also shell shocked and PTSD'd. and then you cuck yourself so hard that you don't wagecuck once but twice, for 60-70 hours a week only so you could go to college and learn how to be a wagecuck for a company.

disgusting. just killyourself.

>> No.21673596

Then lose it all and post a pink wojack

>> No.21673637

>"Former marine"
Once a marine always a marine
> not using the GI bill for college
He deserves to be a wage slave

>> No.21673650

why would you work hard, when you can just speculate on growth assets instead?

limit your expenses and invest your savings - you too can be independently wealthy in the long run!

>> No.21673667

what comes around comes around bro

>> No.21673672


>> No.21673762

I sold at $19.5 and re-invested into the next LINK

>> No.21673763

Funny how they use their chosen profession as leverage in a debate as if they would go back and do it again for free.

>> No.21673777

I would kill myself in his position but he doesnt have the sentience to realize how subhuman he is.

>> No.21673810

Seethe wagecuck

>> No.21674059

a decade of hardwork will net you some amazing skills and will build your body boglike

>> No.21674107

why are you retards so mad at this? you do realize if people like this didn't exist, no one would make it? Be glad that there are people destined to slave for life so you don't have to.

You should be happy for this guy who found his true calling in life, if you can be happy from slaving for life then good for you.

>> No.21674125


Hard work destroys your body.

A neet that does a couple hours of casual excercise a few times a week will look better than 90% of workers, and be healthier too.

>> No.21674152

yep this is one of the worst mentalities
>my life is just work with nothing in return
>i dont blame these responsible
>im proud to finanze that system
>if youre not doing the same youre worthless

>> No.21674188

Post body

>> No.21674189

thats what you think
go arm wrestle against a neet who works out how you say, and against a hard working MAN who hard works the same timeframe that neet bob "worked out"

>> No.21674205

Checked and redpilled

>> No.21674239


>> No.21674257

at least i'm not as ugly as he is

>> No.21674292
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>> No.21674393

Checked and heil'd fuck the juice

>> No.21674506

this indeed is a dumb goyim, you can just see it in his face

>> No.21674610

why does his face look like that

>> No.21674702


>> No.21674753

>Former Maine
Never-served confirmed

>> No.21674763

Imagine wage slaving for Israel for half the minimum wage and 50% more hours for 8 years and still not have enough to meet out for a decade?

>> No.21674765

Probably loves Israel as well.

>> No.21674797


This is false consciousness. This man is a member of the working class and doesn't understand how capital valorizes to perpetuate itself, and the role of worker exploitation necessary for that to happen. What a colossal cuck to not realize why he is suffering and instead to take perverse pride in it.

>> No.21674862

>I was too stupid to figure out how to beat the game
>t. guy in the pic

>> No.21674876

I have understood it and this mentality. The business of trading to non-traders is almost what 4chan is to non-4chan users. It's a bogey man and a dangerous scam. And I am sure they perpetuate that belief just like we like to keep our secret public forum reddit free. The workers of the world have been taught to not trust easy money, and have no idea how it works. They do not know where their money goes when they put it towards their retirement, they do not know where it goes when they put it in a bank.

>> No.21674907
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>> No.21674916
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That's sad man.

>> No.21675039


The funny thing about Marx is that Kapital never takes any explicit moralistic stance on capitalism. It's not til the communist manifesto where Engels is a co-author that there is a moralistic tone calling for workers to unite against the exploitation by capitalism. Kapital is 100% a detached analysis of why the emergence of capitalism was an inevitable historical event, how it works, and how it relies on exploitation of workers on a systemic level to create profit. If anything, it reads more like a proto-get-rich-quick book for aspiring industrialists. Even if you're someone who would love to benefit from capitalism and own a for-profit business with employees, Kapital is an excellent way to streamline the process of getting rich

