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File: 292 KB, 1440x1000, MG_1_1_New_York_City-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21648069 No.21648069 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since I was a kid I wanted to live in New York City. I have about 150k LINK stack. Is it worth it to sell about 10k and find an apartment in a nice area and live there for about a year? I currently live in a town with a population about 10,000. I want to be a degenerate for a year and try to coom in as much women possible. I am 23.

>> No.21648096

These are the type of people on biz that will inevitably blow all their earnings in one year.

>> No.21648127

Wait until after covid. It’s dead right now.

>> No.21648139

i just left this shithole. have fun paying $3,500/month to live in a communist shithole where you will get put in prison if you don't wear a mask while you step outside to get a breath of fresh air from your 450 sq ft apartment

>> No.21648143

>new york
have u ever been there, its a literal shithole that stinks.

if you wanna experience a city, there are better alternatives

>> No.21648160

I’m from BYC. Always wanted to move back. I would caution against your plan, but if you want exposure to the city by all means pursue it. I think there’s better ways... tons of fb groups with broke people looking to get someone into their leases. Just take over someone else’s lease or sublease for 4-6months, they’re literally offering a free first month and other incentives, see if you like it. The city has seen better days tho.

>> No.21648169

buy the dip. nyc RE and rentals are getting thrashed. landies are literally on suicide watch.

>> No.21648188

>Ever since I was a kid I wanted to live in New York City

>> No.21648194

This is why you live in Hoboken or JC idiot. NYC is just a playground.

>> No.21648227

this is the worst time to by in nyc in 40 years

>> No.21648231


I have lived in Manhattan for 5 years now. This is a good time to come, the prices of apartments are down. Unfortunately everything is still shut down so there’s not much to do at the moment. And it won’t be as easy to coom because again, the virus

>> No.21648235

Why the fuck would you want to live in jew york

>> No.21648252

Literally a Coomer retard.

Have you even been to NYC?? And you're going to get shit for 10k Linkies. Then have fun paying thousands monthly in child support and using that last few hundred Link to support your accruing alcoholism at 27.

>> No.21648260


NYC anon here. No. No it is not.
Especially now. The city is shut down and it sucks shit.

Wait for your gains. If you really wanna live there wait for the virus to be over and for the economy to bounce back. It's a fucking horror show right now.

They just slashed the sanitation budget by like a quarter of a billion dollars and are in the process of laying off a bunch of cops.

You take that into account with all the restaurants and bars being closed that make it worth living there to begin with....not a good time.

>> No.21648270

I'd say this:
But it will be easy as fuck to COOM because Tinder thots will be easy pickings since most men are afraid of no-mask sex right now.

>> No.21648291

Considering I have about 2.4 million USD I think I will be fine if I budget the 10k I want to sell. Plus, I'll be busy chasing poon that from one year out hopefully my LINKies will 10x in that time.


Yeah I figured with corona it would be dead but people are still horny and still need to fuck somehow right?

No way. Dont want to live there long term, I rather own lots of land. Just think it would be a fun way to spend early 20s

I have lots of things I want to do, this is just one of them.

yes visited.

Might wait it out.

Insane amounts of different races of pussy and a plethora of it.

I need to get my coomer out of my system. I think this will be a good way to do it. Plus, if that happens I would just move to Europe. I have a dual passport.

>> No.21648317

I lived In nyc for many years. Now live in suburbs. Whatever the advertised rent or selling price is, offer 1/3. You will be successful. The city is in ruins. Violent drug addicts have taken over the entire city.

>> No.21648321


Women are even more afraid but go for it see what happens. Even hookers want people to wear masks these days

>> No.21648399

Honestly if you have that much, I don’t see why not. Enjoy yourself and live out the dream for a year. However, listen to the other anon and wait. Why go now with everything going on?

>> No.21648410

>Yeah I figured with corona it would be dead but people are still horny and still need to fuck somehow right?
No. Fucking Broadway is closed. Half the people I know haven’t left their house in weeks and are having a major depressive episode. Everyone’s getting fat. It’s fucking depressing and dead.

>> No.21648411


NYC anon again here.

You have no idea what you are getting yourself into.

You are literally in the best possible position you will ever be in your entire life.


All the wealth is leaving the city. The commies that run the show are going to bleed you to stay alive.

