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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 290x210, voxels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2158738 No.2158738 [Reply] [Original]

Screepcap this post before you even read it. Voxels will go 300% minimum over night.

This coin used to have a market cap of 8 million, and since it got delisted off poloniex, it’s now only 1 million. Development was taking forever and polo delisted without notice causing the price to plummet.

This is a VIRTUAL REALITY APP CREATED BY THE FUCKING FOUNDER OF CNET! The app drops tomorrow on google play store and app store.


You design the levels/game yourself and there are already working games ready to drop tomorrow with the release.


I’m sure you know what kind of autism power is behind Minecraft, just imagine that on crack mixed in with a little VR.

The youtube channel is active and devs just started posting and promoting this shit.


There is a huge campaign on bitcointalk about to pump this coin, get in while it’s only at 1 mil. This will reach at least 3-4 mil market cap tomorrow.

Don’t miss the next 500% coin. Buy this coin now on bittrex before it gets listed to other exchanges again. If you want 10000% gains, spam this shit on autistic Minecraft videos on youtube and get little kids to buy the in game microtransactions using mommys credit card. This is a quick 500% coin, and has the potential for 2000% with the new roadmap.

Do not miss this coin. Take your gains from my Musicoin thread yesterday and buy this.
I can’t believe there is only 1 other person shilling this coin on this board. Stop buying bags and buy the fucking ground level.

>> No.2158764

The reality project it's a failure, and you just want to get ride of your coins.

Fuck off shill.

>> No.2158800

Holy shit the spreads look crazy on this coin

>> No.2158809

>No github updates in years
>300% rise

>> No.2158811
File: 71 KB, 1581x867, voxels1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding you to the screencap.
In 2 days i'll be back to say I told you so.

This thing is just beginning.

>> No.2158819

dude it's just about to launch. How can it be a failure already. It had a big market cap before he got delisted. It's probably gonna surge back up again. It might fail in the future but I think i'll have huge gains in the next few days.

>> No.2158820

I'm in, someone nuked the 1820 sell wall last night and the volume has doubled. Im in

>> No.2158840

I guess you didn't check the links in the post.


Enjoy missing these gains if you don't buy.

>> No.2158898
File: 661 KB, 769x549, voxel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i did a little search, and it looks like OP was right..

>> No.2158901

Ya i'm in for the short 100-200% gain

>> No.2158907
File: 104 KB, 1824x658, vox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once that resistance breaks all hell will break loose.

>> No.2158957
File: 16 KB, 1269x147, stfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puttting my money where my mouth is

>> No.2158973

Feels good, been holding this since 1500, this wall is going down

>> No.2158978
File: 6 KB, 201x251, jBFQXRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get in while it’s only at 1 mil.

>> No.2158983

I just bought at 1900. I think 4000+ in 24 hours

>> No.2159018

Is there anyway to instantly purchase BTC with USD? I have two orders in coinbase from my bank but it'll be another two days before I see them.

>> No.2159030

I've seen people talk about localbitcoins but i've never used it. I think the fees are bad, but so are coinbases. It'll be worht it from these gains tho.

>> No.2159045

Coinbases aren't horribly bad. I've seen 30% fees.

>> No.2159060

This all seems legit but I can't tell if you're throwing me for a ruse OP

>> No.2159212

Just wait and see, huge sell wall about to come down right now.

>> No.2159238

Not OP, I bought a fair amount just so I can resell them in a few days. Literally free money.

>> No.2159258

Volume is flowing in, we're getting this to 3k at least

>> No.2159290

noob here, why do you guys all talk about cryptos using satoshis? why not usd? makes no sense
free bump for the shill thread

>> No.2159302

okay I'm in, hopefully this will be a solid short term call

>> No.2159315

It's because you buy and sell most of these cryptos using bitcoin on exchanges.

>> No.2159321

You can only buy this coin with bitcoin. So it's easier to keep track of it's value in bitcoin

>> No.2159350

App indeed is dropping tomorrow, this will probably get some nice returns over the coming days. I'm for throwing a few hundred $$$

>> No.2159355

Alright, I'll be real. I've been looking at this one for a while and I really want to get in. But I heard it's not on Poloniex, plus I'm just generally new to cryptos. Could anyone tell me the basic procedure to get it from the start? I haven't traded cryptos before.

>> No.2159489

It's sold on bittrex.

>> No.2159492

Send btc to bittrex, and then buy on bittrex with btc. Send gains back to poloniex or wherever you keep your crypto.

>> No.2159500

>been looking at this one for a while
>haven't traded cryptos before
you're new here kiddo. most of us are open to helping newbies, just don't try and pretend you've been watching the markets for a long time.

