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2167257 No.2167257 [Reply] [Original]

Why does bitcoin hate me?

>> No.2167264

grow some balls

>> No.2167268

I have balls, I just don't have infinite money.

>> No.2167272

play the long game with money your willing to lose when you purchase btc???

>step 1. Buy btc
>step 2. Think of it as a loss and hold
>step 3. ????
>step 4. profit?

>> No.2167276

you gotta go long and you gotta go hard

only a real man can satisfy

>> No.2167292

You gotta be ready to lose 20% at any point in time in the crypto game. Are you a female?

>> No.2167298

You don't need tons of money. Just fucking buy some once and don't sell like a pussy. It will always rise again greater than it fell.

>> No.2167311

Difficult to believe in the long game when there's a month of violent downtrend and tons of talk about a hardfork and whatnot.

I stuck it out through a couple of those.

>It will always rise again greater than it fell.
There's no way of knowing this.

For all we knew it could have dropped to 300 and stayed there for two-three years.

>> No.2167318

>bullish market

>> No.2167391

This isn't written in stone you know.

>> No.2167406

With the amount of bullish info on btc rn i think it is very hard to lose money on it

>> No.2167417

>violent downtrend
well it comes in waves, you would like it to only go up? that's impossible
that 'downtrand' is merely a dip in an uptrend as you can see on the chart
but don't invest in BTC now, is looks like a fucking parabole
seems like a correction like that in March is coming

>> No.2167418


it doesn't hate you, you're just a weak handed faggot who sells out at the slightest dip thinking that its the next crashening.

Learn about resistance levels and have some test-sickles.

>> No.2167420

What about all the bearish info?

This hardfork business seemed very likely to destroy bitcoin altogether.
And then there was that Chinese surprise regulation popping up in January 2017, which tanked bitcoin for years in 2013.

>> No.2167425

>Such a nice male that he cannot even hold when the money you put into crypto should be a auto lose.

>> No.2167443


You seem to be living a couple of months in the past

>> No.2167447

The point of the thread was that bitcoin misbehaves every time I get in, and simply shoots for the moon every time I'm out.

All I ever knew was little gains followed by deep drops.
And a man can only take so many of those.

I never ever experienced any moonshots.

I'm talking about a couple of months ago (among others). See pic in OP.

>> No.2167488

you literally would have ridden that climb if you hadnt be so scared

>> No.2167501

time in market > timing market

>> No.2167505

Also, I drew the OP pic wrong.

Pic related is more like it.

red = me in bitcoin, losing money
green = me out of bitcoin, bitcoin mooning

After four months of violent sideways action, it's no longer about "being scared".

>> No.2167506

You can write off btc losses on your taxes, so why are you so afraid of holding?

>> No.2167513
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Forgot pic of course.

>> No.2167536

Holy shit are you fucking pussy. Hold it. If you don't have the mental capacity to hold it for 10 years, this isn't for you.

>> No.2167555

I put down 13k, which was 1/3rd of my liquid assets at the time.

I held through weeks of violent drops, and then gave up.

At the time, it was the sensible thing to do.

Of course I should have held in hindsight, but if I had the magic of hindsight I would have bought in 2010.

The problem is simply that bitcoin moons non-stop whenever I'm not holding any.

>> No.2167559

then stay out of it so we can moon

>> No.2167568

If you want me to do you that favor, better not make me buy some out of spite.

Because it will crash when I do.

>> No.2167606

Been putting half my income into high interest bank account, should I just buy BTC with it instead?

>> No.2167607

that's the opposite of what I said. Go and buy some ETH, I barely have those

>> No.2167616

>that's the opposite of what I said

Also, I bought some ETH once, and it immediately crashed 50%.

>> No.2167628

at least once, and hold for 10+ years

I told you to not buy BTC, you said you would.
Saying you would, is the opposite of what I said.

You can keep buying ETH, if it crashes more people will flock to BTC and get BTC to $10k or something

>> No.2167631

You sound like an altcoin man. Want to buy some DGB?

>> No.2167638

You fucking idiot. The point of these coins is that you hold them through the unstable periods. Weeks are nothing in the long run and your graphs only shows 2017, one of the best years of bitcoin ever. Everyone and their mom knew that you hold, no matter what.

>> No.2167645

The problem is your a pussy because you can write off bitcoin losses in your taxes, so you literally have nothing to lose. Unless, I'm wrong in assuming you pay income taxes.

>> No.2167651

>You sound like an altcoin man
I definitely am not.

I bought some ETH once to see if it wasn't a 100% shitshow like bitcoin, but as soon as I bought some it crashed 50%. Literally within two minutes.

