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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21597510 No.21597510 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a young lad, my father gave me 500 dollars and told me to invest in stocks. I researched all the big companies, and I settled on Mastercard, buying in at $20 a share and selling years later at $80. Why Mastercard? I read that credit cards were not widely adopted worldwide, and were growing. I knew that they would be the future of commerce.

Today, I feel the same way about Swipe (SXP).
>owned by binance
>crypto debit card
>bridge between normie transactions and crypto

I hope you anons make the wise decision I did.

>> No.21597562

my job pays me in fiat directly in my fiat bank account
I then use my fiat debit card to purchase good. why would I want this ?

>> No.21597634

Maybe you made lots of money investing in ethereum, and have it in your wallet. You don't wanna cash out directly, maybe you prefer to keep crypto as a hedge against USD, because you like the concept, or whatever reason. So you pay directly from your wallet

>> No.21597695


To avoid taxes, dipshit.

>> No.21597790

The only reason I'd consider using it is if it doesn't require kyc. Doest it?

>> No.21597861

dude seriously are you using your brain a little bit atleast

>> No.21597989

you're not a terrorist funder are you anon?

>> No.21598107
File: 1.53 MB, 320x240, 9052F3F5-72A1-47E0-9E28-0207BC38C020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 2k more today to finally get 3k. About to get that steel card and flex on all my normie friends once this starts getting more widely used and they realize how much it costs to own one of these bad boys

>> No.21598156

How do I pool SXP? I've never done it before. I'm on the Uniswap screen where you "Add Liquidity". SXP and what?

>> No.21598257

based anon, i just bought 10 eth more myself today

>> No.21598295

You don't avoid taxes with this. If anything, you only make the IRS finding you so much fucking easier you absolute mong.

>> No.21598444

This shit will overtake crypto.com by the end of year. 50$ per SXP incoming. Unironically 1 SXP will be worth more than 1 LINK by the end of September.

>> No.21598546

this is true, but realistically speaking, no one here can avoid taxes unless they move to porto. crypto is important beyond tax evasion

>> No.21598703
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It's weird how greedy i am because of /biz/, i'm a poorfag student with a weak bag of 1500 swipies and up +80% already. I'm fantasizing about SXP being 50 USD but still it feels like nothing even if it reaches 50 because my poorfolio would be "only" 75k
Wish i had a stack of like 10k

>> No.21598970

How is this different from mco/cro's card? I want a crypto card that is useful for every day purchases and % off without stupid fees. I don't want to hold usd before having to make a purchase. Can you spend usdc/usdt/ltc/etc with this one or do you have to fund it in usd first? Googling around it looks like a few people are working on cards but all have some drawbacks. Netflix, prime, and Spotify is pretty cool but I don't want to use a card that tells everyone I hold X in crypto. Why can't they offer a nondescript black metal card so it looks like I just hacked a card up and diy'd it on metal stock to be edgy goth hacker kid?

>> No.21599134

just swinged that 25% pump, might buy back if it goes lower again

I'm not really sure that we need a fucking credit card for crypto but is backed by fucked VISA and shady CZ so its going to skyrocket for sure

>> No.21599851


>> No.21599970

Get any crypto card, pay for a curve card and link it... Hide how much crypto you have "staked" when buying things.

>> No.21599984

Based and confirmed by trips
You are the dumbass everything he said is correct and completely mathematically plausible and in my opinion more likely than unlikely

>> No.21600286

Nice blog
Where I can read more about your pointless life and endeavours

>> No.21600291

This is pure trash. Just go look at the comments on the play store.
I have one and it simply doesn't work

>> No.21600472

I have a 10.4k stack. Feels good. Only had a 4k stack before, but I traded shitcoins and bought yesterday on the dump.

>> No.21600510
File: 124 KB, 440x440, 1596532875084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will correct down to $3.40

>> No.21600522

Nice fud bro

>> No.21600574

>buying in at $20 a share and selling years later at $80
its $300 now anon

>> No.21600620

>1,5k stack
Look at the bourgois acting humble. bet yuou ghave ladylike hands, my liege

>> No.21600719

i have only 975 swipe and it feels like nothing here but in real life 4000 bucks would be a fuckload of money

>> No.21600805

Yeah that's true, in reality getting a 50 thousand dollar injection to my bank account would be pretty huge but all the /biz/ billionaires have made me deluded

>> No.21601463

https://www.. zuckerberg's site /coinsbit.io.cr/photos/a.1915438145426748/2379793035657921/
>No sell
>Conditions for receiving: to tell about Staking Pool SXP in three different social networks and also fill out a Google form

https://www.. binance /en/staking/products/4d8d28d0b4a840e8abc86d75c9a7f7a5
>Monthly SXP Staking Airdrop Program
Starting from 2020/08/23 at 00:00 AM UTC, Binance will begin taking live snapshots of user SXP balances.
SXP Staking distribution will be calculated as follows: SXP generated by each user = Total SXP staking rewards received by Binance * User SXP holdings ratio.
User SXP holdings ratio = Average user SXP holdings / Average total SXP staked by Binance.
Users must hold at least 1 SXP in order to qualify for staking rewards.
The initial distribution of SXP staking rewards will be calculated through to 2020/09/30, with the total amount distributed being equal to the staking rewards accrued during the period.
SXP rewards are calculated daily and distributed monthly. Distributions will be completed before the 20th of each month.

>> No.21601553

Comfy as hell

> US market announced
> Asian market announced soon
> Staking going to start 23 of August. Binance APY 12%, On-chain will be even higher
> DeFi launching at a later date
> CZ his new strategy for domination