1. Buy BTC from Coinbase, LocalBitcoins or Bittylicious quickly
Bank transfer to Coinbase/Bitstamp/Kraken to buy bitcoin (you get a better rate but will take several days at least)
2. Create Bittrex account
3. Send bitcoin you bought to your Bittrex account
4. Trade BTC for VOX
5. wait
6. Cash out and buy a lambo

Anon you think $100 will be enough? I just want to increase my ETH holdings.

>> No.2159513

Fastest way to buy VOX is to head to your nearest Walmart and find the garden center. Stand in the far-east corner near the Hydrangeas while yelling "VOX", the employees will understand what you want.

>> No.2159530

I'm 30 Eth deep into this which is around $6k, I do the same thing to incrase my eth holdings. I took down a few sell walls on my own.

I have no doubt I will double, if not 5x my gains by tomorrow.

>> No.2159558

I went 15 eth into VOX. Hoping to make 15+ profit by tomorrow.

>> No.2159608


Selling off ETH for a shillcoin is probably the dumbest choice you've made. Especially now that Consensus is going on, with the final day being tomorrow. ETH will literally hit $300 by the end of the week.

In the meantime, this shillcoin will plummet tomorrow when the app can't live up to the hype, and no real exchange wants to be anywhere near it.

Consider your $6K gone, sorry.

>> No.2159661

Vox will probably 2x or maybe even 5x in price before it plummets, as long as he sells at the right time he'll be fine. Compared to ETH this is a p/d shitcoin, but I'd be surprised if it didn't moon in the next 24hours.

>> No.2159734

I'm out for the day, will collect my gains in the morning.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.2159738

Who is this idiot calling this a shill?? Have you looked at the data? Do you not realize the potential this coin has?! Maybe you should stick to spinning your fidget spinner

>> No.2159821

fuck it, im in for 0.1 btc

>> No.2159842

I'm considering going balls deep in this one, only put in 1 BTC so far.

>> No.2159894
File: 94 KB, 495x332, CitiDGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at this yesterday before the shilling started. I should have just got it then. Anyway I'm in for some small change. I'm too confident in DGB to take it out and I've got a feeling that XRP is going to take on a lot of market cap in coming weeks.

>> No.2159954

Get ready to moon

>> No.2160399

OP here, came back to say I told you so.

>> No.2160486
File: 83 KB, 1199x484, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP isn't wrong, guys. Look.

>> No.2160512

OP was damn right! It's increased to 2400!! To the mooon!

>> No.2160559

is it too late to ride the pump and dump right now?

>> No.2160567

Thanks for telling us, I got in at 2034 and I've made some easy money

>> No.2160575

This motherfucker is going 4000+ tomorrow

>> No.2160592

tomorrow? In an hour you mean, this one goes to 20K easy

>> No.2160605

2500 wall lets do it

>> No.2160617

I just bought $800 worth @ 2465....please tell me I didnt fuck up, I really really need to make some money

>> No.2160621

Got in late, when are the whales gonna cause the dip so I can buy in before the rocket launches?

>> No.2160640

what evidence?
>short 100-200% gain
You mean bagholding loss
>I'm considering going balls deep in this one,
You guys should give up.

>> No.2160648

Mobile app release tomorrow lad

Stay frosty

>> No.2160676

still it has only 1,7 million marketcap,. 10x minumum, this is something real, jump on the rocket.

>> No.2160687

any idea on the timing of the release?

>> No.2160729

some time tomorrow. You can check their twitter

>> No.2160847

Nice find

>> No.2160854

Get on a proper coin like Sia, when they release the web based file uploader DropBox or some other big cloud based company will buy em out!


>> No.2160885

How do you even buy vox? I'd like to buy 10$ just because.

I don't have bitcoins either for this stuff kek

>> No.2160888

I bought 2000 of these for 2600sat each.
I'll go to sleep now, hopefully I wake up happy.

>> No.2160930

You're not gonna hear a no, regardless.

>> No.2160941
File: 17 KB, 651x641, 1466137682977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missed getting into RDD at 5 sats by an hour bit still make the jump from 10 to 50
>Missed DBG's fist moon by a day but still make the 200% jump
>Waiting for bitcoins to transfer over to Bittrex for this

I'm okay with missing these initial jumps, deliver me to the moon /biz/

>> No.2161016

I just want a real answer you nigger

>> No.2161042

you're gonna be fine, fambro

>> No.2161052

Keep your money on bittrex, not polo. Bittrex has more coins and doesn't fuck up as often as polo.

>> No.2161073

why not both. moon mission guaranteed.

