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File: 996 KB, 1308x924, rndr image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21559786 No.21559786 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone looked into the technicals of this? Vert low market cap and coinbase said they are looking into listing. Thoughts?

>> No.21559947

Why the fuck would a token be required for this?

>> No.21559987

it's not, didn't people figure that out with the Golem scam?

>> No.21560080

Best consumer render engine out there. This company knows what they're doing. Overlooking this coin is a serious mistake.

>> No.21560200

I thought the same question but its used to pay miners and also something about protecting digital artist rights.
Do you have any cool info on this? Just starting to look into it myself

>> No.21560375

Fuck no. You could shill these idiots Bananacoin: a revolutionary way to buy bananas at the grocery store and these idiots would go all in.

Pay people for goods and services in Bitcoin. Omfg

>> No.21560484

So basically you dislike all alts?

>> No.21560542

So your telling I may not need to rent out a server farm or buy a bunch of gpus if I want to do 3d rendering.

>> No.21560581

Not entirely. Apart from Bitcoin SV I hold Monero.

>> No.21560586

Judging by Yam, Shrimp and Donut I would consider buying Bananacoin unironically

>> No.21560626

Potentially, and according to their recent medium post AWS does not prioritize gpu rendering mainly cpu performance so this could be great if it claims this niche

>> No.21561285


If/when it becomes cost effective for a big movie studio to use it will have hundreds of millions going into it.

Avatar cost like $250 million or more to render, just in computing costs, and they blew their budget and didn't even get it all done 100%.

>> No.21561559

what if RNDR took a different direction, players use a little bit of power to help render an mmo or something?

>> No.21561568

I've been following since ICO and it seems like a great solution for artists to "render it forward".
Basically you render for other people's projects overnight when you're not using your hardware and you'll get paid in some tokens. Then when you need a render done you can spend those tokens to get your rendering work done.
So everyone gets their rendering done faster, and saves money.
As a speculative token I don't really see the value, and it's so centralized right now, the team can change the value of how much GPU power you get from 1 token on a whim.

>> No.21561872

I did not know rendering was that expensive...would be interesting to see if this solution can solve that

But would you say just 13 cents is a fair evaluation for it? I feel like something with this kind of use case should be alot higher...even ico was 25 cents

>> No.21561901
File: 823 KB, 574x806, doomrlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obselete, like all the others

>> No.21562070

>But would you say just 13 cents is a fair evaluation for it?
It's a utility token, so it's not going to have an insane pump. It's against the team's interests if it does. They're selling tokens directly to artists for $0.25 but miners can only sell tokens on exchanges, so while they keep doing that it will never pump past $0.25.

>> No.21562190

Can anybody explain how the fuck a token is needed for this?

>> No.21562263

Low IQ fud. The artists pay the credit for their project which is say 1k. That then market buys 1k worth of tokens.

Deadmau5 is using it and there's a watch company who just released a commercial using it.

>> No.21562359

I did a little bit of research on this because of the floor issue and here is what I was able to come up with but I'm not too sure...my belief is that 25 cents is the floor right now and they are just selling coins that they accumulated from buybacks. Ultimately though I believe this will change if rndr manages to get on reputable exchanges like coinbase.

Evidence for the floor argument is here:https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderToken/comments/i9i0f5/in_your_recent_ama_it_was_mentioned_that_there/

The lead developer talks about how overall a high coin price wont matter because public clouds do not have enough gpu rendering power so in certain technologies that require alot of the power any price will be paid as it will be the only means of doing so

>> No.21562412

So how can I start selling my GPU power right now?

>> No.21562503

Can't stress enough how popular it is for consumers. It's as ubiquitous as Photoshop. Just look through the Instagram hashtag of people using it https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/octanerender/

Here's the best part. Its been a huge hit for many years but it was Windows-only this entire time. As of a few weeks ago, it now works on Mac. This will open the floodgates for new users. Creatives using Mac were cucked for so long because many of them didn't want to deal with building an expensive Windows rig. Think about how big of a market that opens up.

The render cloud is important here because it's essential if these consumers want to do animation. Most can only afford 1-2 GPUs which doesn't really cut it. Render farms have sucked ass for the longest time and are extremely expensive. Try using one, it's like stepping into the stone age. They all support different engines, have priority lines, janky proprietary web UIs and plugins, etc. OTOY is streamlining everything.