>I told you to not buy BTC, you said you would.
Maybe you should read what I said again.

This thread is about the fact that bitcoin moons to no end as soon as I'm not holding any.

>> No.2167661

Bitcoin doesn't moon or crash because of you, stop being so vain. You just have a talent for bad timing.

>> No.2167666

>Bitcoin doesn't moon or crash because of you
I didn't say it was because of me.

>> No.2167668

What you don't fucking understand is that you should keep holding. Why the fuck do you ever stop holding? Is it 2023 or 2027 yet? No. So keep holding you fuck.

It's like saying you keep getting Syphilis from fucking black people without a condom. Then complain you keep getting Syphilis from fucking black people without a condom...

>> No.2167681

I think he's the hand that drives the market.
You just have no faith

>> No.2167685

>What you don't fucking understand is that you should keep holding.
I'm sure people were saying this in late 2013 too.

I went through four months of violent sideways action as soon as I bought in, I never ever had any consistent gains.
It also seemed like the fundamentals were compromised with the whole fork thing.

So excuse me for not having some doubts.

It's a miracle I lasted four months.

>> No.2167686

I'm gonna be nice anon and give you some proper advice. Invest all you money in ETH (Ethereum). Forget about Bitcoin, and hold like a mofo for the next 5-10 years. HOLD.

>> No.2167688
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Thanks for the money OP, people like you lose so I can win.

>> No.2167700

You faggots are being so hostile that I have half a mind to buy some bitcoin right now and make it crash.

Fucking dare me.

>> No.2167701

>I'm sure people were saying this in late 2013 too.
And those people are crypto millionaires now.

>> No.2167715

Go ahead, I bought the dip in April. I have much more tolerance than you and once you inevitability leave BTC will moon to greater heights. We're due for a contraction anyway.

>> No.2167716

Not unless they sold at the peak.

>> No.2167735

>I bought the dip in April
So either this was your first buy-in, and you're a total noob talking shit because he got lucky


This was your most recent buy-in, meaning you yourself bought and sold a number of times, and you have no reason to scold me for doing exactly that.

Which is it, anon?

>> No.2167749

Omfg.... Do you think proper investers here buy sell/buy sell bitcoins? Those are daytraders that fuck around with wannabe coins like Reddcoins.

The people who really understand the product, keep it through fluctuations because they know implementations will be hard and inconsistent, but WILL eventually happen. Now stop pussyfooting around. For every fucktard graph of your there are dozens of people who had some balls, kept the currency and profited like a mofo. And you know what they'll do when Bitcoin or ETH drops 80% tomorrow? They'll keep their currency in their wallet till it comes back with a vengeance.

>> No.2167753

>meaning you yourself bought and sold
it doesn't mean that
it could also mean he has bought and keeps accumulating

>> No.2167761

This was your most recent buy-in, meaning you yourself bought and sold a number of times, and you have no reason to scold me for doing exactly that.

This is your problem, you assume people buy and sell their bitcoins based on short term price. Almost no one does this, except daytraders who trader in currencies other than bitcoins and that is very unpredictable. Stop buying and selling, and hold onto it.

>> No.2167785

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Bitcoin crashed in late 2013, this was my only point.

If April was merely his latest buy-in, it would've made much more sense to talk about his earlier buy-ins than the April """dip""".

>> No.2167790

the point is that you assume he is selling
he is telling you that he just buys and buys and buys and keeps holding more and more

>> No.2167798

If April was merely his latest buy-in, it would've made much more sense to talk about his earlier buy-ins than the April """dip""".

>> No.2167958

I just decided to buy some bitcoin again.

Let's see what happens.

>> No.2168061
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I would be lying if I said I held BTC and just sat on it. I converted most of it to altcoins, but I never cashed out into fiat.

>> No.2168085

>tfw correction

>> No.2168089
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>I would be lying if I said I held BTC and just sat on it

Then we are the same, you and I.

Except I get reamed the second I buy in, and am left to see the rocket fly straight for the moon the second I exit.

>> No.2168095
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In fact, after my first buy BTC also crashed, but unlike you I didn't convert back to fiat in a panic.

>> No.2168097


>> No.2168112
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Except I don't convert to fiat and altcoins generally rise with BTC.

>> No.2168135

>Except I don't convert to fiat
Zero difference.

>> No.2168162
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>Zero difference.
stay poor fag, I'm done giving you advice.

>> No.2168172

This thread is about getting in and out of bitcoin.

Not about making money in general.
I'm making plenty of money with my job.