>> No.2161090

bought @ 1900, can i go to sleep without a stop loss now? kek just kidding this i fucking crypto cyu to morrow goys we will be richer then ;D

>> No.2161093


>> No.2161292

OP you were so right.... you posted 4 hours ago and it's jumped up so much

>> No.2161368

it was crossposted to leddit, this is a pump

>> No.2161378


>> No.2161382

look at the order book

no one is expecting this shitcoin to go anywhere

>> No.2161410

Once the 2800 wall comes down, it's raining gains.
Gaining, as I like to call it.

>> No.2161427

Jumped in way to late, but good luck guys

>> No.2161444

the entire volume invested during this pump is that wall

>> No.2161460

The wall is 12 btc, idk what you're talking about. We've been smashing walls all morning.

>> No.2161466

>OP wasn't a fag today
Thanks OP

>> No.2161467

I screen capped it too in case youre wrong.

>> No.2161474


>> No.2161476

Good enough for me. How long before we run?

>> No.2161482

He's already 1/3rd right

>> No.2161502


>> No.2161537
File: 237 KB, 1888x1288, voxmademerich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2161561

Got in at 1800 Thank you biz

>> No.2161576

I already regret not buying more at <2k but I put up a buy wall in case it miraculously comes down to a reasonable price.

>> No.2161599

I put all my coins at 1800

>> No.2161607

>about to get dumped

obvious p and d is obvious

there are literally no bids and only asks now check the chart retarded faggots

you got played

>> No.2161633

P and D making me .50 btc

>> No.2161850

>dude, you're so not late at all

>> No.2161864

Freefall to 1800.

>> No.2161894


>> No.2161909
File: 37 KB, 600x400, cruiseLaugh1f1tm9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You limp wristed weak lings, it's going back up

>> No.2161913

don't know why i green texted that. am retard

>> No.2161922

This is a test right here. If it breaks 3k now hold like your life depends on it, if it goes below 2.5k you should probably sell and try again from below 2k.

>> No.2161942

aand its down to 2500 satoshi

>> No.2161945

This will break 3k.

>> No.2161952

Lol bought the dip.

>> No.2162028

Yeah, selling. Better luck tomorrow.

>> No.2162080

>weak hands
Cheap Vox is now or never

>> No.2162184

Don't worry man I'll still buy your bags for 2k.

>> No.2162251

>price has already recovered
Sorry lad, I can still see you in the rear-view mirror if it's any consolation. (And not the one on the right side of the car.)

>> No.2162310

Dam you for giving away that secret. Just dam you.

>> No.2162344

Where do I buy this shit

it's not on polo or yobit

>> No.2162352


>> No.2162355

Can't you see it keeps hovering below 3k? Bids beyond the first 3 pages are below 2.5k, while you have like 300k vox on the first page going for below 3k. The rocket isn't launching today.

>> No.2162558

Too late to hop on the train?

>> No.2162567


>> No.2162585

It's 3k right now, probably 5k by end of the night.

>> No.2162592

I'll hop on at a lower dip

>> No.2162713

>the dip that never comes

>> No.2162773
File: 313 KB, 690x470, 1320119933859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-gonna buy the dip

waiting f-for 2800 sats

>> No.2162779

Just about hopped in at 2850. Not ideal, but I'll take what I can get

>> No.2162791

Got in at 1400. Will hold atleast until 4k. I recommend you wait until 8pm UTC and check market behaviour

>> No.2162803


>> No.2162820


>> No.2162827

Damn it's jumping

>> No.2162846
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>> No.2162897


>> No.2162916

WHen's this gonna stop? 4k? 5k?

>> No.2162925

I mean this when I say it this coin can easily get a 1 billion Marketcap in 30 days or less!

>> No.2162931


>> No.2162994

shut up faggot you didn't buy trump coin at less than 1 penny stupid fucking shit ass nigger head.

>> No.2163001

nice, its being dumped

>> No.2163005


>> No.2163013

Is it too late to buy in now?

>> No.2163024

their youtube channel looks like shit lmao

>> No.2163033

if this doesn't go over 4k i'll cry

>> No.2163039

Nah man, it's not even in its prime. Buy 10k like me

>> No.2163077

can i go walk doge and come back safety ?

>> No.2163082

5000 before it corrects

>> No.2163094


>> No.2163112

>not buying 22k

>> No.2163137
File: 124 KB, 1550x868, vox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at where the slow rate line is.

dude, get the fuck in here.

>> No.2163216

Look at the history of the coins that have been delisted from polo. The ones that are only traded on polo when they get delisted die off, the ones that are listed on other exchanges eventually rebound hard.