>> No.21675052

this article claims otherwise though

the lazy ants actually start working when they really have to

>> No.21675206
File: 56 KB, 960x717, 1597449011943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are not bright enough to understand macroeconomics, or central banking.
Most adults don't even know what an index fund is, much less a treasury bond.
Sure, plenty of people march around complaining about the "elites". They don't know much about it though. That's why they put their solutions (ideologies) ahead of the problems. Lower Taxes and small government, full on communism, just work hard bro, etc.
Most people don't have the time nor capacity for thinking empirically. But "solutions" are marketed en masse.
You've got a population that doesn't know what the problems are, because it's too hard for them to figure that out. But they're damn willing to invest emotionally in a solution.
There are even the university midwit types who get their knowledge from Youtube pundits. They think they're superior for looking for some problems, but actually fall into the same conundrum. They seek out problems that validate their predetermined solution. Rather than, seeking out a problem and constructing a solution to fit.

>> No.21675244

I am surely no shitskin and least of all one that see cows as holy

>> No.21675271

Why wouldn’t you blame Wall Street? Boomers never had to do any of that. They skated by through life with strong unions and far less outsourcing. A decline in quality of life compared to the prior generation isn’t normal.

>> No.21675300
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have you not done the needful yet sir??

>> No.21675318

Especially since technology should made it so that we can work less for the same result

>> No.21675369
File: 8 KB, 246x250, 1593044729795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a slave and i'm proud

>> No.21675378

post benis

>> No.21675386

What a fuckin retard.

"I pay niggers to fuck my wife. God bless the USA"

>> No.21675407
File: 12 KB, 240x362, Karl Marx_Bawerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kapital is 100% a detached analysis of why the emergence of capitalism was an inevitable historical event, how it works, and how it relies on exploitation of workers on a systemic level to create profit.
Too bad it was filled with contraditions, and was refuted by Bohm Bawerk, Mises and others.
Imagine being dumb enough to believe in the labor theory of value.

>This man is a member of the working class and doesn't understand how capital valorizes to perpetuate itself, and the role of worker exploitation necessary for that to happen.
Why do you communists still believe in debunked theories.
Under socialism or communism this man would be much poorer.
Kill yourself you absolute bootlicker.
Fuck central banking and fuck socialism.

>> No.21675447

Ich bin kein Inder ich bin Deutscher
proof: ßöüä

>> No.21675468
File: 339 KB, 399x433, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do socialist bootlickers AND magatards still worship central banking and government intervention?

Why do they enjoy wageslaving?

>> No.21675518

>higher living standards

LOL I just realized, you samefagged and didn't realize we have IDs here.
Go back to leftypol cuck.

>> No.21675541

Yes, higher living standards.

>> No.21675633

There is no corelation between the rate of union membership and higher living standards.
We only had slightly higher union membership in the 50s(30% instead of the 10% we have now). The higher living standards back then were due to us having a much freer market, we were still on a semi-gold standard, the government spent much less, taxes were lower(yes, they were, check tax receipts, the high tax 50s was a myth), less government intervention in general.
To claim that we had higher living standards back then because unionism was 20% more than today is laughable.

>> No.21675739
File: 237 KB, 1239x797, 1597884353433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asked, i answered

you're lucky i have dropped as many hints as i did sir, will makings many rupee

>> No.21675758
File: 12 KB, 480x360, w34t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we are living in the era that followed the revolt of capital.
Centralization of influence allows people to play the game. On one side, you have the "right wing", on the other side the "left". Both are beholden to an increasingly centralized capital. As that grows, so too does the influence of the majority wane. We can still vote, but we have little capital to back up that ballot. Corruption grows, as does clientelism. Media focuses on social issues that are of little actual relevance, and the people are either already or being to be disarmed. Without either access to violence or capital to back up our ballots, we are window-dressing for our democracy. A gradual return to serfdom, the nature of things before the weirdness of the 20th century.

>> No.21675794

lul ty

>> No.21675820

based and checked

>> No.21675830

The only solution to this problem is to abolish central banking.
This problem is going to solve itself as the US dollar crashes and everything changes.
We're just going to get poorer and poorer until this happens.

>> No.21675877
File: 1.95 MB, 1215x7375, 2689F51D-2560-460F-9865-9E9BB7C1C2A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked, Austrian.