This idea of utilizing blockchains/mining to assist in this is a total game changer. Its a perfect marriage of these technologies. Can't think of a better use case. Blows my fucking mind the timing of all of this.

VR is going to accelerate this as well. That's another huge aspect. Not only is animation rendering difficult on a consumer PC, photorealistic high resolution VR rendering animation is 10x harder. Affordable PCs will never be able to keep up with this. It HAS to go to the cloud. OTOY is going to dominate the entire industry.

>> No.21562623

Blows my mind too just seeing this come together..doing more research I saw Apple gave otoy/octane a shoutout at Apple developer con 2019...any chance this becomes the standard for rendering? Octane x has built in rndr support


Otoy part is at one hour twenty eight minutes

>> No.21562807

It already is the standard for consumers, movie studios too but I personally don't give a fuck about them. They're about to get rolled over by a swarm of 13 year olds creating Michael Bay level films in their parents basement. It's already happening if you spend time in these 3D communities.

>> No.21562938

>That then market buys 1k worth of tokens.
Yeah and if the price on exchanges surpasses $0.25 do you think they'll continue to market buy higher than what they sell for?
Fuck no, they'll stop. And the team is too retarded to setup actual exchange integration.
One of their previous advisors talked about working with them in the unofficial telegram and how they're retarded at taking advice and acting on it, especially when it comes to the crypto space. The only thing they got going for them is their rendering shit. The only thing they do in the blockchain space is their shitty erc20 token to send payments, and all of the job distribution work is centralized behind the scenes lmao
It's retarded to call it a floor. It's a price ceiling, the price doesn't go higher than the ceiling.
All that "phase 4" talk they do is big pie in the sky "someday in the future" that they'll never get to.
They've bitten off more than they can chew, its been in development for 3 years and all they have is a shitty centralized token payment system. They had big dreams of doing a bunch of other shit but there's literally been 0 development in any other area, they really only focus on rendering. That much has potential as utility (it honestly sucks tho because you have to do everything with their octane shit, no comparability with other software materials or anything, but they at least have some industry presence to gain some adoption) but this won't be a winner for speculators.
You can't because it's closed beta.
>This idea of utilizing blockchains/mining to assist in this is a total game changer. Its a perfect marriage of these technologies
I agree there's potential there but all they're doing is tying token payments to some centralized job system. It's not a marriage, it's a hackjob.

>> No.21563215

The price floor issue is still something that ill have to do more looking into, but whats the deal with the advisor? Also in regards to only being able to use their software im not sure if thats the case but they partnered with autodesks rendering software to start. The team has also talked about medicine, AI and VR capabilities so I dont believe it is restricted to the software just easier to use it if you are on octane

>> No.21563287

Imagine being so retarded you can't even comprehend what I said properly. it's 1k of the customers money. It's going to market buy 1k fiat worth of tokens, price is irrelevant brainlet.

>> No.21563569

>whats the deal with the advisor?
Timothy Enneking described working with the team, how he'd talk with the team and give suggestions about what they should be doing and things like that. The team would agree on the best path forward but then they'd never do anything. Apparently it went like that for years before he quit being an advisor for the project.
>Also in regards to only being able to use their software im not sure if thats the case but they partnered with autodesks rendering software to start.
I'm a hobbiest blender guy and I tried using octane but to do anything with it you have to use all their own materials. So if you made your own materials and wanted to render your scene with RNDR, you'd have to change all the materials to their octane materials, if you have a lot it's a lot of work, and export it into their orbx format. Maybe one day they'll get native support for more projects.
>The team has also talked about medicine, AI and VR capabilities so I dont believe it is restricted to the software just easier to use it if you are on octane
This is the pie in the sky stuff. They've done 0 visible development in this area, I've seen no progress in any of these areas. Golem is lightyears ahead, and vast.ai is already pretty well good enough for a good price.
That's not how it works right now, but maybe they'll make that change. They've been pretty incompetent in this regard so I doubt it.

>> No.21563923

You brought up some great points...seems like the team wants to keep it all under one hood but I will have to ask the team if this is really the case or if they are expanding