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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21555098 No.21555098 [Reply] [Original]

Dave Portnoy bought into $OXT today since he only uses Gemini. His next buy will be $BAT. Accumulate now so you can dump once his pump reaches it's peak. Lots of dumb people buy what he buys and are happy with 1x and 2x returns not realizing he just made 20x off them.

>> No.21555236

XRP and BAT are next. Then its the King (BTC) and Queens (ETH) turn to play.

>> No.21555282

Nobody is buying XRP lol

>> No.21555401

I know i just want better than a 2x so i can offload my bags back into something good

>> No.21555481

buy the ruuuuuuuuumour

>> No.21555487

Sir Dave will buy many PNKs. Our villages will be rich

>> No.21555526

Hi dave.

>> No.21555639

Imagining looking at this guy's face and trusting him. Physiognomy is real.

>> No.21555647

hello David

>> No.21555713

Orchid hasn't even pumped yet, dumbass, he bought at 10am today, around .56. God the fucking faggot retards on this board make me sick. You should be buying OXT

>> No.21555875

Fuck off. I don't want this slimy faggot near my bat. He ruined link run.

>> No.21555906


>> No.21555933

Everything Portnoy buys dumps. he caused the link dump

>> No.21555977

Did he say hes buying bat?

>> No.21555993

LINK was gonna dump regardless.

>> No.21556399
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Was orchid "gonna dump regardless" He just bought that shit too

>> No.21556442

Stop posting this fucking kike

>> No.21556586

Curious how the only things he buys that didn't dump was btc because it had too high of a market cap for him to dump it

>> No.21556620

And it hasn't dumped from his starting position you stupid goddamn fucking faggot

>> No.21556682
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>> No.21556689

Why not just buy DDTG on Uniswap?

>> No.21556747

imagine white knighting a filty rich kike

>> No.21556830

what he said is also true. oxt looks like money.

>> No.21556892

Looks like the money he's gonna get by dumping on gullible goyim

>> No.21556943

What you're saying is totally incoherent, you are never going to make it

>> No.21556949

looks like money i'm gonna make by being in from a lower price than them all...

>> No.21556987
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More Recent Portnoy "hits"
He shilled this shit to his followers at over $1

>> No.21557088

we'll see what happens. i saw him buying in as positive news in my favor on /biz/ earlier, i really dont know who he is. i do however, post in all oxt threads.

>> No.21557100

yeah, it went up 50% in a day after he bought it. Do you think he bought in at the peak?

>> No.21557148

I already fucking hate this guy.

He needs to fuck off.

>> No.21557155

What the fuck do you think? He has his zombie fans buy the top after announcing his previous purchase and then dumps on them. Anyone buying anything after he shills it is a moron.

>> No.21557238

Dude the replies on his twitter think a pump is like 8%, the top after he bought was like .64.

>> No.21557269
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>i really dont know who he is. i do however, post in all oxt threads.

>> No.21557388

He's the kind of faggot to go around and pretend he was the "og" to anything that got popular.

>> No.21557443

same goes for his entire audience, and they are fucking loaded millennials... the bull run needs these people.

>> No.21557469

I was waiting for my paycheck to buy some oxt but know its 100% sure that jew is going to PnD on his followers soon. I m gonna pass or wait the dump.

>> No.21557492

/biz/ will shit on anyone because they're a jew, and totally forget that jews know how to make money

>> No.21557503

fat OXT holder here, in at 0.19

wont be selling a dime until $2

Easiest 10x of my life

>> No.21557537

this is what we needed for the real bull run and normie adoptable

>> No.21557632

Isn't this faggot on Tucker Carlson basically every other night? What are the chances he introduces boomers to coins like link and oxt? wouldn't that be bullish?