>> No.21675890

>That thousand yard goyim stare

>> No.21675948

Damn, based and highIQpilled

You nailed my uni experience very well. I used to be that guy who watch documentary and history, thought I was the smartest guy in the room. Turns out, I was stupid. After I frequent biz, I know what to learn now.

>> No.21676003

Imagine working two jobs, neither of them offering health insurance and being too dumb to get your own insurance on the side.

>> No.21676099
File: 1.87 MB, 1145x1066, Saerenagrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central banking is the big issue as it facilitates the standard of investments outpacing acquisition of personal wealth, but the alternatives are far from agreed upon.
The real concern I have is that it could be a much worse serfdom. Previously, serfdom was moderated by social and family systems of shared culture. In the future, saturated by postmodernism, this will not be the case.

The youtube pundits really bug me. I feel bad for people who watch them and think that this is any different from their boomer parents consuming talking heads on CNN and FOX.

>> No.21676122
File: 51 KB, 753x485, 1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and die you easily confused keynesian brainlet.
We're literally living in your system, in 1971 we got off the gold standard which started this entire mess. Now we have endless government spending, endless debt, endless currency debasement and massive poverty.
YOUR system has failed.

>> No.21676160

I think you might be retarded. You think 3x more union membership is a small amount? Also, tax rates were low on middle class but very high on the wealthy, like 70%. However, the biggest contributors to prosperity were the fact that the us dollar became the reserve currency of the world and nearly every other developed country on earth was destroyed in ww2. We didnt have any competitors.

>> No.21676173
File: 210 KB, 1024x576, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the alternatives are far from agreed upon.
The alternatives are going back to free banking, back when we had massive levels of production and living standards for the working class were constantly rising.

>> No.21676214
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, 1475005566291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you replied to the wrong person.

>> No.21676286

Seething Austrian. Austrian don’t believe in data or math, so no surprise that you’ll overlook it. They literally just use assumptions and are never willing to adjust their claims based on data.

Your hero Hayek was in favor of central banks, by the way.

>> No.21676382

>You think 3x more union membership is a small amount?
When you start off at 10%, yes.

Why in the 50s were living standards still high for the 70% of people who were not in unions?
Real wages were high because america was a massive goods producing nation, was on a gold standard, spent a lot less, less regulations, taxes etc
Unions only contributed to us being outcompeted, among other things(central banking and endless government)

>Also, tax rates were low on middle class but very high on the wealthy, like 70%.
Wrong, these taxes only applied if you made the equivalent of 10 million dollars in today's currency. The vast majority of small and medium sized business owners paid very little tax. Those who made more than 10 mil had endless loopholes/deductions and they hardly paid any of those taxes.

>However, the biggest contributors to prosperity were the fact that the us dollar became the reserve currency
Which was their own downfall.
They only became reserve currency because they were on a gold standard and weren't debasing their currency, this entire thing changed and it's the reason we're so poor now and don't produce anything.

>> No.21676438

Question for Americans as I honestly do not know.
Was the rust-belt called that during it's heydey?
Or is that a post-decline thing?

>> No.21676481

I love like you all projecting think that you are smarter than 90% of population:
>muh be a fucking miserable neet and dont work bro lmao

Maybe he is happy working his ass of like a slave. Maybe that s how he feels belonging to this world thru working. You assume that he is miserable because you are miserable neets who only spits venom on mongolian weaving basket forum. Fuck you pathetic niggers who think that working hard is something shame. Mentally you are cynical jews. You hate jews because you are not them.

>> No.21676550
File: 581 KB, 2160x2520, austkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seething Austrian.
lmao, you're seething over the fact I'm correct you dumb bootlicker.
I love how gold/silver are surging and the US dollar is crashing. We're getting proven right YET AGAIN. Watch the next 6-12 months when living standards in USA get much worse and people can barely afford food. You'll probably be happy about it because you're a central bank bootlicker.
> Austrian don’t believe in data or math
Yes they do lmao this is the most shallow criticism ever, you people grasp for straws.
Austrians use math when it actually corresponds to real things, keynesians/MMTers just make up fake variables that are based on nothing.
You people think capital is homogeneous lmao you're dumb.

