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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21670625 No.21670625 [Reply] [Original]

In regards to actual project that statera aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for index funds, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than Statera will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only few african developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact team was involved in a project before statera called burn token that he since been abandoned.

>> No.21670680

STA business plan for newfags from an 2014 OG POV:

> Setup 0815 ERC-20 token, switch a few things up. Every SE can figure this whole process out within a single month, if not 1-2 weeks
> Put up website incl. branding/logo - 1 week tops
> Figure out token economics, aka. how you disguise your wallets in hundreds of different wallets
> Setup automatic washtrading bot on exchange to inflate volume for a few days before going public about it
> Once everything previously described is setup, start the shilling campaign
> Set up 5-10 IP proxies per member so a team of 5 can post from 25-50 dynamic IDs simultaneously and frequently
> Start shilling on /biz/ (before expanding to YT, Twitter, Reddit, TG): Make original wojak/pepe memes with logo, use classic /biz/ lingo, post absurd price targets ($100 EOY), push the threads up
> At the same time adjust washtrading bot and pump the price up by selling at a higher and higher price to yourself over DEXs
> Shill even more
> Put up enough liquidity for people to buy into it, at this point you're already making profits as they are buying pre-minted shitcoins worth nothing for money
> Keep pumping the price up with newly made ETH to increase your own ETH washtrading stack
> Post made up gains, make more memes, shill harder
> Keep liquidity and volume up. Continue to sell into buys to increase amount of shitcoin holders but not too much to keep the price down
> Shill harder
> Sell more and more into the new buy orders of newfags making an absolute killing straight away, no matter what price the shitcoin is
> Repeat until people (like me) figure out what you're doing and enlighten enough anons to make you nervous
> See more and more criticism, decide to abandon ship
> Dump everything you have left and absolute annihilate the order book and every bagholder

> Abandon, rebrand, rebuild, repeat

>> No.21670729
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Burn was just the prototype for Statera.

>> No.21670796
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Statera is a magnet for obsessive schizo fudders, must mean it's something special

>> No.21670849

I know right? There’s been like a fuckton of obvious PnD scams and shitcoins shilled here yet Statera is the only one that triggers the most FUD.

>> No.21670930
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This much fud on a single coin means people are definitely interested in it enough to fud it so they can buy lower.

>> No.21670945


>> No.21670965
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>> No.21670992

God you guys are fucking retarded.
Hopefully losing your money will be a valuable lesson.

>> No.21671028

The FUD is amazing. Ive only been on biz for a few months and i've not seen anything like it before.

>> No.21671046

>takes the link FUD and swaps in $STA hoping no one would notice.
come on anon, be more creative.

>> No.21671060

watch from 1:40

>> No.21671077

Hey what I lose in one thing I can always make back in another thing so fuck off and stop telling me what to do.


>> No.21671208

I sold my link stack in 2017 because of fud just like this pal
Trust me, I've already learnt a valuable lesson, and that's not to listen to faggots like you.

>> No.21671255

Oh shit waddup
They are still not satisfied with buying at 0.22, what a bunch of poor fags

>> No.21671323

22 cent stablecoin

>> No.21671374

This. Wonder why they put their time and effort to warn us about "scam"? :D

>> No.21671428

link fud used in STA threads, HIGHLY BULLISH

>> No.21671470
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>a basic json parser for index funds

>> No.21671485

same reason I knew to hold bitconnect

>> No.21671505

Once YFI reaches near 30,000$ and drops 75% it is then time for Statera to pump and take its place as the Bitcoin of DeFi.

>> No.21671664

coordinated fud

>> No.21671667
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Ah yes, /biz/ is the one place on 4chan that you find morally sound individuals that look out for one another. It's amazing how many altruistic types show out to all the STA threads with the goal of helping misguided anons.

>> No.21671716

shills vs fudders, classical /biz/

>> No.21671875

Kek, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of rekt, I will fear no fud: for thou art with me; thy green dildo and thy profits they comfort me.

>> No.21672000

If I've learned anything being in this shithole forum is that when there's big FUD campaigns, it's time to buy, someone's accumulating. And when people are shouting $20,000 EOW, time to sell.

I picked up some STA today, let's see if I'm right.

>> No.21672038

trips confirm

>> No.21672180

I’m not doing it out of the goodness in my heart (lol).
I’m doing it so I can say “I told you so” and rub it in your retard faces when this coin dies.

>> No.21672182

Trips confirm
might pick some more up later idk

>> No.21672356

fucking jeets can't extrapolate sarcasm holy shit you dumb nigger

>> No.21672607


the new statera

thank me later

the next uniswap gem, thank me later


>> No.21672670

You think we believe you? Why the fuck would you post multiple times if you despise this project? Are you a loser with too much time? Are you altruistic? No, you are an idiot for thinking your words have meaning. They don't. You are too stupid for this board. That is saying a lot.

>> No.21672734
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I have thought of the "schizo fudders". Could be just some GPT3 bots repeating same FUD talking points.

At least discussing with those feels like playing tennis against the wall.

>> No.21672974

I just quit my shitty job and have tons of free time.
It’s fun to talk shit and watch shills seethe.

>> No.21672987

Ok yeah all this STA fudding is getting pretty weird. Literally no other coin except maybe link has seen this much fud. What the fuck is going on lol people are literally obsessed, feels really good to be holding some bags desu

>> No.21673280

Then you have no life. Congratulations. You are officially a loser. Spending hours on biz fudding token you have no interest in. Are you familiar with Occum's razor? You are not retired, you are retarded, for sure, but not retired.

>> No.21673623


>> No.21673646

Oh wow, you are more pathetic than i thought

>> No.21673657
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>> No.21673664
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>a basic json parser for index funds
Good times anon.

>> No.21673706

All whale dumpers up to .30, possibly .35 have been shaken out. Moon mission incoming.

>> No.21673737

Statera has a MAINLY A F R I C A N
Look them up. Statera is an unironic and literal niggercoin.

>> No.21673819

Never said I was retired, just taking advantage of unemployment while I jerk off, play vidya and shit post all day.
I’m on vacation Davinder.
Also, seethe more.

>> No.21673897
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>> No.21673966

yes this is how you profit off of Niggers Lives Matter idiot.
liberals on reddit will be rushing to support this "underprivileged" team

>> No.21674124
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>> No.21674755

ahh yes I know the type. A fucking leech on the system enjoying his unemployment while not actively seeking employment. Pathetic bottom dweller