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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1362, singaporeRSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21599666 No.21599666 [Reply] [Original]

RSR: anyone else have those early Link and Raiblocks vibes? I sure as fuck do, and I was super early on both of those two. have I done it again? I have stacked this coin so hard and these iron hands are ready for a long term hold

>> No.21599692

lmao this is illegal to own in the US and people think it will get listed on Coinbase?

>> No.21599735

stop posting this shit too many newfags around, wait until they are priced out. Don't reply to this fucking thread without SAGE in options retards. let it archive. do you actually want these newfag subhuman normies in this shit?

>> No.21599773

bad attempt at FUD right here

>> No.21599832


>> No.21600312

Why is it illegal to own RSR in the US?

>> No.21600469

It isn't

>> No.21600480
File: 238 KB, 498x679, Leonardo_Colonizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking SATANIC posting. We gon bring the devil to the 3rd world savages. Then and only then, will they know hell.

>> No.21600509

true AF, i'm not done acooooomulating this and i don't need more ATH's now, SAGE in all fields

>> No.21600580

Holy shit. Satan trips Confirmed. Listen noobs, you notice how many RSR threads are popping up lately? Know about discord? There is a shilling campaign going on in a few servers where people are literally rallying to shill this around the internet to pump their bags. They have several exit points. One big one will be .03c, and they will crash the shit out of this coin. Stay away if your american, shits dangerous to hold.

>> No.21600604

this half of time doesnt even believe in the project, STAY AWAY!!!

>> No.21600648

that's fine. Im not on any discord campaigns, fuck that shit. I just do my own research and get that "feeling". I don't give a fuck if people buy it or not, Im just stoked I got in super early and just want to rub my balls all over everyone's faces

>> No.21600704
File: 244 KB, 597x443, Colonizer_Columbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely dangerous...

for African countries with uncivilized currencies in need of some stabilization, if you know what I mean.

>> No.21600787

Link to discord

>> No.21600901

You think it's just free for anyone to waltz on into these discords? Lol. It's literally a money machine. Coordinated pump and dumps. We do it ALL the time on /biz/ and make bank. No way I will share the link with a pleb.

>> No.21600967


>> No.21601004

you sure told him!! atta boy

>> No.21601070

Based Schloppy

>> No.21601112

It's on the reserve.org site.


They're 10/10 shilling to /biz/ perfectly.

>> No.21601168
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My reservies stay sturdy $1 EOY

>> No.21601304

Is this real?

>> No.21601390

what are you new around here? shilling campaigns have been around for years now. why do you think 4chan has it's shitcoin of the day pumped around here?

I, for one, am not on any campaign. I don't give a fuck. this project has big time investors backing it, including the cofounder of fucking PAYPAL and a little known crypto exchange known as COINBASE.

follow the people who are smarter than you and get rich.

>> No.21601395

i know right? crazy RSR clearly scamcoin

>> No.21601427

it seems extremely coordinated and forced given the shitty images given. Im thinking ill ride it for a while and cash out if i double. I only put in 100$, figured this would be a decent coin to test the waters with. T.brandnewfag

>> No.21601446

yeah such a scam that the cofounder of Paypal is funding it. dude is known for his charitable work but yeah you nailed it.....this time he just funded a pajeet scam coin.

use your fucking head for once

>> No.21601471

>this project has big time investors backing it, including the cofounder of fucking PAYPAL and a little known crypto exchange known as COINBASE.

>> No.21601483

lmao, ok ok there are a lot of fucking normies here. sorry guys

>> No.21601487

$2 Q1 2021...it's gonna happen

>> No.21601495

really disappointed in how fast it went up, I needed more time, double edge sword huh

>> No.21601512


google is your friend


>> No.21601533

im really disappointed by the number of newfags posting RSR threads and bumping them and spoonfeeding even newer newfags

>> No.21601538

Thanks gentleman.

>> No.21601619

meanwhile all the fud hitting LINK and STA, we could use some of those literal scum over here to help out creating panic for weak hands to cause a dip

>> No.21601781

so you're out at $0.03?

>> No.21601835

Im out at 3 dollars. I fully believe in this project

>> No.21601862


>> No.21601917

but you just said it's dangerous and they're all leaving at 0.03?

i have 100k. bought around $0.0179

im a poorfag, so if this gets to $1 its an immense amount of money for me

>> No.21601946

no that was some other idiot saying that

>> No.21601963


>> No.21601974

How the fuck will price go up if retards don't start buying in

>> No.21601985

I have 100$. Dont call yourself a poorfag, fag.

>> No.21601987

Yeah, probably a good idea to cool off with the threads for a while. The best fud is silence and we all want to fill our bags as much as possible (and i have a lot already). This will pump organically... let it dump then buy the shit out of it


>> No.21602050
File: 1.27 MB, 367x498, kim-pew_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well maybe if you put the dollar sign in front of the number, you wouldnt be so poor

i see. little confusing. ive been shilling it just because its fun. i made this gif

>> No.21602156

The entire point of RSV is to be stable at $1 and RSR is an option to buy RSV. Why the fuck would the option be worth more than the item itself?

