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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21664263 No.21664263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

shill me a coin, /biz/

>> No.21664283


>> No.21664288

STA if you want to be rich

>> No.21664308

What on Earth is this man doing?

>> No.21664311

Just for anybody interested: she may be cute and the fetish is hot and all, but she is a hambeast and not worth the research effort

>> No.21664349

biz is just full of scamcoins that will fuck you over if you aren't on top of it.
I'm in on $Flow and PNK.
Flow at least has a big active community so I can't imagine it dying away any time soon.

>> No.21664358

all in $coom
don't ask questions, just coom

>> No.21664362

need sauce anyway anon, ty

>> No.21664370

She? Uhhh...I got bad news for you buddy...

>> No.21664391


>> No.21664434

Alright anon, listen up. I'll tell you my masterplan. I'm a NEET, ok, anon? So I need to take a bit more risk to be able to make it, you dig? Alright, with that said, you ready? Ok lets do this famalam. I put 40% in DIA in hopes it takes some of Chainlink's momentum and cash it out end of the year. I put 40% in FLOW and pray to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ that it will get major youtube traction and take a significant portion of the DeFi space. I put 10% in SHUF because someone told me it's good and I regret it deeply and terrorize their telegram on the daily, and finally I leave 10% in MTA because an anonymous frogposter who I deemed trustworthy told me it will go from $5 to $25 EOY. That's the elite four brah. That's the grand daddy selection. That's the big balla shot calla wheelin' dealin' pick and mix. Are you in? Because I'm ALL in, and I'll fuckin' make it or die tryin'.

>> No.21664468

$COOM actually has meme potential, a reliable devteam and royal following on discord.

>> No.21664472

Flow but that’s too obvious

>> No.21664509

What a fucking question.

$FLOW - if you ever wanna make it

>> No.21664550



>> No.21664560



>> No.21664569
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Buy flow sir, it's bottom now, we never see under 2$ again sir, thx sir

>> No.21664594
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FLOW sir
$14 EOW

>> No.21664650

That's a man.

>> No.21664692

LCX if youre into getting rich off of EU's nobility money

>> No.21664773

crazy to say, looking at how it started, but coom might moon actually

>> No.21664782
File: 12 KB, 326x326, Quotwhy are you taking a pic of that handbag you _9da2573f8df1e5ffe9d12e1437d6ecbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing that in public, on a gross store ground, and in front of children

>> No.21664796

Flow offcourse!

>> No.21664804

Hex2t (AXION) or FLOW obv

>> No.21664835

It's an Ethereum-based gloryhole coin. Instead of using a real coin at the gloryhole you just whip out your smartphone and pay with the GLRY app.

>> No.21664963

I'm in flow, anon

>> No.21664984

FLOW has tremendous positive energy for a biz-promoted coin less than a week old. It's worth holding at least in the short term because liquidity mining is coming soon and it has yet to start advertising outside of biz. Could be a big moonshot.

>> No.21665004
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Dev protocol - a project with a real future

Low M cap, really active team on GitHub and discord, Microsoft start up, tokenize GitHub and other "open assets" industry is worth around 33bil. Current working on their own oracle solution. A nice 65% staking reward while you wait for the moon

>> No.21665021
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>> No.21665087

money. she's getting paid 6 figures per month