>> No.2163234
File: 47 KB, 895x895, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2163253


>> No.2163259


>> No.2163268

Need to break this 3,500

>> No.2163278

im in boys lets go

>> No.2163280

I'm sorry.

>> No.2163285

You buy litecoin and transfer that over dummy.

>> No.2163289

how long do i hold this bad boy for bros? Is it a long term hold or nah?

>> No.2163292

brb dog please wait for me

>> No.2163293

I'm transferring ETH it's been almost 20 minutes fuck.

>> No.2163300

Almost put money in polo, then decided at the last second to go with Bittrex and everything worked out. Hearing about the problems polo had yesterday only supported the idea that Bittrex is my home

>> No.2163303

P&D short term. Possibly a good long

>> No.2163308

ready for take off

>> No.2163322

me again OP...thanks again for not being a nigger

>> No.2163326

strapped in 12.3k @ 6434 sats houston we are cleared for takeoff

>> No.2163329

It's dropping fast. Guess it's getting dumped? Thank goodness for that slow ass transfer.

>> No.2163343

it did the same thing literally 25 minutes ago an proceeded to rise to an ATH my goi

>> No.2163349
File: 149 KB, 252x245, this is fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay yeah I guess I should have hedl after all.
Good thing I kept 1k as backup.

>It's dropping fast
??? it's already rising back to 3.3k

>> No.2163352

dumped? this shit is going to surpass 4k easily

>> No.2163354

Just got in at 3350 sats. Hopefully this doesn't end up being a waste. Only 90 canada bucks anyway (my dad's).

>> No.2163364

just hold on we are going to the moon

>> No.2163367

excellent choice buddyguy we're going straight to andromeda tonight

>> No.2163378

Only idiots are selling, I'll be right here waiting for that sweet dip.

>> No.2163385

you stupid weak handed fucks.

LOOK at the fucking lines. this thing isn't stopping anytime soon.

AND their launch isn't even until tomorrow.

"We re launching #Voxelus for #daydream on May 24th!"

>> No.2163388

I have 2720 VOX that I paid $200 USD for (bought bitcoins, traded on bittrex). Did I get meme'd on or am I just in time to double my money overnight? Don't sugarcoat it, /biz/, let me down hard if I fucked up.

>> No.2163389
File: 206 KB, 1447x1600, 63217846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2163397

now a good time to buy or no?

how much would i gain to make if i bought in now?

>> No.2163406

Yo, it's 20 past 1 in the morning where I'm from and I need to get to sleep soon. AM I gonna be up all night boys?

>> No.2163409

Weak hands should stay out of crypto, you pussies see a red candle on a five minute window and think about selling like a little bitch.

>> No.2163410

Many people are speculating it'll make well over a 100% increase tonight and pushing into tomorrow morning. I'd get in on this dip if i weren't already balls deep

>> No.2163412

how high will this go boys?

>> No.2163443

look, you will always get your money back. The question is when. If you are lucky you make quick profit otherwise keep it for year or so.

>> No.2163453

>Those massive sells at 3200 sats.
It was an honor getting dumped with you anons.

>> No.2163457

Depends, what time window are we talking here? If we're talking over the course of a few months don't be surprised if it goes over 200k which would roughly put it at a $100m marketcap. Just look at how many other coins are that high which this coin has just as much going for.

You're not on a moon mission here, you're on a fucking interstellar colony ship.

>> No.2163487

it was a pleasure buying at a sale

>> No.2163499


>> No.2163511

Strikes me as a PnD desu

Similar to a few I've seen

My opinion isn't worth much because I'm retarded but I'm being safe

>> No.2163534

It's probably too risky to buy in right now but if you bought at below 2k it's probably safe to hold, it was around that price a month ago.

>> No.2163559

i need to sleep

i just dont want to lose money anymore

what should i do if i want to sell right after it hits a certain point? like right now its 3300, i want to sell if it goes bellow 3200 lets say, but i don't want the order to be filled if it never reachers below 3200, and if there's a micro brust at say 3199 but then goes to 4000, i don't care i just dont want to lose money, i just want to go to sleep now, i know i will not wake up if i set up an alarm, just tell me what sell order i have to do for that please

i need sleep please

>> No.2163576



>> No.2163584

Gains got me whoozy

>> No.2163598

to be fair bittrex doesn't have stop loss, the only reason preventing me from leaving pk

>> No.2163599

Is it getting dumped lads?

>> No.2163606

it has conditional boy/sell orders though..

