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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21598816 No.21598816 [Reply] [Original]

First Lightning DEX released at the end of the month.

Don't say I didn't warn you guys.. easy 3x from here

It's literally the KING of DEFI.


>> No.21598943

>”king of defi”
If you’re bragging about a 3x I this bull market that’s more of a peasant of defi or at best page of defi

>> No.21599006

>First Lightning DEX released at the end of the month.

Where did they say this? They came out and just made the beta public.. where does it say full release at end of the month??

Getting really irritated at the constant lying and bullshit from XSN shills

>> No.21599152

It's only good for another 2x, that's why no one's really bothered about it anymore.

Don't worry, the dex isn't actually ever going to be fully released lol. Everyone knows this

>> No.21599171

@everyone [XSN DEX UPDATE] Our Gaia phase has moved to 35% (stage 1 of the DEX), and the beta is on track to be publicly available later this month as we will continue to work on strengthening & improving the DEX. Throughout Gaia, we will be adding more trading pairs including the finalising of ETH/ Raiden + preliminary on chain upgrades will be deployed to begin chain preparations for later stages.

The DEX will be open for live trading via discord towards the end of the month. As we closely monitor for bugs and scale up before we distribute through other channels.

During this open BETA stage, there will be bounties and trading limits in place (for hardening, safety, and security). We will be making a public channel with a live link to the current DEX so all you need to do is head over and download the Multi-currency Light Wallet and in-built DEX, and start trading.

- We are holding bug bounties/pen tests on the DEX for those who want to participate in this.
- If you do not want to take part in the bug bounty, come join us for stress testing the DEX trading - anyone can join.
- If you don't want to participate in stress testing, you can start to trade on the DEX, get a feel for how it works and at the same time you will be able to see it continuously improve over this last sprint as we work to get L2 of ETH implemented into our wallet and DEX.

We will release a landing page where anyone can access it so they are not required to get the link from our Discord at a later point in Stage 1 before we progress to Prometheus (Stage 2).
They clearly state continuation of BETA stage.. they are not releasing the DEX. This is intentionally misleading and you assholes know it!


>> No.21599346

The fud is weak lads.

I am accumulating.

>> No.21599511

The only FUD are the lies being released by the shills on 4chan and twitter blowing any confidence in the project..

>> No.21599641

People are just stupid and can't read.
Hydra is the full deployment of the DEX.
Prior to that, we go through Gaia and Prometheus.
Gaia has already been initiated. It's currently at 35% completion.

Anyone that actually reads things knew since we first heard about these three stages that Gaia was going to be a soft roll out of the DEX.

>> No.21599668

The DeFi bubble has tarnished the name which rightfully belongs to XSN. Easy 3x and past that we're gearing up for light speed.

>> No.21599737
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>feels good

>> No.21599861


Rofl. Uniswap shit isn't real defi.

There is nothing "decentralized finance" about it.

It's a fun pnd experiment, and it will collapse. Some will get rich, some will make pocket change and have some fun,most will get fucked when it collapses as with any ponzi.

XSN will stay, build, own the real defi market

>> No.21600180

I feel this way about this Defi bubble and all this yield farming shit. It’s all well and good while market is in bulk and new money is flowing in but as soon as it turns bear a lot of people are going to get absolutely rekt

>> No.21600492

The most important aspect is that everyone can start using it. I know the full deployment isn't until Hydra.

>> No.21600610

Can somebody explain to me if there’s any way to run a masternode without using the core wallet?
As far as I can tell from the website itself, there’s no option to do so with the light wallet or ledger. Isn’t the core wallet supposed to get ditched once the light wallet is live?

>> No.21600710

Yes the Core Wallet will be ditched.

>> No.21600908

Think it's an easy 10x. It's not on a big exchNge. It'll go crazy when it gets there

>> No.21601150

Okay cool, so what does that mean for running masternodes?

>> No.21601361

When the new chain update is done you will be able to use LW and Ledger to run your MN

>> No.21601663

Awesome, thanks breh

>> No.21602587

No need core wallet

>> No.21602635

Apparently I'm behind the times. Ledger masternode ftw

>> No.21603356

If It said 100x you wouldn't believe it anyway, lol

>> No.21603441

>threads on page 10 better bump it!
God you’re a fag

>> No.21603675

Thanks for the bump, faggot

>> No.21603708

Yeah thanks for the bump

>> No.21603756

>newfags don’t know what sage is

>> No.21603892

Thx 4 bump :)

>> No.21604240
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Okay, but would you stop posting like a desperate pajeet shill from r*ddit.

>> No.21604530

XSN has done a 6-7x from June despite the way it was obsessively targeted by fud the whole time.
It still has a lot of room to grow. 5k is the next target.

>> No.21605203
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>> No.21605301
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>6 weeks later

>> No.21605552

This is now a

XSN: What went wrong? Thread

>> No.21605615

The only thing that went wrong is it's not 2 years in the future and I haven't cashed out and retired yet.

>> No.21605627

>XSN What Went Wrong?
it didnt go away and now all of its competitors cant ignore it anymore and their seethe grows more aggressive everyday :D
thats where it went "wrong" lmao

>> No.21605645

It’s dumping and I sold

>> No.21605856

Some whale is trying to surpress the price to accumulate more.
Pretty dangerous, someone could easily buy him out, lol

>> No.21606165

Swing the stake, get the rake

>> No.21606368

You swinging buddy? I believe holding is the best option right now

>> No.21606541

hell no

>> No.21606673

Based op. Block cucks are coping extremely hard.

>> No.21606827

>First they ignore you
>then they laugh at you
we are here
>then they fight you
>then you win.

>> No.21607195

I've got $20k coming my way tomorrow. hoping to have 3 more nodes by end of week. I'll eat into that buy wall no problem.

>> No.21607298

Blockcucks getting btfo in multiple threads.
Fuck blocknet hope your discord bot picks this up.

>> No.21607422

Dont price me out before my paycheck on the 25th (a lot to ask for....)

>> No.21607451
