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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1091x819, FUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21641954 No.21641954 [Reply] [Original]

We did it lads, a dream that started about 12 hours ago has just been realized. FUDcoin (FUD) has just been listed on Uniswap and is mooning. Don't miss out.



>> No.21642056

>first coin

there been brap and many other coins fag

>> No.21642058

so fucking early. legit 100x here

>> No.21642066


Liquidity is locked within a group of autists

>> No.21642102

There s already COOM

>> No.21642145

kill yourself kike

>> No.21642182


Lotsa FUD going on in here. I like it.

>> No.21642928


Bearish FUD = Bullish Returns

>> No.21643033

the FUD is so bullish

>> No.21643156

>what is Niggercoin

>> No.21643157

Contract is literally copy and pasted from another coin lol

>> No.21643166

This shit literally keeps going up

>> No.21643227

In my entire life I have never seen a shittier concept.

Wait, 24k market cap? I'm in.

>> No.21643246


>> No.21643271

>not calling it the /biz/shitcoin

>> No.21643379
File: 55 KB, 608x597, chad fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally autistic and literally unfuddable. Easy 100x

>> No.21643458

Liquidity locked or no?

>> No.21643482

Keep up the FUD. This is great. I can buy even lower

>> No.21643527

When the telegram gets 120 members, it's at 112 right now.

FUDcoin on telegram

>> No.21643540


>> No.21643671

Trade your $WAIF for WAIFUS eoy anons.

>> No.21643742

CryptoFox is behind it?

>> No.21643822
File: 245 KB, 900x1195, 3CEB622D-58BF-43CF-B46A-79F10CD89D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ got together and agreed on things
>/biz/ agreed on things and cooperated so well that they created a product
>/biz/ released their very own coin
This is hilariously fake.

>> No.21643928


>> No.21643958
File: 153 KB, 2499x456, fudchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it and fud, fag.

>> No.21644147

epic fud sir. pease buy uinswap

>> No.21644231



>> No.21644345

LOLOL Liquidity locked. This fucking garbage is legit going to the moon. What a time to be alive

>> No.21644360

MIcrocap still. liq locked get in!!!!

>> No.21644386
File: 55 KB, 600x600, The_Real_Story_Behind_Black_Guy_On_The_Phone_Meme-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Liquidity is locked? Begin the vaporware FUD"

>> No.21644477
File: 36 KB, 464x184, Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 4.02.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21644618

these scams are so bad now holy kek, literally no effort

>> No.21644703

Post-ironic era

>> No.21644713

Yes sirs do not buy this scam sirs. Will not go moon sirs, very bad for village is fud.

>> No.21644748

>Instant, direct responses from nay-sayers
>All three are “fellow anons” on /biz/ who all come to an agreement
>All three post in immediate succession
This is just pitiful. You’ve got to sow just enough seeds of doubt to not be obvious and instead choose to play the long-game. Anyone with half a brain can see what you’re doing here, even the idiots you think you can scam.

>> No.21644785

If you don't want to be rugpulled, don't go into a thread about a coin named FUD, retardo

>> No.21644788

I was spying on the TG yesterday lol.
I'll grab a small bag for fun since it is literally one of our coins.

Fuck you
Fuck me
Fuck jannies

>> No.21644797


>> No.21644826

I agree sir. Do the needful and do not invest in this scam Will bring much plague to entire village, including my compatriots Rajeesh and Buktar.

>> No.21644844
File: 23 KB, 653x566, 38D1E3A7-5C31-437A-BAD0-93C034AC9EEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't want to be rugpulled, don't go into a thread about a coin named FUD, retardo
He literally gave up lmfao
How about you go get a job?

>> No.21644846

Don’t buy this fud fud fud it’s only 6x fud fud time for the rug

>> No.21644967

This is my job, sir

>> No.21645003

Damn big dump fud fud fud

>> No.21645002


>> No.21645012

this is said for every shitcoin posted here

>> No.21645021

Why does the Etherscan link direct to a completely different coin...?

>> No.21645037

Mistake i'm guessing. Just get it from the uniswap.

>> No.21645057

Disregard this man, people. He is only spouting pure fud and nonsense.