During good times the taxes were absolutely insane. I landed a job making over 140k a year and was excited to move. Until I got my first paycheck and saw what federal, state, and city taxes did to my salary. Then I realized "oh shit I'm barely gonna be able to scrape by here"

Hold your link and maybe think about visiting once it's over $100 a coin.

Be sure to fly into La Guardia for the ultimate first impression experience.

>> No.21648531

>Be sure to fly into La Guardia for the ultimate first impression experience.
Lmao. I agree it’s a really stupid idea both right now and in general. It’s better to have a place out of town and go in on the weekends if you really need to fuck around here.

>> No.21649165

I don't see why you don't just do a 1 month trip to NYC and hook up with some whores in NYC. You can pay them while live in a hotel and do it on a much cheaper budget. They probably are desperate for money rn too.
Just take the warning about NYC becoming a shithole and no longer a long-term investment seriously on this thread because it's true.

>> No.21649187

>Wanting to live in New York City
But... why?

>> No.21649206

BAKA 3rd world shithole. Lagaurdia doesn't even connect to the fucking metro. Living in NYC is retard mode. I moved because the 100ks $$$ are not even remotely worth it. Stay the fuck out op you asking for mental abuse and brain damage living there. No bars no honies. It should be raised to the ground as a toxic waste zone.

>> No.21649214

Move to LA if you’re white

>> No.21649355

>people are still horny and still need to fuck somehow right?
Yes but it's illegal now so that's why a lot of zoomer women are killing themselves lately. Millennial women are already old and barren so they have a different set of problems.
Do what >>21649165 said, it's a good way to try out the place and see how you like it.

>> No.21649381
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>I want to be a degenerate for a year and try to coom in as much women possible
go to amsterdam or thailand for that retard
all you'll get in NYC are homeless people yelling at you, an omnipresent smell of piss and rats outside your building

>> No.21649383

I'm sorry that you wanted to live in NYC but that city is gone. Don't move there.

>> No.21649873

Go to ukraine to get girls you idiot

>> No.21649997

NYC is done. burbs and country are comf. only go into city for short bursts if you absolutely must. things are getting dark. anybody with a brain is getting out.

>> No.21650205

Why would you waste your money on living in a shithole

>> No.21650529

Lived there for eight years. Holy shit dude please don’t do it. I haven’t read the replies but for all the reasons given and more. It’s good for a month of looking at skyscrapers feelings like you’re in a movie and then it’s all rats and niggers and Puerto Ricans and commies and faggots and absolute shit ton of Jews. You probably aren’t even familiar with Jews in real life. Trust me from a guy who was in that shit you’ve got a good thing going. Go buy a ski lodge in Colorado dude

>> No.21650831


yeah moving anywhere that youve dreamed of is exciting for a month and then the magic wears off. OP instead of committing to a year-long lease right off the bat, maybe try finding a two-three month accommodation to test the waters. that will save you some linkies.

>> No.21650964

Are you not afraid of stds? New York girls are mega roasties

>> No.21651045
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Been here for 25 years. It's officially dead. Corona and the mayor killed it. Violent crime up several fold and police and sanitation slashed. City is in the worst shape i can remember. Don't bother. Sluts aren't down to hook up anymore either, normies are scared of covid.

>> No.21651062

Why would you want to live in New York City when Las Vegas exists?

>> No.21651122

Cannot fathom unironically desiring to live in NYC or really any part of the USA

>> No.21651141

>wants to live in nyc

Nyc unironically smells like fucking shit 24/7 and everyone there is either an npc or a criminal.

>> No.21651156

try colorado, san diego or dallas

>> No.21651184
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>Violent crime up several fold and police and sanitation slashed.
>City is in the worst shape i can remember
that sounds like a really comfy cyberpunk vibe
You are allowed to CC in NY right?

>> No.21651201

Cities are fucking right now retard. Go live somewhere extremely isolated instead

>> No.21651221

You absolutely should, you can never buy back your youth

>> No.21651244

idk bro i think i'd like to live in glacial park, montana.

>> No.21651294

I had an internship at an investment bank a few years ago and this is pretty much what it is. I lost all urge and motivation to continue living/making a career there after the first week. Never got a return offer for the IB I was at so it didn't even matter in the end. Your $3-5k/month for a shitbox studio apartment are better spent on a real mortgage for a real home somewhere else in America.

