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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21668265 No.21668265 [Reply] [Original]

I know that people on here are retarded. I get it. I know that people on here are new. I get it. I know people on here have been burned in the past. I get it.

BUT. If you still think Flow is a scam, and haven't done even 5 minutes of due diligence.... you literally have no penis.

>> No.21668321

10k stack here making $200+ a day by doing nothing. feels amazing.

>> No.21668441
File: 40 KB, 611x511, 3C7BBB23-9C20-4CE3-8CBC-5284AED729F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMPL btfo. Our average price has been slowly rising even on a red market, goddamn, FLOW is too comfy

>> No.21668442

95% being shilled on biz are scams, so I understand a healthy scepticism. However, after doing just a bit of research, it is clear that this is not a PnD, not a rugpull, as most liquidity (especially held by the Dev) is locked up. This is a golden opportunity to get in early, hell they didnt even start marketing yet.

>> No.21668734

are you from the telegram group ?

>> No.21668795
File: 22 KB, 739x415, F5D17193-05D4-4046-BE6B-FDC029E5B165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the needful

>> No.21669608

Just bought 1000 flow. I know it's an obvious PND scam but I'm pretty early so I'm hoping for a nice 5x

>> No.21669958

don’t forget the free money from rebases. this 3.5k stack is a blessing, every day at 6pm Im making $70 just for letting it sit there. I made less with wagie grocery store jobs that required me to bust my ass per day than this.

>> No.21670062

This is my thinking, even if it’s a very active telegram working to keep this thing moving I don’t care. If you get in under $2 the thing will probably hit at least $5 so whatever.

>> No.21670366

This shit will get to $200 and melt faces

>> No.21670469

Based on what?

>> No.21670524

the telegram is literally just anons from here. this had like 400 holders on day 2, were at over 1400 just a few days later, and I guarantee a large portion are people here. kind of an /ourcoin/ situation, the tg speaks for itself

>> No.21670643

The 1% compounded interest for holders over the next 50 days hugely incentivizes buying and holding more. Any time someone sells the tokens are immediately swallowed up. The more you hold the more you earn on top of what you get as the price is driven up. That’s how I see it at this stage at least. Add in yield farming and how flow handles inflation, the project is simple but seems worth a bet. Like we said above even if it’s a pnd the people that know about it are so passionate the “scam” could at least get us a modest return.

>> No.21670673

How do I buy and sell Flow? The dashboard on the site doesn't have it. Uniswap just makes 0 ETH transactions.

>> No.21670795

700 stack here, am i gonna make it or should I just end it now?

>> No.21670840


>> No.21671076
File: 88 KB, 760x451, 31bfcf965512273f7acab7ab52343f2c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once this hits twitter, normies will eat it up. The concept of 1% daily interest to keep pace with inflation is simple and will resonate with a lot of people, unlike most coins that are too complicated for average people to grasp.

>> No.21671200

It's already starting to get steam

>> No.21671292


we are all going to make it

>> No.21671826

boy should i sell eqmt to for this? its been stagnating for weeks and its killing me watching flow

>> No.21671871
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I only have 337, am I going to make it frens?

>> No.21671890

If FLOW ends up being a PnD then it will be /our/ PnD. It would only happen if the community never grows large enough to bring this to the mainstream and exchanges. So far the growth is phenomenal, but I'm keeping an eye on it closely.

It can't really go mainstream too quickly due to it's age either. If the dev decided to launch the official twitter and do some marketing, the biggest skepticism people will have is the age. There are no VCs/Devs/Treasuries/Jews waiting to dump as soon as the prospective investor gets in, but it's perfectly normal to avoid investing in something so young.

I'm looking forward to keeping up the current growth rate and seeing this project go big when it is feature complete in the near future.

>> No.21672592

1% daily rebase for the next 54 days, 3.7M circulating supply, and liquidity mining coming soon (contract is ready to deploy; dev is just working on tweaking UI). $14 is FUD.