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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21614566 No.21614566 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 1 reason why I shouldn't just become a scammer instead of wagecucking for the rest of my life.
God isn't real and morals and ethics are just social constructs.

>> No.21614581

scamming is harder than u think

>> No.21614588

>God isn't real and morals and ethics are just social constructs
lol youre a fucking retard, kid

>> No.21614620

Karma will bite you in the ass whether it be literal as in you getting scammed by a bigger fish or mental IE knowing you've only produced an income feinding off honest people
Also Gods real and hes watching
Check em

>> No.21614623


you have a creator, God isn't some white dude in the sky poking a stick at us down here - God is everything man, the complexity is something man has forgotten and only remembers at the moment of their death

you will know the truth at that moment

>> No.21614624

The only reason one shouldn't is if you feel it isn't the best option for you.
Do you think you can get away with it?
Do you think you can consistently make good returns?
If the answer is yes, why not? Nobody is doing anything fairly. Your boss would be screwing you if you worked a normal job. The kikes that control the money are screwing you as well.

>> No.21614663

you cannot beat pajeet a his own game

>> No.21614665

>God isn't real and morals and ethics are just social constructs.
Go back.

>> No.21614666

>morals and ethics are just social constructs

Well by that logic a person that directly harms another for personal gain is no better than a feral animal

Are you an animal, OP?

>> No.21614671


Scamming is an art. If you want to scam your way into millions you have to be a legitimate high IQ psychopath. Unfortunately most of /biz/ is actually the polar opposite or "nemesis" of the psychopath; the schizo.

>> No.21614676

If god is everything, isn't that even more reason to become a scammer? Nature is certainly full of deception, cruelty, etc, and the human world is even more filled with it, though it is veiled.

>> No.21614682

Just build a time machine and buy LINK 3 years ago

>> No.21614707
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>> No.21614722

Opposite of psychopath is autist
Schizo isn’t con

>> No.21614750

*isnt congenital

>> No.21614821



this has all the answers you need, if you listen to this fully and still do not believe in God you were'nt paying attention

the first 30 minutes are basically why tolstoy wrote what he wrote

it really starts at the 35 minute mark

7:20 - 11 is important too

a little over a year ago I died and came back to life and saw a lot of shit

my notion of religion was not in view with these modern cults that use the guise of religion but this is truly amazing

>> No.21614862

I believe in God, but I also believe life isn't fair.

>> No.21614879

>God isn't real
>On /biz/
>1 post...
I hope your next prolapse kill's you.

>> No.21615010

Why do you need to get reasons from others? Can't think for yourself? Feeling bad?

>> No.21615105
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my fucking sides

>> No.21615158


>> No.21615180

Scamming just seems lame to me.. And if you get busted its gg.

>> No.21615198

isn't real

>> No.21615229

He's not really wrong tho, the risk and mental impact of scamming your whole life would outweigh the benefits of not getting a real job.

>> No.21615258

The scamming is pretty gay yeah

>> No.21615271


I was raised catholic now my viewpoints align with that video

>> No.21615510
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>Fell for the teenage atheist meme.


>> No.21615654

Lemme it tell you, anon. You will never have confidence in your life. If you have zero sense of responsibility and are basically a psycho that doesnt give a fuck and in its core believes that people should be fucked over whenever possible, then go for it. However, if you have any sense of decency you shouldn't do this. There is a tremendous amount of joy and fulfillment knowing that you have made it playing by the rules. When the time comes you 'll be bulletproof. However, if you go and scam people, you will always know that you are a cheater and you will never have as much confidence when dealing with those who play by the rules. They will overshadow you with their confidence in any social interaction. At the end of the day, it's your choice. If you can digest and destroy your pride and are satisfied with the most basic needs in your life such as putting food in your mouth than go for it.