>> No.21651306


Read this first before you decide to do anything. And if you decide on blowing your Link, why do it this year?

>> No.21651349

I’ve met this guy IRL and he 100% has bipolar disorder. NYC sucks but he probably just wrote that during an episode.

>> No.21651354

This, if you can manage to sell some linkies to do it but stil save some, do it. There's nothing stopping you and you may regret not going in the future -- especially if Link takes a huge shit. No you will not get somebody pregnant like some other anon said, youll just go crazy trying to meet uptight cunts you meet on tinder to fuck you, but its basically like that everywhere. DO IT, after covid, maybe new year

>> No.21651367
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Hello OP,

Frenchbro here, don't listen to the losers here.

Do it and enjoy

but rent a penthouse or just move to moscow if you want cheap real estate and hot whores

Have fun, you are only 23 you are going to live the life

>> No.21651373

>During good times the taxes were absolutely insane. I landed a job making over 140k a year and was excited to move. Until I got my first paycheck and saw what federal, state, and city taxes did to my salary. Then I realized "oh shit I'm barely gonna be able to scrape by here"

The fuck? I got by on 500 a week and I lived with roommates (yeah, I didn't pay my taxes yet, and I lived the NEET life). How much money were you taking home per month?

>> No.21651376

Dude, move to Puerto Rico instead. It's low tax, low living costs and filled with bad latina hoes.

>> No.21651378

If you aren't politically connected or a retired cop you will never be approved for a CC license in NYC. You can carry certain fixed blade knives with no problem, but if it's above a certain length or assisted release the cops will give you a really hard time about it and probably arrest you, even if you beat it in court later.

>> No.21651393

How retarded do you have to be to not get a return offer?

>> No.21651401

As someone who's actually well off and actually blows money on fucking whores and lives in NYC, NYC is the worst place in the world to do it. All the women look like fucking 6'4 sticks and overcharge like crazy.

Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Texas Triangle, Bay Area, Vegas, and Miami are all better areas to be in if you're goal is to coom in as many women as possible.

If you're willing to travel, South America, and Australia. Australia is hands down the best place in the world for cumming since you can legit just get catalogs of thousands of 10/10 white girls with whatever body type you desire for relatively cheap prices.

NYC itself is a literal shit hole and the worst city I've ever lived in(born and raised too), every other city is more desirable and the one benefit we had was shit like broadway and the food diversity both of which are dead cause of COVID.

>> No.21651447

This the fucking streets are packed with garage and they smell like a hobos asshole. I remember going there when I was 8 it was like a 3rd world country when we were on the tour bus. I love the usa but they should just flush new york down the toilet

>> No.21651453
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bro you are just ugly
not our problem if you can't get laid

>> No.21651521

I think you responded to the wrong poster? Never said I had any issue getting laid.

>> No.21651531

so many other cities in the world. if you want hot slits why not Barcelona or Latvia or Vietnam or something

>> No.21651540

yeah yeah, cope harder filthy kike yorker

>> No.21651572

>blows money on fucking whores and lives in NYC
how does one do this? I've already got the NYC part down

>> No.21651669

Start with a mid-sized city, anon. A good warm up would be Denver or Charlotte NYC is a human-scale but colony full of people who all think they're better than each other.

>> No.21651732

bro are you retarded? just go visit for a month or something, i recommend flushing tho

>> No.21651735

You a schizo bro? Guy asked if blowing 200k on women in NYC is worth it, I said no cause you can do it in cities that are just as nice to live in for cheaper with more options.

Are you asking about where to find whores or how to get the money to make it possible.

>> No.21651783

New york women are wshores for money and status and with only 10k linkies cashed out you wont be on their radar
If u wanna just fuck sluts and rack up bodies move to a college town and get a job where you interact with people and use tinder
New York is a nigger shithole for anyone except the uber rich (talking 8 figure niggas)

>> No.21651814

Getting whores, the money isn't too much of an issue

>> No.21651849
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Anon dont be retarded.
All the money is leaving that urinal. And the city will soon crumble.

