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File: 3 KB, 300x300, 5cd4ead690d2de5d99a7d5d7_RSV-stamp-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21585109 No.21585109 [Reply] [Original]


>Only currently 6 billion of 100 billion on the market
>2.8 billion dropping for exchanges
>Once mainnet is out, the devs will drop 25 billion into the market
>Once mainnet is out, seed investments are unlocked and they're all free to sell
>Seed investors got RSR at 0.004
>Once mainnet drops the team can then sell

Are countries really going to let RSR replace their current money systems that they can't control? There's also the fact there's real competition for this space.

There's money to be made but only before mainnet drops.

: )

>> No.21585191

i too post FUD threads for coins i am not currently invested in. thanks anon

>> No.21585290


Nothing here is a FUD it's all on their website. I see people post this as the next big thing but there's so many answered questions.

>> No.21585314

Even if it doesn't take over countries, it could and definitely should take over tether

>> No.21585476

When is mainnet?

>> No.21585539

this is one of the better attempts at fudding i have seen

>> No.21585557


Sometime next year I believe. I don't think there's a set date.

>> No.21585567

seed investors got them for $0.0004 you fucking pajeet

>> No.21585959

this thread is effective FUD if you've done no forethought on how any of this works and assume the project is one big exit scan.
it's like getting afraid that jeff bezos will liquidate all his amazon stock and "exit dump" except even dumber because bezos doesn't hold a special subset of amazon stock locked in a smart contract that requires a 4 week delay with notarization to enter the market.
from a game theory perspective the idea that the devs would release mainnet and every investor, partner, advisor, team member etc etc would dump the market by selling at once makes no sense.

>> No.21586177


It's in no way a scam it's just fucking huge undertaking, what happens to your investment when, 25 billion RSR hit the market and the app isn't doing as well as people thought?

From the website.

>Is it going to work?

>The Reserve team disagrees about this. Some of us think it’s going to work, and others are really skeptical. The main co-founder is convinced it will work (big surprise lol). Some others work on Reserve because they like the people and the intellectual challenge, and they really want to make it work if it can.

I hope they make it I really do but you need to step back and think about it, they're trying to change the world. Just understand what you're getting into.

>> No.21586188

it is fucking over bros...

>> No.21586270
File: 356 KB, 910x900, 1496616121750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are countries really going to let RSR replace their current money systems that they can't control
Imagine thinking they will have a choice

>> No.21586286

>what happens to your investment when, 25 billion RSR hit the market and the app isn't doing as well as people thought?
it will go up or down. who gives a fuck? i'm betting on RSR being above one penny at that time. is your prediction that it will crash below that so quickly even early investors won't be able to cash out?

>> No.21586329

I think this is the goal. Tether is tied to the USD. USD is fucking monopoly goy points that's tanking as we speak.

>> No.21586385

>Are countries really going to let RSR replace their current money systems that they can't control?
They can barely control their own money systems or stop people bartering in USD, this is no different.

>There's also the fact there's real competition for this space.
t. MKR holder with very heavy bags

>> No.21586419

are countries really going to let cavemen use fire?

>> No.21586625

I don't think investors like peter care too much he's worth 2.1 billion. Some will cash out after mainnet but once it drops I don't think your investment is going to be worth much.

>> No.21586716

Big supply coin sirs, sell sell sell

>> No.21586742
File: 274 KB, 798x631, For_Colonizing_and_Country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to financially colonize 3rd world savages.

>> No.21586903
File: 316 KB, 1141x720, Reserve_Federer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is down, linkies are down, RSR? staying strong like the white man that built this place

>> No.21586936

>I don't think

In general, you don't think.

>> No.21586960

>Bought a small stack of RSR from Huobi using a VPN
I'm a US citizen, how fucked am I going to be when I go to sell once coinbase adopts RSR? I have it stored on a ledger right now so would they even be able to tell?

>> No.21587034
File: 304 KB, 945x740, rsr chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21587052

You really fell for the "not allowed to hold rsr" meme? anon...

>> No.21587132

>Some will cash out after mainnet but once it drops I don't think your investment is going to be worth much.
right, but the question i asked is "will my investment drop below one penny so quickly i won't be able cash out".
because you're basically saying "there's a lot of money to be made between now and 6 months to a year" but i should be worried because maybe peter thiel and sam altman will fuck over everyone who invested in this and the price will drop to ICO prices within 24 hours.
nevermind the fact that these people are professional seed investors. you can do some googling and find out for yourself how many companies they've destroyed by acquiring early stock and dumping and market-disproportionate holding all at once.

>> No.21587185
File: 38 KB, 514x499, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having the liberty to buy something
Anon, I...

>> No.21587245

this fucking shlomo doesnt get bored posting the same pasta every day for over a year now

I'm curious to see his trade history

>> No.21587265

>I'm a US citizen, how fucked am I going to be when I go to sell once coinbase adopts RSR?
ask yourself how many chainlink holders who bought before mainnet was released and sold after the coinbase listing are currently in jail for securities fraud.