>> No.2163628

Whales sleep with their eyes open. Just sayin'

>> No.2163646

Limit Buy 0.00003153




>> No.2163656

lmao. bye weak-hands.
tomorrow cry about your lost gainz faggots

>> No.2163658

just HODL bud shits going to the moon this week its all just weak hands

>> No.2163664

Go ahead and sell, I look forward to watching you cry about how you sold for a loss after this coins in the five digits. Over emotional cucks like you will always lose money.

>> No.2163668

>remember to HODL this bag while I get some sleep ;)

>> No.2163673


>> No.2163687
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>> No.2163688

>he thinks its a PnD
>he doesn't realize that /biz/ happened to stumble across a coin that was going to rocket anyways
Go ahead and dump it back to 2k nigger, I want some more cheap coins.

>> No.2163699
File: 853 KB, 1024x945, 1494998380837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling low
you know you're literally the dip

>> No.2163708

should I buy at 2800? or is dipping more?

>> No.2163711

I'd buy

>> No.2163729

isn't going much lower. trying to put another 300$ in but coinbase.jpg

>> No.2163739

Who has spent all day ignoring FUDs and getting paid from this coin?

Who is going to spend all day tomorrow ignoring FUDs and getting paid from this coin?

>> No.2163748


>> No.2163751

Its going to dip more, weak hands are abandoning ship.

>> No.2163755

This guy.

Already made 500 off of it. Missed the dip but im hodl till morning then i will see

>> No.2163764

Bought in at 2000 sat and again at 2800 sat.
Selling? I'll wait until I see signs of weakness. Until then, it's waiting for hackers on bittrex because I can't find a wallet for this shit.

>> No.2163775
File: 30 KB, 522x593, 1495132467878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the new meme coin.

>> No.2163779

Lol @ weak hands. Will regret tomorrow, I promise.

>> No.2163845

at what time tomorrow?

>> No.2163849
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>> No.2163859
File: 88 KB, 1831x648, chrome_2017-05-23_18-09-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2163866

>it's a dip they said
>buy more they said

it's a fucking crash

>> No.2163869

>bought in at 2600
>sold at 2650
did i do good bros

>> No.2163871


>> No.2163878

Better than the fags who are still holding as it dives.

>> No.2163882

you're such an infantile retard. The tech rolls out TOMORROW and its crashing now, less than 24 hours before? Use your brain dumbshit

>> No.2163886

sure sure, they'll regret the nth lie by no name shitcoins

>> No.2163887
File: 140 KB, 1849x701, chrome_2017-05-23_18-12-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you idiots are falling for:

>> No.2163891

Looks like a good time to buy to me!

>> No.2163892

shit tech that will just be flaccid shit

coin has already pumped

>> No.2163896

You did great man.

>> No.2163901

>here, buy the remaining of my bags

>> No.2163923

just tell me at what hour tomorrow this grandiose tech will be rolled out so i can laugh at your stupid shit nigger

>> No.2163930

No you did not. If you are someone with weak hands, which you clearly are, you buy and set a sale price at 10-20% more than what you bought it for instead of watching charts. Learn how to handle your own weakness.

>> No.2163935

Back up we go lol

>> No.2163943


>> No.2163950

>we go back up :D

>it actually goes down

>> No.2163959

Oh well I think Im going to sell at 3300 if goes up again

>> No.2163966

Have you sold? Please tell me you have so I can laugh about it later.

>> No.2163994

Why? Wouldn't it be smarter to at least wait until tomorrow like the OP said? There will be at least a couple days after that to sell it.

>> No.2164028
File: 93 KB, 182x268, MV5BMTk4ODQzNDY3Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODA0NTM4Nw@@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_ copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go boys

>> No.2164033

if you follow OPs instructions he will be buying cheap and selling all ATH and you will be left panic selling half way down or more. Not making near as much as he will make.
Don't hold turds anon, learn when pump and dumps are over. Right now looks like one of the whales is fucking greedy and will try to pump the price again after all the weak hands release.
Read the order book and try to not get fucked

>> No.2164035

It's not even started yet.


>> No.2164097

>People actually think this will still be below a $10 million marketcap next month
I swear most of /biz/ has a two hour time preference.

>> No.2164144

Because I think it's going to bounce at 3500 again and fall harder, maybe I will enter again at the dip.
Of course it can just go through it but there are other shitcoins to buy if that happens.

>> No.2164159

I hope you guys bought the dip like I did.

>> No.2164160

Dump this on me boys, didn't get in cheap enough.

Nice find OP, looks good

>> No.2164418

here you go fag, buy it

>> No.2164431

I did, lmao u mad?

>> No.2164454

>last: 0.00002310
Just a bit more and I can refill my bags for the next pump.

>> No.2164460
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>> No.2164469
File: 65 KB, 1211x408, voxhas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a pretty clear head and shoulders TBQH

>> No.2164471

There's the dip I was waiting for.