>> No.21602165

Kek. I get it mixed up because in SWE we write currency in that order.

>> No.21602171
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>> No.21602232

It's true I am in the discord and the price rise is being artificially pumped as we speak. Honestly in stitches seeing newfags say that they're breaking off chunks of their sub-1k LINK stacks to buy this piece of shit lmao.

>> No.21602326

Holy shit, that’s some god-awful fud.

>> No.21602382

this is definitely not a coin to test the waters with. I'll save you some time, I did that a year ago. I bought in super early and I'm up 4x.
Sure, many coins are doing 10 or 100x a week or month nowadays, especially all the defi stuff.
But big gains come with big risk

This is the lowest risk you'll find for all the potential it has. It hasn't dipped even once (with the exception of the march corona bullshit). It's growing organically and will continue to do so until we reach $1 and more.

Jag vet vad jag pratar om ;)

>> No.21602400

Never noticed the black guy before.

>> No.21602424

screenshots or gtfo.
>"I can't post screenshots because they will know who I am and I will be compromised"

Yep, I've heard that one a thousand times on /biz, tell me something new faggot

>> No.21602453

It's not FUD m8, there were a few poor saps in previous threads asking if they should sell their linkies to buy this. Have a look at the charts for yourself, each time there is a crazy pump it retraces heavily. If you really want to get in I would wait for it to dump because the whales are all sitting in a chat having a laugh right now.

>> No.21602530

> i am in the discord and the price rise is being artificially pumped

could you be more of an obvious ranjeet

>> No.21602700

Jävla gangster. Tack för hjälpen.

>> No.21602738

Why the fuck wouldn't it be

>> No.21602784

What’s the stack sizes

Make it
Fuck you money

>> No.21602871

read the whitepaper moron

>> No.21602948

100k = $75-100k possibly 2-3x that in bullrun

>> No.21602951

Because that doesn’t make any sense.
RSV $1, RSR $.5 -> $.5 profit when arbing
RSV $1, RSR $1.5 -> $.5 loss when arbing, you would be buying a guaranteed loss
RSR should necessarily outside of mania always be <$1
Or is there something my retard brain isn’t getting?

>> No.21603181
File: 220 KB, 890x830, calculate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply: 100B
Suicide = 100,000
Make it = $421,926/yr from staking = 10,548,150 tokens if 1 token is $1 and you make 4%APR on auto-arbitrage and live in America
Fuck you money is your call, anon.

>> No.21603331

LOL, yeah your retard brain is not getting it, please do some basic research. You trade $1 WORTH of RSR for $1 of RSV, not one whole RSR.

>> No.21603408

I'll give it to you straight, Fats.
My biggest issue with RSR initially was that I thought it was too good to be true.
That stopped me from buying in the beginning.
But make no mistake, although RSR may seem like a pink sheet crypto right now, it IS a bluechip.
The deeper I looked into Reserve the more I began to see how highly connected it is.

>Reserve was at DAVOS a year ago.
Davos is the highest business conference you can even go to on this entire fucking planet.

If you aren't buying fucking obscene amounts of RSR right now, you are one of the absolute worst crypto "investors" in this fucking market basically.
There isnt a more power connected crypto that has links to the fucking Builderberg group and Paypal mafia than Reserve.
No crypto in the entire market has been THIS fucking highly connected.

Good luck fren but dont make the big mistake of letting my post haunt you years from now when you didn't fucking buy right now. Personally I am buying all the way to $0.10

>> No.21603426

You haven't read the whitepaper have you?
Phase 1 - runnin' on liquidity we're providing.
Phase 2 - fiat basket: dollar pegged value
Phase 3 - asset basket: no peg

RSR automatically arbitrages between RSV and *other* assets, not just RSV and RSR. If it was just that 1:1 all the time then it'd work how you were thinking there. But it's actually arbitraging a basket of other assets against RSV, allowing RSR to absorb the risk of the system and keep RSV stable. That risk will be profitable so long as the world isn't in a horrible recession. Something like 2020 comes along and yea it'll suck for RSR holders. But in general it'll be an upwards-moving asset.

>> No.21603548
File: 30 KB, 662x425, 257C58BD-1A02-4DF0-88C4-449F26238746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually logged into my account just to help you obvious newfags out, this one's on me next time I might just let you all get dumped on for fun.

>> No.21603710
File: 351 KB, 1638x1138, Mmm satsgamg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.21603814

>Claim RSR is a scam because of discord PnD groups
>Claim to be part of these group and dump on /biz/ regularly
Why don't you shut up and dump on us then? I swear be at least somewhat logical when you fud, retard

>> No.21603824

yeah, this anon knows. these newfags have no idea what's coming. go ahead and buy in, pump my bags, i really appreciate it.

>> No.21603955

You will die, cockroach.

>> No.21604004

>pump my bags, i really appreciate it.
If this was remotely true you wouldn't be here saying it, as if you'd risk compromising your potential gains for random internet anons

>> No.21604055

you think shit posted on /biz/ has any real effect on the market? lol

>> No.21604060

Same for me bro. Comfy million dollars

>> No.21604078

It isn’t. Burgers were not allowed to buy in the very beginning. It’s available on uniswap, trustwallet, ect. Don’t listen to faggots like that. Buy hodl and win.