>Your hero Hayek was in favor of central banks
Hayek isn't our hero, Mises was. Hayek was an overly pragmatic sell-out who just copied Mises' works.

>> No.21676658
File: 96 KB, 545x660, moremould2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually agree with you.
I mean, I still think it's kinda sad but you're right. There are people of lukewarm IQ who enjoy laboring. They think they're doing something of value and that's good. I've worked in the service industry and I've met them. They find purpose within their limitations and that's good.

>> No.21676673


>> No.21676749

Magatards are dumb because they defend the current central bank dystopia we live under and think it's natural or something.

They hate free markets with a passion.

>> No.21676793

>I would kill myself in his position but he doesnt have the sentience to realize how subhuman he is.
You're so awesome and alpha anon

>> No.21676828

Post body Chad NEET

>> No.21676937

oy vey

>> No.21677052


>> No.21677085

based and biaspilled

Is there any good compromise, do you think, between independently motivated unbiased research, problemfinding and problemsolving (which verges nearer to 'truth' but is essentially a full time job, with no guarantee of a material or even psychological payoff at the end of the journey) and consuming prefiltered media/infostreams (which is easy but obviously subject to being fed bad intel, see: all news outlets, most youtubers/bloggers and seemingly most science outlets as well these days)

I feel increasingly like if I am not up to the task of dropping everything in favor of fulltime truthseeking (and I'm not, because I would like to have a life and relationships and other hobbies and etc), then I should probably just veer to the other extreme and claim ignorance on all matters big and small, because the middle ground of trying to be informed but taking shortcuts seems in fact like the most disastrous option. And I think it is risible that so many people on the internet are certain they have converged on the truth of all things because they spend 15 minutes a day listening to joe rogan or digesting infographics they found on pol or whatever.

>> No.21677119

Agreed, the world needs ditch diggers and somebody has to cook my French fries.

>> No.21677196

>I am broke. And will end up at Les Schwab selling tires because I never learned the difference between working hard and working smart

>> No.21677213

Based and checked

>> No.21677229

Wow. How'd you get so wise being an uneducated NEET? Is it The History Channel?

>> No.21677244

Then he can keep it to himself instead of vrtue signal about it on social medias and expecting praise, faggot.

>> No.21677252

ah yes I also love working for ze jews

>> No.21677263

>Based and checked
Fat NEET shit support group checking in.

>> No.21677320

Yup. Someone needs to shine my shoes and I'd prefer if they were happy doing it. I'd feel bad if the guy plunging the toilet after I'm done hated his job. Maybe the Jews are right a race of low IQ mud people would be happier as slaves

>> No.21677604

Fucking gross. Is /biz/ really full of autistic arrogant NEETs?

>> No.21677655
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KEK we'd be better off under monke rule

>> No.21677755

It's hard making 80k this week in defi and then read this op and want to work two full-time jobs at min wage to earn maybe 60 k this year.

>> No.21677851
File: 209 KB, 1000x668, 1596829031561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solution to this problem is to free the market.

>> No.21678030

Jews, I just want to say, congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.21678239

who are you?

>> No.21678284

>It's hard making 80k this week in defi and then read this op and want to work two full-time jobs at min wage to earn maybe 60 k this year
For some people, being of value to society is rewarding.

>> No.21678369

>who are you?
Someone who admires the courage NEETs have to be themselves in the world. I promised myself I wouldn't cry but you guys are such an inspiration.

>> No.21678385

>claim ignorance on all matters big and small,
But that's exactly what people should do if they are to evaluate problems properly. Avoid the emotional answers, and don't pay attention to things that aren't important to you. Reduce cognitive load.
Not everyone has the time nor capacity for this. That's just reality.

>> No.21678541

We'll soon see how much "value" they have when their unskilled manual labor jobs are taken over by robots.

>> No.21678571

Serious question, how many of you are NEETs? I find you guys pretty gross.

>> No.21678597

If we had a free market, this would only reduce prices for everyone else. But we don't so central banks just inflate away any gains we would be receiving from automation.