>> No.2164475


>> No.2164484
File: 43 KB, 640x539, absolutelyhalal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it readies for another spike

>> No.2164488

you say that everytime

>> No.2164496
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>> No.2164498

Thinking of buying, when is the next pump?

>> No.2164500
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>> No.2164499

Id think that too if it wasn't for that app being released. looks very promising, maybe just not short term pump and dump

>> No.2164502


>> No.2164506

>tfw nodick

>> No.2164522
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>> No.2164533
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this is fucking hypnotic

>> No.2164549
File: 11 KB, 255x255, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please anon I want to believe

>> No.2164555

thats a scary lookin graph right there

>> No.2164557

gg 2 ez

>> No.2164593

it begins

>> No.2164604
File: 123 KB, 1305x311, suddenly 2500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me this shit isn't rigged

>> No.2164605
File: 3.53 MB, 1920x1080, 2323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, I'm incredibly new to this and so far have only been browsing, trying to understand things.
Could you please explain what the graph indicates and what you mean by the wall is coming down? Thanks.

>> No.2164617

looking at this im kinga getting the idea that letting this go overnight might be a bad idea...

>> No.2164621
File: 289 KB, 1388x835, chrome_2017-05-23_19-32-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a WALL because it looks like a WALL.

>> No.2164626

agree.. i dont want to dork out on bittrex all night. when does app drop in play store?

>> No.2164636

Incidentally that wall is still there but it's not going to last long, we've almost reached it. It already went from 165k to 143k or something, dude is getting twitchy.

>> No.2164651

3000 imminent? please

>> No.2164662

Meant for:

Nah, but if you want to buy for 2k-2.4k you're in luck

>> No.2164665
File: 137 KB, 501x451, 1469247088601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your dip, sons.

>> No.2164677
File: 120 KB, 1804x587, chrome_2017-05-23_19-38-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nein mate, its going down again

>> No.2164685


Nice one. I can draw arrows like a retard too.

Go rub your crystal balls.

>> No.2164687

>already wrong

>> No.2164688
File: 43 KB, 813x423, put on your seatbelts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard that, I suck dicks.

>> No.2164694

thats a lot of pink sir

>> No.2164697

nm guess that was the polo delisting

>> No.2164727

it's getting pumped like mad at >2.8k

>> No.2164743
File: 150 KB, 797x957, 1434586200085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I hadn't panic sold at 2.8. I've been watching DGB sit frozen all day so the big number fluctuations scared me.

>> No.2164771

Sell your DGB, buy VOX. Obtain 1000% gains, sell VOX, buy DGB

>> No.2164775

I fucking wish I had the foresight to guess that some shit would probably happen when we hit 3500 sats, but shit, I never would have guessed it would knock it down like this.

>> No.2164793
File: 38 KB, 825x350, plateau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now here's a healthy shape.

>> No.2164826

Now if only somebody would start buying the fuckers

>> No.2164835
File: 4 KB, 170x141, 1438092868597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been waiting to buy into DGB I mean, it's long overdue for a 600 dip. Now I have to wait for another 2500 Vox dip. Thankfully the DGB hasn't moved all day so it won't run off without me.

>> No.2164846

This shits been nerve wracking. I'm holding out for the release tomorrow, though.

>> No.2164858


At what price/when are you planning on selling at?

>> No.2164864

What time is the release?

>> No.2164872

Wait... Isin't this good for DGB too? I mean, if you can play minecraft, DGB had minecraft first...

>> No.2164877
File: 18 KB, 480x360, comingwith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im waiting over night as well

>> No.2164916
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forgot pic

>> No.2164934

>bids back below 2.5k range again
Buyers go wild

>> No.2164949

I'm really glad you remembered to post that picture.

>> No.2164969

limit buy limbo

>> No.2164974

this dump

>> No.2164981



>> No.2164991

I love this coin.

>> No.2164996

chance of another 2800+?

>> No.2165003
File: 519 KB, 844x844, ss1ss491529280073ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these weak hands
holy fuck thanks

I thought I wouldn't get below 2500, thanks to you pussy handed fucks I did.

>> No.2165013

Very likely within the hour, but for now it looks like it will dip below 2500 again

>> No.2165024


>> No.2165175

Ah, finally under 2500 again.

>> No.2165271

I just bought some more Voxel late night pumps are going to happen!

>> No.2165314

wow this coin is a piece of trash

>> No.2165333



>> No.2165334

Shut up and hand over your bags

>> No.2165354

Anyone claiming the app is going to be anything but shit is LARPing. In for the pump tho. VR is pure meme territory.