>> No.2168208
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>get into bitcoin
>four months of violent up and down, basically going sideways
>get back out
>bitcoin moons 100% with virtually zero resistance in two months

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.2168882

I didn't actually buy any lol.

>> No.2168908

>buy BTC
>don't sell them for deprecated Yellencoins
what's so hard about it you fucking mongs?

>> No.2168924
File: 1.42 MB, 1297x3600, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking pussy. If you are not on this because you understand the game theory and what bitcoin means in the world, don't get involved because you'll get smoked.
Stick to wagecucking and AMD stock.

>> No.2168946

>I have balls,

>I dont invest because the outcome isn't written in stone

Pick one

>> No.2168965

Advice: Expand your time horizon. Easiest way to reduce risk.

>> No.2168978

I know about bitcoin and am a firm believer.

I also know that there are many things that need to be ironed out, things that may even tank the whole thing completely.

The point is that I went through 4 months of violent ups and downs, only to see bitcoin shoot straight for the moon as soon as I got out, and then sputter like crazy the second I try to dip my toe back in, and then shoot straight back up as soon as I get out again.

>I dont invest because the outcome isn't written in stone
That's not what I said.
After all, I did invest knowing full well nothing was written in stone.

>> No.2169010

>The point is that I went through 4 months of violent ups and downs BLAH BLAH BLAH
the point is you're a pussy and you shouldn't sell.
It's not a fucking loss until you fucking cash out.

>> No.2169023

You sound like a badass and I'm intimidated by you.

>> No.2169031

>I bought high and sold low, why does bitcoin hate me?

Never change /biz/.

>> No.2169043

just admit you fucked up, don't blame the coin, blame yourself, and accept you lost money.
This is the only way to learn

>> No.2169050

Calm down.

I'm simply pointing out the frustrating turn of events.

>> No.2169065


You're supposed to buy and HOLD for the long term and ignore all the bad news from the naysayers, you weak willed faggot

>> No.2169081


But it's very unfortunate that I got in at the worst possible time, and ended up getting frustrated enough after four months of this shit to get out at the worst possible time.

Is all I'm saying.

>> No.2169182

>This thread is about getting in and out of bitcoin.
>Not about making money in general

So why the fuck are you even remotely interested in gettin in?
Your hobby is losing money?

>> No.2169195

Because I didn't expect to get caught up in the biggest, longest shitshow bitcoin experienced since the late 2013 crash.

>> No.2169212

So what did you expect?
You already said it isn't thread about making money.

>> No.2169225

I didn't expect the second-worst period in bitcoin history to start days after I first bought bitcoin.

>> No.2169267

>bitcoin inflation vs. time
Where did you get that graph?

Also IMO bitcoin is closer to commodity like gold rather than currency.

>> No.2169298

>Where did you get that graph?
Literally google it.

>> No.2169327

It's not that Bitcoin hates you, it's just that you hate money, that's all.

Better get it sorted anon.

>> No.2169414
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>all eggs must be in 1 basket at all times

I ordered few ounces of gold today, paid with Bitcoin.

>> No.2169502

>all eggs must be in 1 basket at all times
Never said that, but the more you even the odds, the greater the odds of breaking even.

>> No.2169579

Nnnnow I bought some.

Let's see what happens next.

>> No.2169581

i got a few grand and waiting for an dip to buy in BTC. Should I keep waiting or just buy ETH?

>> No.2169802

Instantly dipped 20 bucks lmao.

>> No.2170015

Just hold onto it until it goes up quite a bit

Honestly when you're investing in things like these you really should just do so with money you don't really care about, that way even if you buy just before a crash it doesn't bother you that much to hold through it in hopes that it will rise again.

>> No.2170025

You have to trade with confidence. If market fluctuations are enough to scare you off, you shouldn't be trading. If you think it's going up, STICK TO YOUR DAMN GUNS.

>> No.2170065

Yeah, that's a lesson I learned the hard way.

I started out with 3k, and seeing how it did well I dropped another 10k, and that's when the shtf.

And honestly incurring a loss on that 13k I wouldn't have bothered me so much if I wasn't also buying a house.

At least I did well in that regard: 30k net profit selling my current house, and buying a new house 100k below market value (according to bank-appointed appraiser).

It's not the fluctuations I'm scared of, it's crashes and downtrends.

>> No.2170140

stop day trading if you suck at it

>> No.2170145

Wasn't day trading. Just trying to avoid getting sucked into the abyss.

>> No.2170247

DOo you even did any research before you get into this game? Or you just jump right in?

>> No.2170262

I did research this, yes.

