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21647783 No.21647783 [Reply] [Original]

Ever notice how the mere mention of Stakenet makes certain people froth at the mouths?
I can't think of any other DEX that receives so much orchestrated hostility. Yes, there are competitors and crypto is massively deceptive so its an inevitability that the worst of human nature is on display with the occasional shitpost tossed in.
With that in mind, the biggest target is often the biggest threat. Shills don't coordinate to FUD any other DEX 24/7. Only XSN.
It has set a world record.
>first DEX fudded 24/7
24/7 coordinated FUD is incredibly bullish.

>> No.21647894

There's actually no competition for XSN, as proven in numerous threads. Every supposed competitor is always a slow on-chain dex. Anyone who knows is already balls deep in this and everyone fudding is most likely trying to drop the price so they can also go balls deep.

>> No.21647940

The speed competition is cex. We just need to wait for the next hack for that people to switch.

>> No.21647949

Sounds about right. You'd have to be a complete retard not to see how HUGE this eco-system can grow

>> No.21648006

No shit it's being fudded hardcore. It's potentially an exchange killer. This board has had paid shills for years, that's public knowledge, of course people are being paid to fud this as hard as possible. Hell if I was the xsn devs I'd be worried about Chinese hitmen. Every other dex knows their days are numbered and they won't be happy to suddenly lose their golden cash cow.

>> No.21648038

>Ever notice how the mere mention of Stakenet makes certain people froth at the mouths?
All I notice is that half the pro AND anti XSN threads repeatedly get bumped every time it page 9 or 10 with one or two word responses. Almost as if it’s you fags propping all of them up because one thread in the catalog isn’t enough for you pigs.

>> No.21648356

CEXs and on-chain will retain the advantage for high wealth tx. DEXs I see as a tide, slowly reaching the shores and hitting from the ground up until the streets are consumed and the only people above it are in skyscrapers.
Does it throw off your dedicated /biz/ thread count abacus or some shit?

>> No.21648661

i wonder how new most of biz is.
i dont think theres too many left from old cycles. just a few

>> No.21648940

It's mainly cz and his employees and occasionally blocknet users who dont know how to dyor.

>> No.21649150

checks out

>> No.21649171

probably lots of lurkers from 2017 and before, but let's face it if you were smart then you made a shit load of money and probably just check in every once in a while these days for the memes.

I was not smart then. I bet on an eth killer, and made some money, but got dumped on pretty hard in the bull run aftermath.

I will not be that stupid again.

>> No.21649472

My name is Grant so stop fudding you coping seethes. You have to rope. Brb, fucking my cat.

>> No.21649551

Ok I'm going to dig into this even though I've been posting stuff about the Bitcointalk forum notated exit scam by the previously rebranded Stakewallet which it used to be.
. Where can I find more about the sega and what part of the team left / stayed / who stole?
. What are the TPS and how much of the project is opensourced?
. Do they have a working prototype?
. Who is the team?

>> No.21649708

occasional drunkwhaleposting is the final redpill
>where do i find out about the sega
for me, it was the home arcade fidelity of the genesis, but their arcade legacy goes much deeper

>> No.21650068


>> No.21650118

X9 is the team, very pro devs. POSW hired them originally to build their blockchain, they also helped litecoin foundation with lightning.

DEX is in beta you can ask in the discord to test it. Full discord release to all coming this month.