>> No.2165367

Yeah honestly. I'm just hoping it will take people long enough to realize that. Already set my orders accordingly.

>> No.2165371

Isn't the pump already over and it's starting to crash?

>> No.2165384


The app will be launched tomorrow, so I guess It will get pumped more.

>> No.2165392
File: 208 KB, 680x880, Y0UJC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase is not accepting debit cards right now.. i dont have any btc. has anyone purchased directly for voxelus thru paypal?

>> No.2165394

there's no fucking way this isn't getting pumped to take advantage of the release hype.

>> No.2165416
File: 52 KB, 1516x453, MEMENTUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MEMEntum soon?

>> No.2165421
File: 21 KB, 578x98, vox hodlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hope so, I'm tired of camping.

>> No.2165435


...what release hype? The youtube links have less >50 views and twitter has the same

>> No.2165463

It doesn't actually matter. When it gets released, you will see the prices skyrocketing to fool people into thinking it's super popular wow look at dem vox go, then the dump happens.

>> No.2165473

Aaand we're back over 2800. Starting to see a pattern.

>> No.2165480


>> No.2165481

Still though.. 12 retweets? This isn't exactly going viral tomorrow unless someone big picks it up. Maybe not so short...

>> No.2165483


>> No.2165490

Shit I literally just sold for dgb...

>> No.2165491

>plateau forming around 2900

>> No.2165502


This coin has tons of potential. 10m+ marketcap within a week.

the r&d for this project is actually over 10 years if you read into all the proprietary software they are using that they or the Argentine sister company(blackpony) have developed. At 2mill marketcap it is a steal.

>> No.2165505
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>> No.2165513


>> No.2165515

Cmon whale bring us to 4000 sats

>> No.2165526

Firstly, you need to get off polo

>> No.2165531
File: 38 KB, 320x240, gihi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2165535

3100 faggots

>> No.2165548

jesus christ looks like im pulling an all nighter.

>> No.2165554

holy shit just came back after a night out of fucking with some asian girls thank you so much op, i dumped all my shit into this coin at sub 2000 and made some crazy gains

>> No.2165555

WHERE WE SELLING? I got in at the <2500 dip.

>> No.2165557

where are you guys watching it

>> No.2165562
File: 10 KB, 181x279, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not for weak hands faggots, this is for hulk like strong hands

>> No.2165567

really glad I bag held through the nonsense but after all this bullshit, I'm setting my sell order at 5k. I couldnt give less of a fuck if this coin is the next big thing, that roller coaster ride was utter bullshit and I never want to deal with that again

>> No.2165572

Get out at 3300 if you're a pussy, sit on your hands otherwise.
This is going above 3500 in less than one hour.

>> No.2165586

I just sold at 3100, I think there will be a dip I can buy back in at

>> No.2165593
File: 89 KB, 500x484, 1492456381311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I bought at 3350 sats

>> No.2165600

For real though so many times i womdered sell for dgb ... lower it goes...sell for dgb?

Nope i have hands of marble carved from the gods them selves ive seen dumps thr likes of xdn and back in the day dgb. When i had 5 million dgb i grew stronger. I grew hands of god like marble casted in iron , blessed by the pope and carried by Bruce Willis

>> No.2165602


>> No.2165624

Sure. Actually, you should have been buying and selling outside of 2500-2800 for the past 2 hours already.

>> No.2165626

3488 for me friend. We'll be out of the woods here soon

>> No.2165636
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>> No.2165680
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3476 here.

>> No.2165689

hodl they trying to take voxl out of weak hands

>> No.2165690


>that dump


>> No.2165703


>> No.2165711


>> No.2165716


>> No.2165728

Holy shit it's zigzagging so much right between 2500 and 2800
I lost count how many times I bought and sold the same sum.

>> No.2165744

>sell everything for dgb at 2700 to break even
>it goes up
>things are slow on dgb so sell it at the same amount i got it for
>go back to vox in a hurry, bought at 3150
>accidently sell at 3140 cuz i thought it was a buy order while panicking
>realized i sold instead of buying
>buy again at 3000
what the fuck am i even doing

>> No.2165745


>> No.2165755

Making someone's gains apparently.

>> No.2165771

Dubs witnessed

>> No.2165776

A lot of downward pressure around 3100

>> No.2165781
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this zig zag think is crazy shit

>> No.2165789

is this a joke. what even is going on right now

>> No.2165791

On the other hand it rarely dips far below 2500 now, I've revised my lower and upper limits upward.

It's literally free money. How is this legal?