I knew for instance that bitcoin had a steep bubble lasing a few weeks in late 2013, followed by a steep drop, and that by early 2017 bitcoin had been steadily increasing for about 1.5 years and was therefore in a strong bull market.

>> No.2170273

Dropped over 60 buck by now.


>> No.2170298



>> No.2170319


Do it. I wanna buy the dip

>> No.2170321

Do you did any research beside what happened to bitcoin? Do you know how to invest and how to speculate? Do you even set any goal with bitcoin investments?

Do you even know what you're doing? Because your actions seems erratic and clueless.

>> No.2170325
File: 10 KB, 256x376, hand of god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't have been so hostile to me itt guys.

I told you it would come down the second I bought some bitcoin.


Now look what you made me do.

>> No.2170333

just wait you nigger the market fluctuates,wait for real movements. $100 drops/gains are the norm on btc now

>> No.2170351

>Do you know how to invest and how to speculate? Do you even set any goal with bitcoin investments?

Everyone itt just told me it's all about holding, go talk to them.

I'm just joking around.
Or am I?

>> No.2170364

You mean to say the market goes up and down??!

>> No.2170372

Not only that, but I dictate it.

>> No.2170375

All those things involve holding, not reinvesting...

>> No.2170387

>Everyone itt just told me it's all about holding, go talk to them.

Thta's my point. You have no clue, what you're doing, and you don't set any goal with what you're doing.
Why do you think this will go well if you just throw money and say "lol, whatever" without putting any thinking into it?

>> No.2170425

Holding is holding.
You might want to wait for a dip, but overall it doesn't matter unless some major event is on the horizon.

>Why do you think this will go well if you just throw money and say "lol, whatever" without putting any thinking into it?
Basically that's exactly what holding/hodling is, yes.

>> No.2170432


>buy 1 BTC
>wait for dip
>buy 2 BTC
>wait for dip
>buy 4 BTC

Eventually it goes back up and you win back every loss. Foolproof. Or you crash the entire market

>> No.2170457

The "Midas in reverse" magic that makes me dictate the market cares ONLY about making me lose money, so this wouldn't work.

Neither would making agreements with other investors about sharing the profits they make because of my market manipulations.

>> No.2170458

>Holding is holding.

Ever heard of value investing?

>> No.2170478

If bitcoin goes the way I think it might (i.e. eventual global currency status), each bitcoin will be worth millions.
So yes, I was investing based on a perceived intrinsic value.

>> No.2170502

So if you know it will have significantly more value in the future, then why the fuck did you sell it?

That's the main point from which hostility comes from ITT.

>> No.2170504

That's not what holding is you dumb fuck. It's understanding the product, team etc. And aiming to invest in a proper product, then you ignore all the bullshit fluctuation in the market for the longterm potential of the product.

Randomly choosing a currency and sticking with it isn't holding, it's going more retard than what you're currently doing.

>> No.2170511

But losing value is scary....

>> No.2170539

Because there's a chance it doesn't go the way I think it might.

Again, take it up with 99% of this thread.

In its extreme form; "holding/hodling" implies buying in and waiting until bitcoin is used as currency instead of fiat.
This in turn implies that bitcoin is still very much in its infancy, and it doesn't matter yet if you buy in a dip or at a peak; the value is supposed to multiply many times over anyway.

>> No.2170556

You don't even know what holding means while trying to lecture the rest of the thread.

Shut the fuck up and admit you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.2170566

>Because there's a chance it doesn't go the way I think it might.

So if you're unsure why did you put money on it?
Why did you just go to the casino? Hell, odds might be even more in your favor in casino that on crypto exchange.

>> No.2170570
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>Bought .01 BTC on a dip at $2000 to start getting into crypto, but haven't traded yet, waiting for a good moonride to appear

>Wake up this morning and made $35 dollars already before even trading

BTC is amazing, but unfortunately once the flippening happens, it'll crash hard. And given how much of a bull market it is and all the moonrides going on, i don't know if I can wait 2-3 more years of holding just to get x2-3 ROI when it comes back to $4000.

>> No.2170573

Why didn't*

>> No.2170591

>You don't even know what holding means while trying to lecture the rest of the thread.
I just told you what it is.

>Shut the fuck up and admit you don't know what you're doing.
I know that there was a chance bitcoin went sour over the past few months, so trying to avoid the crashes is a very sensible thing to do.
In hindsight, it was very much the wrong thing to do.

I was pretty sure, but the crashes that happened from January to end of March were savage, as was the negativity about the technical fundamentals.

>> No.2170662

>the crashes that happened from January to end of March were savage, as was the negativity about the technical fundamentals.