>> No.21678611

>their unskilled manual labor
NEETs don't work.

>> No.21678661

Yeah except 99% of neets are fat fucks who sit at home all day stuffing their holes and shitting nonstop

>> No.21678727

Reread what you replied to
Also you seem assblasted by NEETS. You're on /biz/, bro. Get used to their presence.

>> No.21678775

Austrians literally don’t use math, dude. That’s why your “school” is universally ignored. It’s not scientific and is as heterodox as Marxism. You “use” math when it fits your ideology.

>> No.21678812

>people not being able to afford food in America
Mild starvation would actually do most Americans some good. (((They))) will make sure to keep us satiated with poisonous food that keeps us fat and sluggish.

>> No.21678815

Checked and kekked.

>> No.21679031

>jarhead grunt bragging about being bilked by the system

>> No.21679132

Wow. Sisyphus found time to write.

>> No.21679365

that man is literally Mr. Shekelberg's wet dream. The perfect, most goodest goy.

>> No.21679445

>Austrians literally don’t use math, dude.
They DO use math you fucking liar. They only use math when its necessary to use math. They don't just pull shit out of their ass and throw it into math equations like other schools do.
See the image I posted and cope harder.

>That’s why your “school” is universally ignored.
It's ignored because the government, corporations and elites benefit from YOUR schools of economics you dumb keynesian/MMTer.

>You “use” math when it fits your ideology.
That's keynesianism to a Tee.
lol you think capital is homogeneous
You people don't even believe in using logic in economics, logic is purer than math.

>> No.21679473
File: 252 KB, 785x1000, 1574481935863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love like you all projecting think that you are smarter than 90% of population:
>>muh be a fucking miserable neet and dont work bro lmao
>Maybe he is happy working his ass of like a slave. Maybe that s how he feels belonging to this world thru working. You assume that he is miserable because you are miserable neets who only spits venom on mongolian weaving basket forum. Fuck you pathetic niggers who think that working hard is something shame. Mentally you are cynical jews.

>You hate jews because you are not them.

>> No.21679612
File: 10 KB, 250x173, 1596027262699s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that we ought to enslave all Barbarians to ensure a better life for the citizens of Greece

>> No.21679701

>Reread what you replied to
OK. But it's all so transparent. Being cynical and salty as a NEET about people who contribute to society. You can't trace the animosity back to insecurity and self-esteem there?

>> No.21680645


>> No.21680756

Everyone ignores it because it’s dogshit. If it were actually even remotely legitimate, you’d find some respected fringe professor who supports it. But you don’t. That’s why the only place you find Austrian advocates is on the fringe corners of the Internet.

>> No.21680837

>logic is outer than math

Sure, because all data shows how pseudoscientific the Austrian school is. I’ve posted this before and I’ll post it again:

It's closer to philosophy than actual economics. They'll start by saying " Humans act", and then deduct everything from that "axiom".

It's not empirical. While you might hear some describing the 2008 crisis with what sounds like empirical observation, an important tenet of the Austrian school is that logic > facts. Doctors used to think this way, saying that if a remedy didn't work, it was because the patient was to die anyways. We obviously now know this to be complete BS. Facts matter. Everything can't be deducted. You can't improve your understanding of what you're studying if you think you can't fail.

Hayek, while Austrian, wasn't the anarcho-capitalist many would like you to think. He was notably in favour of central banking, as was Milton Friedman. Both were called socialists by Ludwig Von Mises.

>> No.21681481

Top kek, fuck this jew

>> No.21681734

Its would be different if he gets what he deserves for his work, but he dont.
He needs to pay huge amouts to taxes and college, has to work really hard and a lot. And that so Immigrants have money and Wall Streeters get rich. And hes proud of that.

>> No.21681757

Reminder to everyone that there is no reason this guy should have to work to pay for college if he really was in the marines. One of the first things they try to sell you when recruiting is that they’ll pay for all of your higher education once you get in.
So either this guy is a larping faggot or he was dishonorable discharged and now is trying to brush that under the rug