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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21645848 No.21645848 [Reply] [Original]



V2 just listed on uniswap, dapp launching very soon and its rising fast


>> No.21645879

what is the mcap on this one? 180 people are in

>> No.21645907

150 k

>> No.21645916

best deflationary token out there
new $TEND
easy 20x from here

>> No.21645954

Well its growing slowly, gonna get posted in groups soon and its at 180 holders only, atleast 500 is gonna come today

>> No.21645959

why are you answering to yourself?

>> No.21645982

oh i found it by myself so everyone can know >>21645959

>> No.21646037

ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha yes XD

>> No.21646103


WINGS is an ultra deflationary token, featuring 2 highly profitable systems: the Bake function & the Wing Basket daily giveaway. The Bake function takes 5% of all WINGS pooled in the Uniswap protocol, 51% of those WINGS are burned forever, and 48% are pooled and distributed when users interact with our OVEN dApp. Users can only interact with the OVEN once per day.
The Wing Basket daily giveaway features a fully automated randomized system that awards holders up to 5,000 WING daily. As more WINGS are burned, the daily prize will decrease. Users must have a minimum of 1,000 WING in their wallet to be eligible to win the basket.
The total supply of WINGS is 10,000,000, of those, only 3,450,000 are in circulation. A majority of tokens not in circulation will be used to pay for centralized exchanges, developmental work to continuously improve dApp functionality & new features, as well as marketing/bounties/promotions. The team fund of 650,000 WING is locked for 1 month and unlocks 10% per month thereafter.
While the launch of WINGS was successful, accruing close to 1 million dollars of volume in the first 18 hours, the smart contract it was built on, ran into some errors. After many hours of debugging and tests, we were unable to integrate the current smart contract into our dApp.
We will be migrating to V2 of WINGS on Wednesday, August 19th. A snapshot will be taken of all current holders, and the distribution of the new version will be sent out shortly after the snapshot. Uniswap listing will be within an hour of distribution of the V2 tokens.
We locked liquidity immediately after listing on Uniswap for V1 of WINGS. In order to provide V2 with proper liquidity, we will drain the V1 pool, and immediately create the V2 pool.

>> No.21646107

we pamping guys lets gooo

>> No.21646142

Its really gonna pump like hell once it gets the traction needed

>> No.21646169


>> No.21646217



>> No.21646234

Dapp Launching??

>> No.21646255

very soooon

>> No.21646322

we are going up lets fucking gooooo

>> No.21646325 [DELETED] 

damn, this is gonna be a good one just got in

>> No.21646337

Woohoo... Ama sell my wife to stack some bag

>> No.21646341

dapp launching in couple of hours


>> No.21646388

We're growing steadily its gonna explode soon

>> No.21646455

its literally a tend clone and I don't even care

>> No.21646512

yep that is why it will pump hard af

>> No.21646525

yeh presales getting out now, moon later

>> No.21646526

better than tend definetly and going way far above it!!!

>> No.21646665

Get your wings while it's hot!!

>> No.21646735

Low market cap under 200 holders

>> No.21646890

we mooning hard boyz is this ath how did we recover from presale dump so fast wtf i have never seen something like this biz fomo da fk in

>> No.21646897

We're pumping we gucci

>> No.21647023

low effort shill thread but i still bought 3.5k.

>> No.21647125
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Txn fee is way too high on Ethereum now zzz

I'll just wait for Radix and their cerberus protocol, way more scalable than ethereum could ever be

>> No.21647126

dude if he only linked it to you and give u tg and u came in it would be fkn enough

>> No.21647163

we pumping hard af guys lets go

>> No.21647226
File: 491 KB, 718x732, Wingshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ready to bake Anons?

>> No.21647264

yes we fkn are it is going strong boyz noone wants to get rid of their shrimpies :)

>> No.21647269

Imagine 500 holders boys, we're gonna be up 500% atleast

>> No.21647338

yep we all know what happeed with tnds we all learned from our mistakes we are going to be bullish af with this :)

>> No.21647512

Its not even 200 holders..when people notice our wings we gucci

>> No.21647829

gucci wings broooos

>> No.21648572

gtfo with your bobo version $TEND

>> No.21648603

tend is a dead shitcoin with no volume.

>> No.21649085

tend didnt stand a test of time bro....