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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21632289 No.21632289 [Reply] [Original]

>americans wake up
>price starts dumping

every fucking time

weak handed fat fucks

>> No.21632467

The only people that matter are Americans

>> No.21632519

>The only people that matter are Black people
Yeah i'm thinking amerimutt detected

>> No.21632619

That's only 13% of Americans and I bet only half of those actually identify as Americans.

>> No.21632638

>Euros blame mutts
>Mutts blame chinks
And i'm sure chinks blame euros on beido or whatever they use.
Why do everyone love to point fingers at the next guy?

>> No.21632942

Is it a love letter to coronachan, that’s sweeet.

>> No.21633366

Europoor detected. Thanks for gainz.

>> No.21633441

He is correct.

>> No.21633772

Americans are not people.

>> No.21633907

it's easier than accepting personal responsibility

>> No.21633992

Oh no the Europoors from /pol/ have discovered out hide out.

>> No.21634036


>> No.21634277

imagine being an american living in america these days and coming 100 years LoL viral shithole

>> No.21634322
