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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 261 KB, 649x702, abby3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21567232 No.21567232 [Reply] [Original]

Easy 10x from here if not much more. Chart looks amazing. Gaining tons of attention on social media lately. Don't miss out on the best layer 1 solution the blockchain space has seen since Ethereum.

Flying up the ranks on lunarcrash top 20 as of this post

Mainnet September 16th announcement blog:


Dope hype video:


Buy on Uniswap, IDEX and MXC (listed today)


>> No.21567318

Lets fucking go

>> No.21567326

This is the coin, the time is now, traderz, devs, users get invested now!

>> No.21567458

insta buy

>> No.21567609
File: 2.12 MB, 480x480, TAU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21567705
File: 103 KB, 478x338, reachForTheLamden.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21567892

bought a bag

>> No.21567947
File: 160 KB, 474x592, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


enjoy your newfound riches fren

>> No.21567958

so sad all telegram shills. anons, it looks nice, use your brain and don't buy this. it's a trojan horse. just try and find info on the team, stu is a pretentious snake, team is just waiting to dump half the supply that's been locked up on new fags. old fags remember what happened after the ico. if you fud you wont get any answers

>> No.21568058
File: 68 KB, 750x564, homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello anon member of the lamden free talk chat on telegram


>> No.21568217

cope? flipped it 10x. enough for this shitcoin with a 3 person team. sell while you have the chance. history gonna repeat itself and you all gonna be bagholders like the ico kids two years that just broke even off the new fags pumping it HAHAHAH

>> No.21568253
File: 100 KB, 910x1024, EflzRYWU0AAEOIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the only thing you're flipping is burgers for minimum wage, gtfoh and COPE

>> No.21568347

meh you're right anon i was just hoping for a cheap pump, despite having 7x'd off the ICO way back in the day already. tell me something to look into

>> No.21568360

funny, team doesn't know how to market so you lamden legion fags have to all jerk each other off on here to see gains LMAO. so sad. same shit in every thread, youll be broke at the end of this bullrun enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.21568406

buy $BASED, you have 6 hours

>> No.21568716

Dude, why are you so mad at the world? Gonna give yourself a heart attack with all that hate. Breath, relax and chill homie, or the money you made off TAU is gonna go towards your funeral expenses.

>> No.21568801

You and your buddy really do like the word FAG, don't you? How big is that closet ya'll hiding in?

>> No.21568992

Lmfao. Bro we're here to make money and I'm just being honest on what this project is. Good luck you've been warned

>> No.21569084

Well I’m not selling, will be the first real competitor of Ethereum. But Lamden has Python and easy development, as soon people are going to notice this it will be huge.

>> No.21569134

Bought a big bag.. looks really promising

>> No.21569159

What's the smell in here, did someone drop his curry?