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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21551765 No.21551765 [Reply] [Original]

who here is tired of the bullmarket?

everyday for 6 weeks im sitting 16 h in front on the computer
>browsing biz
>looking for new gems
>looking at charts
>reading websites of shitcoins
>calculating the marketcap
>waiting for enterys
>waiting for txs
>retrying tx on uniswap

i haven't had a full night of sleep in 2 weeks
yes im making tons of money
but im still fucking tired

i just need a fucking break...
am i the only one who feels that way?

>> No.21551886

I tried to do this and lost sleep and money. I just invested in a few coins and then not look at anything for a few weeks and then boom up 80%. Not much at all probably compared to you, but I'm not ballsy, smart, or risk tolerant as you and others. I would really like to make it and... anon, I think there's still a long way to go before this is over.

>> No.21551936

>i am making a lot of money but I am sleepy

>> No.21552012
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atleast you are gaining shekels. gif related.

>> No.21552059

you can sleep when the next great bear winter comes, get your positions set up for this run and deal with it

>> No.21552299
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im still a full time student
and i have 2 exams next week

how am i suppose to study when i can make thousands in crypto???

>> No.21552455

Know how you feel. Can't jump fast enough into the DeFi scam of the day or it has mooned too much already, therefore constantly refreshing /biz.

Have to get into ICOs and presales, therefore constantly on Twitter.

Crypto used to be fun, now it's just work.

>> No.21552651

imagine not having having six figures in your well researched positions already

>> No.21552721

You're not fooling anyone

>> No.21553334

seeth harder wagie
i bet i made more money this week then your whole bloodline this month