>> No.21645194

dumping hard, this scam was so short lived

>> No.21645236

Excellent Fud.

>> No.21645293

I'll throw a couple thousand just to see what happens; I'm a millionaire from my LINK gains anyways. Whats the contract address?

>> No.21645301




>> No.21645308

This is fud you have no link . FUD FUD FUD

>> No.21645315
File: 132 KB, 665x574, F824A594-5F29-464C-8E6C-247E59F309DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Is this where I can buy PNK, RSR and YAM? Google showed me this address please help me dear Sir.

>> No.21645392

You guys talk shit about it, but it’s actually a solid project. It’s backed by the FEXlink system, consolidated through KJL, and utilizes the UTI log-backlog system for enhanced enumeration. From a logistical standpoint, this blows other coins out of the water in terms of growth potential, loss security, and utility. Over 79 contracts have been signed, including most major shipping services, many independent emergency/EMS providers, and several online marketplaces. The team is hashing out an agreement with Amazon as we speak, and the Polish government has publicly expressed interest in implementing this currency. I know most coins go nowhere, but this is seriously promising, and the fantastic team behind it gives me more confidence each day.

>> No.21645416


>> No.21645447


>> No.21645543

That’s not very fud-like of you

>> No.21645575


Anti-fud has no place here, but don't worry - we'll take you to court soon enough.

>> No.21645720

>we’ll take you to court soon enough.
Bullshit. If I have ever seen a truly honest, professional, and trustworthy team, it’s you guys. You and your supporters will be drowning in money and fame. You have a heart of gold and would never take legal action against dissenters. I feel very good about this coin.

>> No.21645745

>T. newfag

>> No.21645800

This is fud the team is pieces of shit I know because I’m apart of the 80 team members and I’m big time piece of shit

>> No.21645860

Honesty goes a long way with investors.

>> No.21645990

I'm going to dump all my tokens, crash the price, and give the proceeds to needy families. Fuck the investors, I'm not the greater fool

>> No.21646285


>> No.21646301


You should be thankful I didn't get home in time to dump my stack before liquidity was locked.

t. dev

>> No.21646310

10 cent waiting room

>> No.21646387

just buy coom instead of this piece of shit

>> No.21646393

This is also fud. lead dev is at strip club with hookers and cocaine. He is not home yet

>> No.21646433

Fud Nobody wants coom we are not fags. Should of called it squirt coin because nothing better then gettting squirted on unless youre a big fag. Enjoy eating coom fudster

>> No.21646470

The IRS would like to know your location

>> No.21646476

stay poor

>> No.21646542

lol wow no FUD they legit arent rug pulling


>> No.21646655

Stay a faggot obsessing over male ejaculation you fucking faggot

>> No.21646688

Fud liquidity is locked in a rug. Rug locked

>> No.21646738

based and checked pilled fucking tranny ass coomers

>> No.21646873

Like come up with a better name fucking Coom ? Like what how big of a fagget are these people. Suck a dick and get some coom you don’t even have to pay for it

>> No.21647040
File: 282 KB, 1199x1114, 183AC97A-238B-4967-8AF3-16A3E7B0FD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21647132
File: 257 KB, 500x500, 1597271288593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21647150

How about you bend the knee and suck the coom right out my coom faucet fagget . Fud fud fud

>> No.21647313

FUD to $1.00

>> No.21647382

This is fud. Fud will be 1 fud = 1 lambo. But even that is fud

>> No.21647532

devs working on a FUD to Lambo conversion. Liquidy locked and loaded. This one's a contender.

>> No.21647633

we need to spread awareness of FUD.

>> No.21648226

what the fud?

>> No.21648316

uniswap sir: 0x13648ee70f9ab68ec480d30c8f311a5e850deea6

>> No.21648554

thnks anon rakesh

>> No.21649158

Even that is FUD . Can already buy lambo with FUD

>> No.21649265

>first coin

>> No.21649774

This is fud.

>> No.21650480 [DELETED] 

Fud fud fud

>> No.21650730

Fud will never die . Fud to the mooooon

>> No.21650848

fud you in the ass