>> No.21557657

yes, this guy is the best thing for crypto in 2 years

>> No.21557695

no it's not

>> No.21557784

Right wing boomers don't know how to make money, the ones I talk to call bitcoin "imaginary money". They will die with all their savings in gold and jack daniels memorabilia

>> No.21557824

my official stance is buy the dip. .54 or lower

>> No.21557846

i'm going irl to hand out copies of my coinbase referal link to all the normies i see.
>wouldn't that be bullish?
>the bull run needs these people.
>this is what we needed for the real bull run and normie adoptable
very bulllish, his audience is huge, gullible, and mostly upper middle class. Give everyone you know your coinbase referral link. its kind of like selling shovels instead of digging for gold durring a rush.

>> No.21557895

True, idk why but it just pisses me off seeing normies get into this so soon imo and the ones who are pretentious as fuck mainly piss me off.

Oh well, I'm really trying to get over 100k by end of next year and think it will happen with this upcoming bull run.

>> No.21557939

Yeah boomers usually don't know how to make money since they were fucking handed all the money they made lol

Either way let them buy up so we can all MOOOOON!

>> No.21557981

>i'm going irl to hand out copies of my coinbase referal link to all the normies i see.
Damn that's pretty smart anon.

Makes me want to buy up a billboard and shill my link all day hehe Think about all the fucking traffic and plus once crypto gets back into the mind of normies it will be glorious. Gains will be made for sure.

>> No.21558042

That's like $10 per person, how many people do you know? 6?

>> No.21558064

someone is going to panic sell the bottom and crack your skull open

>> No.21558265
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no they wont
well better thought is maybe not to give it to friends and family, statically more likely to be wurdered by someone you know.

>> No.21558324

what? normies will sell in a week max. they can’t take this shit. not a single normie has the mentality to hold crypto

>> No.21558387

right but if it's laid out to them by the messiah himself wouldn't it be easier to convince them to buy?
just postulating here....

>> No.21558465
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>> No.21558469

Yeah for sure, and it will happen, but not next week or any time soon. My dad for instance is only interested in crypto ETFs

>> No.21558481
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What's up with that?

I usually see it in the stocks but I don't get how people freak out when their investments dip a little and they all scram to sell. Me and a friend were discussing this and its like constant FOMOing or putting way to much money in so they're always on edge or something.

>> No.21558543

this is big facts. this is an easy $2-$4 coin.

a retard can realize this.

>> No.21558575

most people can't afford a surprise $500 bill and have no savings.

>> No.21558701
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reminder, insiders hold OXT at.70

>> No.21558857

You must be new. Every jewish crypto project turned out to be a massive failure and a fucking cashgrab scam. See bancor for example. I still remember retards shilling that ico.

>> No.21558901

Yeah Jews run the world because they're all poor

>> No.21558942

it’s not about the money it’s a mentality. none of the rich guys at my work can hold. they buy like 200 dollars worth and sell in a week lmao.

>> No.21558949
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Oh fuck he’s going shitcoin loco.

>> No.21558989

that’s when i bought. fuck me.

>> No.21559023

so you got a good buy in...

>> No.21559069


>> No.21559128

we will see. there’s some weird shit with this coin and nobody is doing research. like everyone is confused about what the market cap even is. still can’t get an answer about it. and i’m too lazy to research lol.

>> No.21559284

It's 40 million based on current supply with a lot more in their treasury set on a release schedule.

>> No.21559335

Is this the kike jew that reviews pizza? Just look at his fucking schnozzel, I'd love to beat his faggot ass unconscious in a dimly lit alleyway.

>> No.21559394

Sequoia capital bought literally millions of tokens 2 years ago at 50 cents each. This is the bottom. Dyor

>> No.21559411

That's literally my point. .70 is the bottom

>> No.21559439

[citation needed]

>> No.21559556
File: 12 KB, 600x450, E32098E2-D736-414F-BE81-68061CD5D19A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave’s not woke a enough to be on this site guys.

>> No.21559644

Based anon. Thought you were FUDing didnt read your prior posts. Nobody knows this information and I packed my bags at 18 cents and am still buying

>> No.21559651
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Of course

>> No.21559685

I hold at .18 too lol, BASED, make it gang

>> No.21559900

Was desperately trying to gey to 100k, got to 90 so I can't complain. I needed 2 more weeks to get my 100k and then it exploded.

>> No.21559966

Suck my dick already