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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 453 KB, 1374x902, amplechad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21654133 No.21654133 [Reply] [Original]

We are fucking BACK.

>> No.21654167

Price is literally at the bottom though cope

>> No.21654262

cope for what? buying low? yes, much cope. literally bought 100k

>> No.21654468

let it go.

>> No.21654573

Let what go? the fact that you missed the bottom? Remember these threads when nobody believed. I'm sure you'll dismiss this incoming rise as a PND. then it'll never go down.

>> No.21654579

i put some into the pool/geyser yesterday. what am i in for?

>> No.21654584
File: 66 KB, 1021x620, 9c0ecc7f12bc047787b7f08eeb669310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out faggot

>> No.21654723

you are literally here 247

>> No.21654775

I did. This is called an accumulation range, and a great buying op.

Do you not like buying bottom?

>> No.21654886

You could have said "this is the bottom" for the past 2 weeks and been wrong every day. The only people buying right now are whales who want to swing the rebases for a few measily percent. Anyone long term holding is getting rekt by the negative rebases, like all the retards in the telegram.

>> No.21654948

Denial anon. Just admit you've been had. No one is going to buy your bags.

>> No.21654967

Makes it better when it moons

>> No.21655031
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>> No.21655054


>> No.21655167

how much did you lose anon? i see you in every thread lmfao

>> No.21655249

you have to be financially illiterate or simply american to not see that the market cap just entered accumulation phase. Like any trend it might break to the downside, but this is prime time for dca

>> No.21655320

I still have my AMPL stack, growing smaller by the fucking day. If this is a retrace, it better shoot to 5bil next run

>> No.21655460

You guys realize the only people fudding AMPL are long or buying
AMPL sentiment is dead
It’s dumped 80% while the market has pumped over the past 20 days.

AMPL is uncorrelated and will likely pump once the general crypto markets start consolidating.

Buying AMPL right now feels unattractive because of the negative rebases, however, if price pumps rapidly, you’ll miss out on an entry.

My guess is that AMPL will rise rapidly back to $1, front running all sideliners.

>> No.21655499
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>tfw I have linkcel's jaw
What do?
Also I hold chainlink

>> No.21655539

Mew. Just google Mewing. Or don't it doesn't affect me I guess

>> No.21655584

cosmetic surgery

>> No.21655605

Pump eet, all the plebs have sold

>> No.21655634

What about the geyser?

>> No.21655692

FLOW seems to have more upward momentum.

>> No.21655714

wtf I'm buying your bags now

>> No.21656291

We're not gonna make it.

>> No.21656633


>> No.21657232


>> No.21657301

>AMPL sentiment is dead
Only thing you got right. AMPL sentiment is dead because it’s a no use case at best and a ponzi at worst with greedy devs that dumped on everyone, aborting this shit early.

Sentiment is everything in any market, and everyone already got burned and lined up to spit on grave. AMPL is dead and good fucking riddance.

>> No.21657328


Negative rebases + impermanent loss

>> No.21657359


Enjoy your negative rebases! AMPL is a simple but also retarded coin. It will never hover around $1. Also LOL at the ever coming "it's uncorrelated to Bitcoin" argument.

>> No.21657366

So devs will sold out. what next?

>> No.21657368
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Blocks your fud path...

>> No.21657379

Yeah I am sure Brian Armstrong put his name and money behind a scam/no use case. Try harder you stinky streetshitter

>> No.21657402


>> No.21657458
File: 270 KB, 1536x1058, 6E8BF366-F111-41A8-8626-1BE20A27BB03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at 56 cents and comfy as hell. It’s starting a clear uptrend the past few days.

>> No.21657473

I mew and I hold AMPL

>> No.21657476

You hold your bags like a dumb fuck until you become as schizo as an xrp hodler.

>> No.21657505

Yeah he sure put his name and money on there...Except he really didn’t, brainlet. He threw some money at it, like you probably did, except he knew when to take profits and probably dumped on you.

>> No.21657675


>> No.21657723

Are you even trying? Majority of his tokens are locked. Also I don't remember how much he invested but it was above $5 million which is a good amount even for him.

>> No.21658301

>greedy devs that dumped on everyone

The amount of tokens dumped was small % wise though

>aborting this shit early

How desperate are you to keep this under the hood?

>> No.21658373

FUCK i need more fiaaaaatttttt

>> No.21658538

Kumar where u go? Your mother wants you to stir the curry before it burns

>> No.21659286

poo'ing BRB

>> No.21659371
File: 10 KB, 187x245, amenhotep_iii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound desperate man

other anon is right this project feels like it has sailed

>> No.21659713

Isn't the next round of team token release on 24th?

Massive dump coming then.

>> No.21659745

Problem with this shitty fuckin coin is buying the bottom is meaningless if you're losing 5% of your stack every day and the price only goes up 4% day to day.

It has to go to 1 in the spam of 1-2 days or people will just sell

>> No.21659843

Bought 110 AMPL at 70c, now have 77 AMPL only. what the fuck where is my money?

>> No.21659881


>> No.21659889


>> No.21659966
File: 74 KB, 1980x1125, porHm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a good long and hard look at this chart. If you think AMPL has reached the bottom right here,tell me what makes you think that, the slope hasn't even started to decrease?! It's more like starring into the abyss below you. There are no, NO, signs of recovery at this point. The only thing you might be able to say with some confidence is that the velocity of the sell-off isn't increasing at this point and we may have reached max velocity, that's all, get rekt midwit!

>> No.21660124
File: 34 KB, 919x857, saucer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


check doubledoubles

but this is what i see forming here

>> No.21660471

lol wtf is this, did you get that from stockcharts.com? GTFO retard

>> No.21660577

cope fag all yo can do is calling names to underline your statement - your iq must be very low and your selfesteem too.

>> No.21660643
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>> No.21660685

Flow is a scam. All these shitty AMPL forks only reinforce AMPL being a good buy.

>> No.21660737

Go back in time to when you were a child and never be a mouthbreather, I guess.
Or invest your money well enough to get jaw surgery.
Mewing won't help you much if your growth plates are all closed up.

>> No.21660760

i was planning to stay in geyser because i thought monthly rewards would balance out the negative rebased but after only a few days i lost over 20 eth of profit so i had to pull

>> No.21661088

you need to go back faggot

>> No.21661363

I 100x'd off this lol. thanks for the moneyz.

>> No.21661604

Me too, during July. Now I have a pretty extensive crypto portfolio paid for by Ampl.

Had sold my entire stack, but bought back in today before the pump. Current bag is only half the size of the original, but that'll do. I'm not greedy. Something else I've bought might pump...