>> No.21587316

IQ tests works on darkies and 3rd worlders

>> No.21587349

How much do you guys honestly think RSR will go up to once it hits the larger exchanges?

>> No.21587354

its been 3 years muh bags please help me sirs.

>> No.21587379

I reckon it'll be 15c EOY

>> No.21587418

Their own team doesn't think it'll work see you faggots at 0

>> No.21587464

dont you get bored?

>> No.21587496

he's still filling his bags

>> No.21587530
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>> No.21587597

he must be retarded to think he can influence the price. Whales know this lame fud inside out and 1eth pajeets have no influence on price so why bother. Shitty fud will make people buy if anything

>> No.21587699
File: 154 KB, 1330x1051, nwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Thiel is the CEO of Satsgang, the Crypto branch of the Bilderberg group. They use elaborate pump and dump schemes to fund their Illuminati antics across the world and simply cannot be trusted

>> No.21587722

The law isn't retroactive; once RSR becomes available in the USA you can do what you will with it.

>> No.21587805

what are you guys talking about? can't tell if this is a meme or not.

>> No.21587831
File: 244 KB, 597x443, Colonizer_Columbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely fucking based and schitzopilled

>> No.21587866

There are some legal issues to holding RSR (and many many other altcoins) in the USA.
However once RSR goes live there, there's nothing anyone can say to you.

>> No.21587930
File: 1.04 MB, 1585x889, ussreserve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sails into your coastal waters
>nothing personal, kid

>> No.21588087


Gay frog based.
AJ seething.

>> No.21588185
File: 238 KB, 498x679, Leonardo_Colonizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the savage currencies requires taming

>> No.21588271
File: 23 KB, 692x291, rsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21588309

honestly based

>> No.21588455

We need some memes where people are carrying around truckloads of worthless fiat while a rich person holds reserve and laughs

>> No.21588486

>>Once mainnet is out.
Guess what fag, there will be a bullrun beforehand. Massive gains will be made and pajeets will love RSR because it's so cheap with $0.2 . That's the moment you exit and keep a suicide stack. Also a lot of DEVs will slowly dump (see chainlink)

>> No.21588620

Just looks so unprofessional and amateurish kek

>> No.21588690
File: 750 KB, 950x679, 1597687117517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checkd and i agree

>> No.21588701

Holy shit they really know how to reassure investors.

>> No.21588792

Just a friendly reminder Peter Thiel publicly denounced any involvement in RSR. He accused the team of pasting his name in places to bring in investors, and reprimanded the entire project. Not only that, but rumours have been circulating in inner circles about the actual legality of the project itself. Lots of rich people are pissed off, and they are going to do whatever is necessary to stop this project from really taking off. My uncle is well connected with some of the people calling the shots up top, and he ran this by one of his colleagues who specializes in these types of things. Last thursday he called me up and told me he doesn't recommend me investing anything in RSR. Seriously, avoid this at all cost.

>> No.21588835

Wut. I thought this was a 100% safe market of x1000 gains.

>> No.21588860

I was thinking about putting some money on rsr but that shit unironicaly changed my mind. It's like a high school project presentation

>> No.21588882

is there a single sentence of this blogpost that is actually true? better post some evidence faggot

>> No.21588903

can you prove this at all? Genuinely curious about it

>> No.21588982

You could go with the idea of boomers running to the gold exchanges with wheelbarrows of cash while zoomers are sitting comfy with their RSR stack.

>> No.21589023


>hey bro invest in my coin
>Is it going to work
>I don't fucking know

>> No.21589042

Lmao at the absolute state of reserve fuds

>> No.21589043

>dude trust me

>> No.21589077

as long as I can make a profit I don't really care what happens to it after the dump

>> No.21589085

If you morons would lurk more and do some research for once, you can easily find that everything I'm saying is true. Join some discords that specialize in indepth research of many coins on the market, and all this stuff is out in the open. I'm not here to spoonfeed.

>> No.21589113

hmmm ok let me create somethin

>> No.21589164

If it's out in the open, then why is it locked up among cabals of discord trannies?

>> No.21589316

Yeah and my dad wirks at Nintendo and called me up and tild me Shigiru Miyamoto is working on a new Zelda where you play as her with a half shaved head and are bisexual.

>> No.21589353
File: 31 KB, 500x459, act right Rajneesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so honest question: why are you even in this thread?

just out of the goodness of your heart? we're supposed to believe that your illuminati, banker-connected father not only knows what RSR even is, but is also telling you not to speculatively invest in a .02 project that has the potential to 100x in the bull run?

fuck outta here, you're full of shit

>> No.21589385

It's a scam.

Buy LINK + YFLink

>> No.21589529

your fud is honestly so amateur. try harder loser.

