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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21577864 No.21577864 [Reply] [Original]

This place is actually cooler than you think it is. It’s funny and social enough to sit here all day plus you get to learn and think about crypto all day on it too while you do it. This might actually be a path to success

>> No.21578029

I am kind of getting paranoïd with everybody trying to jew each other. But i agree its a comfy board.

>> No.21578042

>everyone shilling shitcoins
>stock thread is filled with weaboo retards

yeah great place to be

>> No.21578082

>This place is actually cooler than you think it is.
thanks for telling

I hadn't realized after all these years being here

Try random next

>> No.21578127

This place is a shithole. It used to be tolerable before the recent influx of nufags, and earlier still there were in depth discussions (with limited shilling). But now it's a cesspool, so fuck this board.

>> No.21578229

I only come here for the asian waman

>> No.21578310

Wow, fresh of the boat kid? This place.. this place will change you.
No really this board is only fun when everything is crashing

>> No.21578360

This biz hasn't been good since 2015

>> No.21578455

This places fries your brain anon

>> No.21578538
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>> No.21578548

Biz is where groups come to dump now. And no, it wasn't always like that. Biz used to have presale invites and all sorts of shit. Now it's just the same coins I saw pumped in discord groups 3 days ago

>> No.21578567

stopped reading at "you get to learn"

>> No.21578614
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i post good threads sometimes

>> No.21578718

I was on b a while ago just to see what is it like there and you wouldnt believe what a zoomer cancer festival it is

>> No.21578862

stay poor (and dumb)

>> No.21579610

If you like the current state of this board there's a place I could suggest you go back to. It's the same