Why do so many retards think that cities are great. They all have this fake illusion that they will meet people, get laid and become somebody. The city is the most anti-social place for any human. Just because you live in Jew York doesnt mean you accomplished anything.

I knew a guy that scrapped up 20k and moved to Jew York before corona. I told him the same thing as above.I even told him corona was going to fuck us all over. I made him butt mad but he didn't care. He quit/left and 1month later he is back. He is so ashamed he didn't even want his job back.

>> No.21651963
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>They all have this fake illusion that they will meet people, get laid and become somebody. The city is the most anti-social place for any human.
can confirm this. Ive lived here for a few years now and the social dynamic is otherworldly. People that you meet come and go because they know in the back of their head they can always meet someone more attractive, funnier, smarter, richer, etc. than you. Relationships of all kinds here are disposable. Everyone here is just trying to out-coolguy each other.

>> No.21651970

Born and raised here and I fucking hate it cannot wait to leave. I feel bad for leaving close/distant relatives but a plane ride to Miami shouldn’t be that bad for them.

>> No.21652050

NYC is dead.

>> No.21652058

Tryst.link, Private Delights, and Eros, are the best sites. Tryst has a lot more independent girls on it, Private Delights is the same but I'd say it's a bit trashier, Eros has a lot more women who work for agencies and tends to be upscale.

Not all women can be found off online ads, a lot of them only operate in the twitter sphere. You can usually find them as connections on the social media of the girls that do advertise.

You can also find a lot of really hot girls as you keep seeing girls from a certain agency and they show you women who are under the radar.

Also you can fuck pretty much any girl who's an instagram thot, or a pornstar even if they don't explicitly advertise. Be concise, and show intent to pay and you can do whatever you want.

>> No.21652077

>dead right now
right now is going to last a long time. get out while it’s still easy - you are already behind the curve. the stampede will come in winter.

>> No.21652125

Winter is comming!

>> No.21652326

Pretty helpful, thanks fren

>> No.21652336

>try to coom in as much women possible. I am 23.
I encourage everyone to follow their dreams, and strive to be the best person they can be. For you, maybe this is it.

In any case, I lived in NYC for 2 years. Some of it was good, some bad, but overall if you want to live in a huge city there are better choices. Chicago was but it has gone to shit. Id recommend Dallas...much better people, cleaner, easier to get around in, doesn't stink nearly as bad, etc.
It is also a city where you can live cheap in a small town outside it and it still feels small townish but you can drive into the city easily.
Also the sloots in the south are much cleaner than NYC girls. Both in terms of general hygiene and STDs.

>> No.21652537

it is and the snow isn’t getting plowed just you watch.

>> No.21652541

>Ever since I was a kid I wanted to live in New York City.
Imagine falling for a meme

>> No.21652604

NYC 2019 version was worth moving to. That is gine. Having a pile of cash and roots in a small town right now is winning the game.

OP - buy a house at least three and preferably five hours drive outside a major city. Live like a king. Be resourceful. Gain skills.

>> No.21652627

Go to Chicago instead.

>> No.21652686

I’m in jersey.

>> No.21652860

Biz hates big cities and NYC is the biggest. If you want to really experience NYC moving there for a year would be a great start but with corona and riots it might not be a great time to move. Unless your not a pussy if your not a pussy now is the time to go but you'll need more then 10K to have some real fun. Moving to a big city while you're young is going to change your future for best. LINK is ATH, NYC price is ATL take this opportunity and see the world before burns down. Crypto was made so us regular people could experience having money. So take some profits and go.

>> No.21652865

First visit NYC and you'll see if you like it. Too expensive and overrated if you ask me.

>> No.21652882


Dont be a dumbass and move to a rotting city. Take it from someone who was born raised in that area. I would never go back and live there.

>> No.21653128

>NYC in 2020
are you niggas retarded? everything is fucked. why do you think 500k new yorkers just blew out of town? we aren’t coming back.

>> No.21653171
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>> No.21653182

This. Lmao.

What the fuck is wrong with you OP. Did you not see what happened in that shit hole in JUNE?

>> No.21653230

Dont go to NYC bro. Cuomo and Deblasio have literally turned it into Robocop/Escape from NY. Its a disgusting slum right now.