>> No.2165800

I'll be getting back in at sub 2.5k

>> No.2165809

>bought at 1900
>sold at 2900
>bought at 2400
>sold at 3400
>bought back again at 2550
>want to go to sleep, so maybe Ill leave a sell order for 3500, because why not?

I feel I'm pushing my luck with this fucking whales doing stupid shit.
I know I won't buy back again, already did two more than I needed to.

>> No.2165832

Total Profit?

>> No.2165840

That's probably what I'm going to do too. I'm just fucking around with a thousand vox so I make money while I wait for the launch.

>back above 3100

>> No.2165857

500 bucks aprox. not counting the last ride which is on right now. Doing it with little money because A) OP is a faggot, shill, cock sucker that expects he shills this shit here and fucks us over and B) I have money on other shit waiting to blow up, like XRP and DGB, not a good time to cash out and risk it in this shitcoin and this stupid pump and dump

>> No.2165883

that resistance though. dunno how long money can still be made on this for

>> No.2165903

Ah, shit, I've disproportionately sold at ~3100 lately. Gotta wait for the dip to replenish my change.

>> No.2165906

Just gonna cut my losses and put everything into dgb. Bought at 3350 sats. Peace out niggers.

>> No.2165916

Last ride I believe. I'm checking other coins, I could love to know which one are tackling the faggots now. They will be using this earnings to move on and after a day or so of buying they will start shilling with stupid threads like this one here, reddit, bitcointalk, etc.

>> No.2165922

You guys really like DGB? I feel like everyone shills it but it doesn't do anything.

>> No.2165955

I believe it can earn more for me. I'm hesitant to leave something for the long run. All depends on how fast everyone unloads and if we hear something about the project. It isn't a bad idea, but right now it's just a good idea, vaporware unless the devs talk to somebody in the industry that carries some weight.

>> No.2166040

Looking to buy in but can't decide when. Convince me, brothers.

>> No.2166044

only good idea

>> No.2166061

this >>2166044
I'm sitting out unless it dips

>> No.2166076


>> No.2166081

>it's not going down
wake me up

>> No.2166085

Saw it drop below 2500 for a second, when's the big boom set for tomorrow?

>> No.2166092

Shoulda bought earlier today I got in at around 2k sat

>> No.2166111

boys not looking good. missed tha train. fuck me

>> No.2166137

getting sleepy
I'm out.
Look for KoreCoin, there's minimal movement, dropped the price, some faggot posted a thread shilling and it's the first one.
I told you, they move from coin to coin. It's the first time I hear about it in the past month.
Be careful anons, and remember if a p&d is in progress don't jump in on ATH. Fuck that, be patient and wait for the fuckers to start all over again somewhere else.

>> No.2166138

I'm feeling ya, buddy. what's option 2?

>> No.2166158

Nigger I got in well below 2k for most of my bag, but I've also been "daytrading" this thing and I don't understand why it's stabilizing around 3100 right now.

>> No.2166170
File: 2.14 MB, 900x507, 1495080904553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we just take a moment to laugh at this pleb.

>> No.2166172

people losing faith after it hopped to 3500 and has been staying around 3k

>> No.2166191


nvm dawg its movin!

>> No.2166197

>losing faith
>buying and selling rapidly a tad below the ATH
pick one.

>> No.2166223

fawk yee

>> No.2166247

What do we think this hits tomorrow? I need to set a sell limit because I know at some point after it briefly moons it's going to come crashing

>> No.2166268

Try half at 4000, half at 5000 just in case. I'd expect you to lose the first half but not the second. If you do end up selling everything you've made neat gains either way.

>> No.2166281
File: 659 KB, 1920x1200, 1379300685736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth buying @3000? Obviously a good buy at 2000-2500, just wondering if this will actually hit 4000? Sucks taken me this long to get some btc

Also, I've never sold before. Say for example the coin did hit 4000 and starts to crash, is it possible no one would buy it for 3.6/3.7/8/9 because it's crashing and no one will pay the current amount? Would anyone mind talking me through the selling part a little? Thanks anon

>> No.2166291

I dunno nigga just guessing

>> No.2166297

good idea.

>> No.2166325

Im so fucking glad i HODL'd this shits going straight to the moon tonight boys

>> No.2166330
File: 50 KB, 613x349, what a fucking joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's a way of telling you >>2166281 not to get in on ATH

>> No.2166344

At the very least this is skirting 3500 again now.
These assholes won't even let you buy at less than 3200 now.

>> No.2166384

3400, can we top the ATH again so soon? There's a massive cliff below 3500 though.

>> No.2166390


>> No.2166396

itll move once the sellers see whats happening

>> No.2166400
File: 46 KB, 810x425, aaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last: 0.00003502
new record