That doesn't matter if you'tr going fo the long run (couple of years or even decades)

You're mixing approaches of day traders with long term investors.

I can understand that you made error in judgement once, but you're putting your money for the third time. Why? Why aren't you putting any time into researchin, making plan and fucking sticking to it?

>> No.2170678

>That doesn't matter if you'tr going fo the long run
That's my point.
Shit was so brutal that I was having doubts about the long run.

>> No.2170707


>negativity about the technical fundamentals.

Speaking about this, what do Coin HODLers say about the technical issues of Bitcoin like increasing transaction times the more people use it?

>> No.2170726

As long as there is SOME consensus, bitcoin can easily be adapted to do just about anything.

This is also why altcoins are almost pointless, and very likely all doomed to fail in the long run.

>> No.2170734

>what do Coin HODLers say about the technical issues of Bitcoin
a) "BTC is still king, just look at the price"
b) "lmao, no one actually uses Bitcoin, it's just for speculation, TX fees don't matter"
c) "still cheaper than bank transfers"
d) "BTC is like gold, shipping gold isn't cheap either"
e) "lmao altcoiner"

>> No.2170743

>Shit was so brutal that I was having doubts about the long run.

That means you didn't do enough research before buying.
Dips are expected and they weren't brutal. If you did your homework you wouldn't be discourage by 50% value swings in cryptos.

>> No.2170778

I deleted my wallet with around 1,700 back in 2012 because I didn't think bitcoin would go anywhere
Every morning it hurts to wake up
please tell me that there are some other people like me

>> No.2170807

I discovered Bitcoin in 2009 before it had any value measured in EUR or USD. Before GPU miners. Installed a CPU miner. Couldn't figure it out immediately, and figured the electricity cost (like 20€ / month) weren't worth it because I was a poor student. Deleted everything and forgot about it.

>> No.2170838

I never once considered mining or buying bitcoin, even though I kept reading about it starting in 2009.

Yet even so, every day there are times when I try to telepathically convince my past self in 2011 to get some bitcoin.

My only consolation is my rock-hard 6'3" physique and godly baritone.

>> No.2170844
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>I discovered Bitcoin in 2009 before it had any value measured in EUR or USD.
That's when I started
I went all the way up until 2012 on and off mining with my desktop some days
fuck I could own a house and be living the big life.
ETH better do this for me, I'm not missing out again
>tfw you missed the only opportunity in your life to become a billionaire because you listened to too many people around you telling you that bitcoin is a failure
last time I will ever listen to the uninformed

>> No.2170879

My lesson is that ideas that are mocked by the majority are worth investigating.
Ideas that everyone agrees on are already too late.

>> No.2170904

top kek

>> No.2170908

Those negative voices can really cut deep for some reason.

Right after I bought 10k worth of bitcoin back around new year's I got a reply saying "don't buy the FOMO it'll cost you your soul".

For some reason it cut right to the bone. Put the fear of god in me. Yet the dude was so very fucking wrong.

>> No.2171649

>. Yet the dude was so very fucking wrong.
Most people in crypto are. They just make money because it's a bull market.

Poloniex is named after Polonius, a character from Shakespeare's Hamlet, who is always wrong about everything

>> No.2171962

It's still pretty disturbing sometimes how convincing they are.

>> No.2172001

Kek this guy gets it. Problem is I make a ton on it already so writing off losses will only detract from my gains, which I'm already hiding, so that won't exactly work.

I'm trying to make it look like I withdraw a little and look like a loss or something but that's just straight tax fraud and I'm not ready for this level of it I think.

>> No.2172017

Try to lose as much money as possible (relying on spamming trades so you keep paying trading commissions is cheating)

>> No.2172032

BTC is both

>> No.2172061

and now its 2450

>> No.2172160

this has to be trolling

what a fucking idiot OP is.

how can you be this god damn dumb

>> No.2172223

Buy and hold you fucking imbecile

>> No.2172245

Classic case of you being retarded
Why didn't you just hodl

Ironically I've lost over 20% in a trade on real stocks, but not crypto

>> No.2172314


>> No.2172350
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As someone who's been playing crypto for years and fucked himself out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in panic. When you invest your money in crypto, plan to hold that motherfucker until you hit at least 100% profit. Anything else is too stressful.

Truthfully you should never sell big name cryptos like BTC, ETH, XMR unless you need to for essentials.

>> No.2172399

>tfw had 4 BTC at one point but had to sell to pay off car debt

>> No.2172670

I had 23 BTC last year, cashed out 15 at $600