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21581731 No.21581731 [Reply] [Original]

Shhhh... Dont tell the IRS.

>> No.21581778

pretty sure the government created that fucking thing

>> No.21581785

Thanks, just bought 50Tb of pizza

>> No.21581978
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>> No.21582367

How does this work? You convert your crypto to Monero and what? Does it look like the transaction disappeared into thin air on paper?

Can someone please explain to me, in a non technical fashion, how this washes your profits?

>> No.21582487

David Bowie didn't die?

>> No.21582543

I'd break it down for you if you weren't a namefag

>> No.21582609

You buy the monero, send it to your wallet, say you lost it, and then either buy some gold and silver bars anonymously or create a charity/digital commodity business that accepts monero

>> No.21582870

Alternatively you can wait til enough people accept monero and at which point you could use it as an actual currency and never have to convert to dollars

>> No.21582968

the time for "cashing out" crypto has long past. anyone who still thinks about converting into dollars , euros or any other national currency is actually retarded.

>> No.21583082
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This im really only deciding between keeping digital purchasing power in crypto or physical purchasing power in metals/goods. Thats it.

>> No.21583154

even if they did, it doesn't matter. They created Tor, that doesn't make it easier for them to bust sites like silk road.

If the government created it they did it to hide their own money, not to trap autists on a basket weaving form.

>> No.21583182

you convert to monero, then send to another monero address from the first one, and then its clean.

>> No.21583233

nah, there's still a CME gap at 9k, its gonna dip at least one more time. I'm 80% in cash and 20% in crypto.

>> No.21583323

>> im 80pct in toilet paper.

>> No.21583401

Convert it to Zano and make more. Here’s an interview with the author of cryptonote and lead dev of zano. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcqRbLnZ_vQ

>> No.21583718

Look, these fags are paranoid fuckers.
Monero has been bullet proof for a long time.
Even if you wanted to fuck up you privacy, you would have a hard time doing it.
That coin has so much shit that makes the average retard normie safe.
Just read a bit about it if you want to learn what happens in the background.
As for avoiding taxes, well shit, if you exchange monero for fiat, depending on your countries policies, you will pay taxes or not.
Monero doesn't really change anything.
You can try local monero and change it directly to fiat and nobody would know, unless you go flex on social media or make a deposit in the bank (large ammounts).

Just pay your taxes kike, if you don't, then don't cry because you got caught.

>> No.21583888

Imagine holding any fiat and being able to sleep at night. Its 16% of my portfolio and everyday I weigh whether or not I should just convert it. The day I can pay my rent in something else i will.

>> No.21583982

>Just pay your taxes kike
I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.21584198
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checked and based

>> No.21584564

kek same here. in a lot of places you can already pay most things with crypto. like that american state where dash is very popular, i know a few people that don't have bank accouns anymore and livecompletely from crypto.

>> No.21584617

>i know a few people that don't have bank accouns anymore and livecompletely from crypto.
Thats a spicy life choice

>> No.21584688

>convert profits
Well Duncan, I hate to break this to you but the moment you convert, sell, trade, gift, or any other form of dispensing with an asset, you pay taxes on that change based on your profits to date. So fuck you with your shitty tax advice

>> No.21585179

>Implying kikes pay any taxes

>> No.21585280

>buy legit fake id + social for cheap from darknet
>coinjoin + monero + bitmix.biz to launder btc
>withdraw to usd using my fake id in cash app
It’s really this easy huh? Why haven’t I been doing this the whole time?

>> No.21585310

If I ever am about to jump country I'll send like 80% of my stack to a new wallet, do taxes on the 20%, then say I lost the rest to scammers or some shit.

>> No.21585416

That's fraud. They will ask you (person in fake ID) where did that money come from and you better give great, very believable answers.
It's easy until you're in jail. Just like selling drugs.

>> No.21585875

Many approaches where XMR could useful to avoid taxes.

You could use xmr to avoid paying taxes on crypto>crypto exchanges. Fiat>xmr>as much shitcoin trading as you want >xmr>fiat. Just pay xmr gains.

If you end up with more xmr than you initially bought with fiat then you could spend it on drugs from the deep web. If you don't use drugs you could sell them for cash at a large mark up.

You could also just hold the xmr until it becomes globally accepted as the standard money. No one will even know that you have it

>> No.21585935

* in america

europe is based.

>> No.21586595

How do you get the bank account

>> No.21587032

how would u convert from xmr to eth to shitcoins without sending the xmr back to a centralized exchange?

>> No.21587174
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>all you have to do is become a drug dealer!

>> No.21587203

Doesn't matter if it's centralized as long as it doesn't KYC and report to the IRS.

>> No.21587244


>> No.21587326

>many approaches
Sorry for giving you a cash out idea that doubles your money.

>> No.21587398


>> No.21587658

wouldn't binance work too then cause it's not KYC

>> No.21587723

Yeah just use mullvad plus whonix and protonmail

>> No.21587757

Good luck finding a fake person lel
Look up cash-out guides for carding, carding is huge in the nigger community right now. I know a few different people advertising “swiping” (buying ccs on the darknet and using cashapp to cash them out anonymously)

>> No.21587763

Only non-KYC up to a certain amount I believe

>> No.21587962

sounds good, I'll check them out, thanks anon

>> No.21587965

This goes for using either and in general is a good practice. You should also be running Linux with an encrypted ssd with a very long password on a laptop you dont use at home.
I've looked for some but it seems like not a lot of people are actually making money it seems like it would ironically be easier to use wpscan and target vulnerable WordPress sites and literally sell numbers.

Note for all agents reading im merely intellectually curious in this area and have no need to commit crimes for money as im comfortable

>> No.21588016

ya you need your email and phone number, but you don't have to link bank account or upload ID or anything like that

>> No.21588304

Another thing you could do is buy "fulls" for like ten bucks a card and buy whatever you want. That's a cash out technique that can 10x your money.

>> No.21588730

How do you do that step by step it seems like a pyramid scheme to me

>> No.21588863

Yeah peter schiff has been crying about it for twenty years and it hasn’t happened yet. As long as America can invade third world countries and steal their shit and force the rest of the world to use the petrodollar then nothing will change anytime soon. Fiat is going down because of increased printing but we are nowhere close to a black swan event. There’s a much higher chance that we see bitcoin worth 30% of its current value, than fiat worth 30% of its current value, in the next year.

But just ignore history and facts n shieeet

>> No.21588984

>selling drugs to reduce the risks of tax evasion

So you’re one of the retards I regularly scam on this site?

>> No.21589079

If you faggots were smart enough to make money you would be smart enough to cash out. You’re worried about a problem you’ll never have.

>> No.21589140

Monero address? Is this just a new wallet address or a specific address from Monero

Pls help I’m fucking retarded.

>> No.21589230

It's not a pyramid scheme and there's no step by step.

Only ever seen one scammer on this site that wasn't a retard and I'm pretty sure he wasn't you.

>> No.21589365

learn to research

>> No.21589679

I feel like it's easier to sell the cards than use them and from reading the forums a lot of people lose money trying to use them.

>> No.21590025

Yeah. Because the guy who came up with the plan to sell drugs to reduce the risk of getting in trouble with the law, obviously has very good judgement. Suck my dick you drooling retard.