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21654236 No.21654236 [Reply] [Original]

Approaching the Pump Zone with a sure an steady pace; are you ready?

>> No.21654475

whales about to turn this bitch into the new LINK

>> No.21654576
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only time is standing in our way. soon....

>> No.21654685


>> No.21654720

im the #1 oxchad and the number one oxtranny

>> No.21655311

Based OP.

Let's keep the FUDers out tonight eh? Orchid has a working prototype, solid team, and big money whales invested. This is a solid pick with lots of upside. 100x? Yeah probably not but 5 - 10 q4 2021? Huge possibility.
LINK, PNK, other autistic coins please go FUD your own generals thanks

>> No.21655337

>wait three years for a possible but unlikely 2x

kek na ill just go invest in a boomer stock thanks

>> No.21655338

Btw check em,

Working on some serious antiFUD for all the lazy niggers on this board. Tons of DD you ain't gotta do cause I'm nice guy and want us all to make it

>> No.21655403

Fucking pajeet 2x is 1 try using real math not street shitter calculus. .50 to 5 bux even is massive.

>> No.21655437

Nan bread eating curry slinging street shiting ganges bathing retard

>> No.21655455

naan bread is good

>> No.21655481
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checked fellow OXT bro, very nice

>> No.21655523

10k oxt chad reporting for duty

>> No.21655541

>coin is shit
>still lurks general
Found the .70 bag holder ROFL! It's okay buddy were al gonna make it

>> No.21655567

kek that is me i announced earlier in the thread that i am the number one oxchad and oxtranny

>> No.21655655

Well Patel maybe if you weren't so busy trying to put those greasy curry claws into your sister's cunt you could have bought in with the rest of us at .20 maybe even .40 but no Patel you just had to masala shit up you fucking street shitter
>please Shiva bless me with gains

>> No.21655699

kek checked. na lad. i just got done licking my wounds for months of shame after selling 10k link under 2 dollars. finally got the courage to get back into crypto after a week of wanting to kms .

first thing i do is fomo on oxt

>> No.21655823

If you sold that link at a gain, it's a fuckin gain Patel. Paper trades don't exist. There's no wound to lick you were NEVER going to make it with LINK. It's like saying "well if I would have bought bitcoin at 100-" stop right there you fucking street shitter. You DIDNT buy. But fuck all that shit its behind you. That's okay because you're here now and if you buy in with conviction even a nasty stinky pajeet like you can be an orchad. And check yourself nanboy

>> No.21655901

this is what FUDers leave out, it's a prototype. It's not for normies yet, functionality is very high, once they improve UI etc the app is golden

>> No.21656036

5k reporting in. Our oscillation range is getting tighter and tighter.

>> No.21656201
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we apprentice your service

>> No.21656881

dood i’m from the midwest and i’m a normal europe mutt but i appreciate the guidance

>> No.21656915

for all the shit i talk because i’m pissed i fomod and bought at 70c...i must admit, the coin is hanging strong at 50c. i fully expected it to be below 40 by now. however since i said that, let the dump begin.

>> No.21656977

It's not going to dump you fucking pajeet jfc you deserve to lose your money lmao

>> No.21657101

we want a dump right now. it will trigger a massive buy up.

>> No.21657754

this is true

>> No.21657859

based oxt chads like myself

>> No.21658271

We're about to be so fucking back.

>> No.21658417

;) i twas worried about lower volume, but it could work to our benefit.

>> No.21658450

gnight oxtranny talk to you later

>> No.21658509
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gn, and sweet dreams oxbro, i got a good feeling about tomorrow

>> No.21658528

goodnight boys hope this pump continues but yenno whatever

>> No.21658534

If I was a VC that controlled 60% of this complete shitcoin then maybe it would be worth it.



>> No.21658558

Noia, Nym, Sentinel, and even Tachyon are better than this pay as you go nonsense.

>> No.21658605
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