>> No.21653243

>I need to get my coomer out of my system.
The coomer is part of you for life. Good luck learning how to dance with that part of yourself. Hope you don't get lost in the pussydrank.

>> No.21653266

Let me ask you a question, since it seems you have committed to the monger life, is it all worth it? My inner monger is calling for me to say fuck it and travel the world mongering, but I feel if I officially cross the line I'm gone. In my early 30's and everyone I know is settling down, but that thing inside me is calling me to be a lifelong degenerate. Sigh it's all so tiresome.

btw OP, S-e-e-k-i-n-g ;)

>> No.21653687

If it's calling to you don't fight the urge, also don't think that being a mongerer cuts you off from being able to settle down or meet a woman.

I'm in a relationship where my partner knows about me visiting escorts regularly and it works, hell we even have girls we see together sometimes.

Just do what you want, either way you'll end up making the decisions in the long run that work for you best. If you end up mongering and want a LTR you'll find a way to settle down and if you settle down and want to stray you'll end up cheating or fucking around on the side.

>> No.21653842

Thats why I’m Roadtripping the south. Colleges are open, 18-21 yr olds are horny. NYC isn’t about why it’s like today, which isn’t great. It’s about what’s coming. A) you will be taxed out the ass b) you will be unsafe c) you’re on 4chan so most likely politically you won’t fit in with the normie tier New Yorkers who have to stay due to their lack of funds d) the friends you do make will most likely be less endowed than you and thus party poopers in big plans or leeches e) the downturn in society there will make today’s problems look like utopia in 8 months time f) the few remaining businesses will be destroyed after trump wins g) the defunded police wont save you.

Come south, enjoy the mountains, girls are more impressed by money here, and again, college campuses are teeming with horny kids who just came off a summer of lockdown at their parents houses back home.

>> No.21653891

Go to New York in 2 years when the pendulum swings back and you’re worth 10x more. Think about it this way... did you sell your link at 4 last year or wait until it hit 20? Patience is the game on this one anon

>> No.21653961

Double edge sword. You can probably find a nice place in the city at a discount right now because people are leaving. On the other hand the city is turning to shit from Cuomo and DeBlasio. I'm on Long Island and I'm leaving NY in a few years when I cash a bit of LINK.

NY is a beautiful state but the lefties have wrecked it.

Good Luck OP.

>> No.21654100

NYC is an okay place if you can find somewhere affordable but I’m biased because I grew up there. The vapidity wears on you but the density is preferable to the desolation of the midwest town I now reside in. Cooming in as many women as possible is a fucking waste of your time though. If you’re in NYC take the opportunity to find a dateable woman because contrary to popular belief there are plenty of them, bookish shut-in times who are pleasant talk to and don’t partake in the widespread promiscuity they are certain to defend. Some even browse 4chan, in my experience.

>> No.21654101

thanks anon

>> No.21654205

yes if you go to nyc, you instantly get access to free coom sessions with women

>> No.21654232

Why not just live in Bangkok for a year? Plenty of hot women Asian and even some white. Its cheap as fuck compared, and do muay thai
>t. Did that last year

>> No.21654330

>wanting to live in jew york
For what purpose?

>> No.21654397


Was net'ing a little over $2900 every two weeks after takes and retirement and medical and all that shit.

Rent was $3200 a month.
This was before they outlawed the brokers fee and all that shit, so I had to go into debt with brokers fee's and security deposits to even get in.

A couple years later they outlawed all that shit so it's not even a thing anymore.

It's easily the weirdest fuckin place I've ever lived or visited in my life.

That being said, I am extremely sad by what has happened to it under corona.

>> No.21654568

New York is full of, and smells of niggers. >>21648069

>> No.21654570


it was always possible to find a no fee apartment. i'm probably moving away in january but the rent prices dropping make it tempting to stay and ride it out

>> No.21654748


Not from New York. Moved for the job.
Looking around on craigslist was super super sketchy for someone coming from another state.

Found a great spot with the broker, but it was a very frustrating process and expensive as fuck

>> No.21654893

not true at all. feels like pretty lovely in Brooklyn, except a bunch of annoying new rules and some businesses shut down. parks are full of people chilling. bars and restaurants all now have outdoor seating. restaurants that were too cool for delivery are now delivering. subways are at like 20% capacity so you get to sit down.