>> No.21589598

spoonfeed me these discords your speak of

>> No.21589724
File: 675 KB, 1200x872, 1597768091632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this one out in the wild, will try a few ideas out when I get home from waging

>> No.21589796

Why? Isn't this the same shit as Maker?
Please clarify the differences to me, I am retarded.

>> No.21589893

Thanks for the info anon. When mainnet?

>> No.21590142

Maker/DAI isn't actually decentralized because it's tied to Ether. If Ether crashes then DAI crashes.

>> No.21590223

The reason why this will work is because its a cure and preventative measure for inflation. The coin takes an initial fiat currency, balances it with supply and demand of commodities then uses the token as a currency. If supply/demand goes up or down the reserve balances token value. Take a look at a shithole like Venezuela for why something of this kind is so necessary.
Hell it would even work in countries like china where they suppress the value of their currency.
There's no way this doesn't work out.

>> No.21590509


>> No.21590843

>Please clarify the differences to me, I am retarded.
it can actually scale to country-wide usage. no other stablecoin can scale the way RSV can. no other stablecoin can come close to competing with fiat.

>> No.21590955

My cat works at bitcoin

>> No.21591093

>it can actually scale to country-wide usage
and that country is called Monaco, baby!

>> No.21591353

Bought some yesterday when it wasn’t under maintenance on KyberSwap and was dealt a 66% gas fee. Is this normal anons? I’ve never been hit that hard with gas before.

>> No.21591807
File: 417 KB, 1108x1027, 0853556A-F484-4D2C-A601-05976102DB89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 2.5 cents fuck yeah
>buys 500k
>moonshot incoming
>looking at boats
>RSR dumps 10 BN coins on the market
>ok ok, hanging in there at 1 penny, not bad
>RSR dumps 10 BN coins on the market
>ok ok we knew this was gonna be choppy seas, opens /biz/
>RSR dumps 10 BN coins on the market
>RSR dumps 10 BN coins on the market
>RSR dumps 10 BN coins on the market
>RSR dumps 10 BN coins on the market

>> No.21592005
File: 72 KB, 1148x920, good luck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only need $25k now to have a top 1,000 wallet

>> No.21592102

only have 700k and insane fomo

>> No.21592196
File: 132 KB, 676x508, didntreadneverselling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't read never selling

>> No.21592279

Goddamn, Queen Elizabeth had some nice snacktrays on her.

>> No.21592496
File: 498 KB, 660x886, cortez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at your level and not worried a bit. We're going to make it anon.

>> No.21592771
File: 129 KB, 700x394, rsr holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks for the honesty pal. i'll take 100k

>> No.21593081

Would rather buy AMPL over this shit

>> No.21593365

I too like to gamble on programmed ponzi schemes...

>> No.21593652
File: 191 KB, 1068x713, federal-reserve-system-history-1068x713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's so many answered questions.

The Federal Reserve is going to buy trillions worth of RSR.
If you knew anything about the people behind RSR you would safely assume this will happen.

>> No.21593722

That's interesting. Do you think the us would want shitholes to use US dollar? What would the benefit from?
If that's the case, there should have been trying already. What stopping them? Capital control, bank controls, exchange controls.
People on shitholes WANT to have USD as their currency but governments stop the influx of USD and monopolize their banking system.

This could be an effective way of let people of those countries to have USD bypassing all local government interference. Then their economies will collapse further and become us colonies.
nice coin.

>> No.21593890

>Only currently 6 billion of 100 billion on the market
So the price will drop? Good to know, I will wait.

>> No.21593973

>Are countries really going to let RSR replace their current money systems that they can't control? There's also the fact there's real competition for this space.
So it's pretty clear anon hasn't read the whitepaper, counties will use RSV which is pegged 1;1 to USD which is backed by other stable currencies -- RSR is to mantain price stability in RSV and have a vested interest in the project

IMO this is the next XRP and will sit around a health .20 which is an 18x from here

>> No.21594025

you want me to back up your claims for you? fuck outta here

>> No.21594068
File: 1.41 MB, 1384x2466, you_are_welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think the us would want shitholes to use US dollar? What would the benefit from?
Shitholes can be very profitable.

>> No.21594070

those two sentences are at odds with each other
how would rsr maintain a stable $1 coin from 0.20

>> No.21594157

It’s just poorly written. Like fuck..

>> No.21594231

Subhuman tranny fud; KYS immediately or the CIA SOG teams we dispatched will do it for you.

>> No.21594293

This is an xrp tier post.
I hate those faggots.
Back anything up with fact or shut the fuck up.

>> No.21594311

Schizo poorfag.

>> No.21594436
File: 644 KB, 1376x1133, RSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it going to work?

Some people think so.
Are Altman and Thiel invested in any other cryptos? (Besides BTC and ETH?)

>> No.21594548


These latefags have no idea.

>> No.21594608
File: 457 KB, 1426x1004, Project Capture__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Leopold II pilled