>> No.21604311

Even shittier FUD. Suck cock.

>> No.21604315

>screenshot talking about .35 and .4
>currently we’re at .025

>> No.21604522

if it goes to .3 i'll have like $50k

>> No.21605018

holy shit that’s me in red
which anon is this?

>> No.21605057


>> No.21605083

hate the player not the game

>> No.21605098

what is a good exchange that is selling it?

>> No.21605113

You best be Trippin

>> No.21605180

Because they make poor people wait 1 year before they can buy nice things. RSR has been out over a year so you're fine.

>> No.21605232

>wait until they are priced out.
If you haven't already accumulated 1 million of these then you are the newfag. You could at least get a 100,000 suicide stack.

>> No.21605282
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>> No.21605287

fuck you homo fag

>> No.21605368
File: 9 KB, 223x226, 1584126848907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can any oldfags confirm if this is a good coin? I already fucked myself buying a STA suicide stack.

>> No.21605402

no. it's not. they will be releasing billions more tokens soon. dump is imminent

>> No.21605407

Lol "dump it at 40 cents." Either you're idiots or larping

>> No.21605409

You keep talking like that and i’ll only give your mom 1 RSR token instead of 2 for that BJ

>> No.21605445

dont dump on me. i want to make six figures at 1 dollar

>> No.21605481

You’re lucky we don’t have flags.
no one has to see your Venezuelan flag.

>> No.21605524

not my fault.
I’m not the only one dumping.
I only have 2 mil, and I’m the second smallest in the group.

>> No.21605580

what do you find legitimate then? link, pnk, ocean?

>> No.21605582

don’t worry you’ll be fine just hodl

>> No.21605640

Ocean is legit, but it's pumped quite a bit lately.
PNK is also legit if you read the whitepaper and understand it's place in the cryptosphere.
LINK is LINK. Too late to get in imo.
Decentr is really good, huge announcements coming up soon. Bitboy just shilled it on his new video.
Aergo also has lots of potential. Anything but RSR.

>> No.21605641

this is the equivalent of linkers saying "so are we gunna dump our bags at $750 or $1000?

decent fud, but you should have made it $0.035 and $0.040. that way you can short term shake the normies

>> No.21605670

Yes it’s been a good pick here starting last August

>> No.21605687

we’re looking short term during the listings

>> No.21605708

yah man, just get the 100K suicide stack and please fucking FUD RSR. we have a lot of newfags and normies. talk about dumps and supply being too big and peter thiel leaving the project

>> No.21605721

don’t buy now, you’re better off buying in a month after it’s dumped back.

I’m still buying though.

>> No.21605753

>made it $0.035 and $0.040
wait so you think 10X from here after listings is short term?!

>> No.21605835
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Hotbit, no kyc.

>> No.21605855

wow, you're dumber than i realized. im already up 10x and im not even close to thinking about selling. enjoy unironically necking yourself when this blows past a dime because you thought you were a clever swing-trader.

remember, swingies always get the rope.

>> No.21605973

Thanks for the heads up man. Yeah I bought some Ocean at .4 a few days ago, didn't even realize it shot up 50% until this morning. I thought my Blockfolio was just fucked. Still don't understand why I was given that blessing.
PNK I bought 20k at .5 so doing good. I've read the handbook a few times, great project, but tech is very limited right now.
LINK I've been dca-ing since $4. I went ahead and bought a few hundred in yesterday's dip, but not sure it will outperform my other shit anymore.

Overall what do you look for in projects worthy of investing, and what dissuades you from projects like RSR?
Legitimately thankful for any advice you can share.

>> No.21606058

I’ll buy all your bags you fucking morons

>> No.21606079

I always make sure to look at the website, devs, read the whitepapers and understand their project from all angles before investing. Also, if you see a huge influx of memes hitting /biz/ all of a sudden, it means it's a coordinated pump and dump. They use the memes as a way to attract innocent newbies. Another really good project is DIA. About to blow up. Look into what they are doing. Just got listed on three major exchanges today, and the token burn finished.

>> No.21606149

Newfag here, where can I buy this?

>> No.21606168

Never Fucking Selling

>> No.21606181
File: 7 KB, 250x169, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there any place where we can't have a comfy tread without Discord Trannies getting into our nerves?

>> No.21606207

Uniswap sir

>> No.21606282

Join the lodge on telegram

>> No.21606313

Literal subhuman lodge lol

>> No.21606387
File: 564 KB, 521x454, he doesnt know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the 16 trannies in the discord can move the price on this sleeping giant
>he doesnt realize hitting a new ATH every other day results in more threads on biz

>> No.21606399

Its better than the weak FUD constantly posted here
Most of us in the lodge are OGs that have been invested for a year
I havent even been on biz like that recently... my bag is approaching $200k

>> No.21606425

Lol at subhuman pumpers thinking CIA SOG teams arent being dispatched at this very moment to liquidate them like the insects they are. Tread carefully.

>> No.21606954

Alright rajesh I would feel bad taking away money for your village. Anyways fuck you nigggggggger