>> No.21654907

3200 for rent at your salary seems kind of wild, did you not live with roommates?

I'd advise most people not come here but there are a lot of nice things about New York.

Absurdly high salaries, incredibly varied food that's cheap, entertainment options and resources that don't exist anywhere else in the country.

People overrate the social life in NY though, even if you have money I've preferred living in Chicago, Miami, LA, Mexico City, and Montreal for nightlife and meeting people. NYC also has no outdoorsy shit to do or green space, in smaller cities it's so much more enjoyable to ride a bike around or go for a jog.

>> No.21654974

So not Nyc

>> No.21654981

Don’t move to NYC

>> No.21655019

OP, I was living in NYC until March then I came home bc of corona. I have friends who came back with me and have gone back now, rent prices have drastically gone down and outdoor restaurants have made the city fun again.

If you want to go, I would go now otherwise not worth to move in just for fall and winter which are the shittiest months in the city imo

>> No.21655047

In Manhattan, to clarify

>> No.21655103

nyc is great, i just get delivery for everything, amazon, food, groceries and i dont have to leave house

>> No.21655143

i wouldnt suggest it anon, i live in nyc and the girls are literally vampires. They WILL take all your money and the sex is meaningless.Been through it all, not worth it.Find yourself a wifu and youll be happier long term knowing you blew your heard earned LINK gains on your family.

>> No.21655265

NYC is good to meet women and always will be NYC is still a turd though. Buy a brownstone in Brooklyn or if yr filthy rich buy something on the east side of central park

>> No.21655298

This. I wouldn’t live there even if I had 50 million dollars

>> No.21655377

A bunch of intel nerds telling you that nyc is bad cause it’s big muh sanitation (literally wtf) muh there’s no one outside muh prostitution is pricey lol you’re 23 with a decent apartment girls from Long Island will lliterally worship you. These clowns have no game. Phase four is coming soon gyms are opening in some parts. Start looking enjoy your life. Sone girls will literLly fuck you just because your apartment is walking distance.

>> No.21655390

big money isn't for spending, it's for putting into an account that makes you free spending money
your link stack in its entirety could let you live like that forever already - it's millions of dollars, that's a six figure salary fixed income in dividends annually, more if you put it in equity, and any amount of that you'd like can simply end up reinvested and compounding
you need to seriously weigh your expectation of future growth from this position against consistent, big, secure gains in fiat, because as you stand you could go entirely legit and make millions more without ever straying from the boomer-approved methods

>> No.21655409

This was supposed to be my life.

I had 90k LINK from the ICO. Fucking sold way too early. I got /fit/ as fuck and am in the prime of my life. Should be traveling the world on LINKbux but instead I am shackled to a 19 year old virgin GF with my 200k poorjak portfolio as my life fades away

>> No.21655412


Huge problem with something called gang stalking aka red squads aka COINTELPRO, stay out of NYC

>> No.21655498

>NYC also has no outdoorsy shit to do or green space
except for that giant fucking park right in the middle of the city

>> No.21655568

All the billionaires left and took the jbs with them, 300 billion+ total of net worth left NYC. Its insane just get an airbnb or go south like anon said

>> No.21655724

This island is full of normies anon. We’re prob the only two out of this god forsaken place that browse this board.

>> No.21655778

I had AC water dripping on my beer last week, you call that fun?

>> No.21655817

Thanks Chadmando

>> No.21655890

I live in nyc and all I'm gonna say is that it's not worth it unless you either got a job offer here, want to own real estate to rent out, or if you want to temporarily know what like to live like the elite if you can own a high rise condo in Manhattan.

>> No.21656278


depends where in the city you live. i live on the upper west side between central park and riverside park so there is a ton of green space and options to ride a bike or exercise

>> No.21656315

>nyc is great, i just get delivery for everything, amazon, food, groceries and i dont have to leave house

You don't need to pay NYC rent to get food/grocery and Amazon delivery, if you truly just need those amenities.

>> No.21656338

I have been all over the world and nothing compares to Madrid. The best city ever and it's not debatable

>> No.21656374

I'm going to buy an apartment in New York as well I don't care if its smelly. I bet its just the bad parts as well

>> No.21656806

>bro just go Get killed and robbed by nigs

t. rican