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21596713 No.21596713 [Reply] [Original]

I know there are a few Bitcoin things but the vast majority of shit says it is based off ETH. Why is that?

>> No.21596915

could someone at least link me to an article that explains it?

>> No.21597043

Because Bitcoin has no virtual machine. Its ledger is just for shuffling numbers around in transactions.

>> No.21597118

is Vitalik like a major genius?

>> No.21597147

No he's a commie pedophile

>> No.21597221

The Ethereum blockchain supports smart contracts. Basically, you can write code and run it on the Ethereum blockchain.

>> No.21597277

can someone explain what is blockchain

>> No.21597313

I can argue two (2) things:

i) heron is riskfree
ii)cunny is good for you

>> No.21597365

that would be good too no matter how many times I read it I don't understand it same with derivatives

>> No.21597367

Ease of use and network effect. The longer the competitors wait, the harder it will be to gain ground.

>> No.21597376

tl;dr it's a secure decentralized network of computers

>> No.21597414

because ETH invented smart contracts and all transactions (literally all you can do with internet money) depends on them

>> No.21597458

*decentralized database on a network of computers

>> No.21597540

Blockchain is a system that ensures that all the transactions being made with internet moneyz are legit, it's "decentralized" because all the miners are running a program that checks for the legitimacy of transactions, that's to prevent you sending money without having funds.
A smart contract is something that makes sure that the transactions are made after a requirement is met. You can program anything into the smart contract. That's how you have things like uniswap.

>> No.21597591

bigger network = more secure network. why would you base your project on a platform with a smaller network thats more prone to attack. stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.21597628

Actually even ETH is based on Bitcoin. Core turned off Bitcoin's op codes, if they were still turned on, you could do almost the same things on BTC.

>> No.21597683

Investing just might not be your thing bud

>> No.21597700

ok but why decentralized? why not have it on one computer

>> No.21597789

The idea behind crypto is having internet money where nobody has any power in its value other than the market itself. They can't print more bitcoin even if they want, that only happens the way it was coded for the first time, it doesn't depend on the economy of any country, it's not susceptible to corruption.

>> No.21597911

No. Well, kind of. He 100% has genius-level IQ and is smarter than all of us, just not an ultra-genius by crypto innovator standards. Ethereum was born out of a dispute within BTC over whether smart contracts should be available rather than any breakthrough technological innovation, which is why it turned out to be a mess and they're trying to salvage its network effect with 2.0.

>> No.21597914

>They can't print more bitcoin even if they want
i thought i could print the wallet via my printer. are you saying bitcoin disables this feature

>> No.21598052

>He 100% has genius-level IQ and is smarter than all of us
the fuck he is
szabo is a genius. vitalik didn't even come up with the idea for attaching a stack machine
he made a gamble on shitty engineering and continues to do so
good for him but he's not of the same caliber
ramesh 2020

>> No.21598355

you did literally qualify this though, on a different scale
i'm going to take a break

>> No.21598466

Pretty much this.
Vitalik was a magazine editor before Ethereum.
He also hold a record for most car crashes survived.

>> No.21598643

He also came third place in a high school programming competition