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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21542499 No.21542499 [Reply] [Original]

And here we are.

>> No.21542541

Already at 2.25 in an hour after a mini-whale shit the price from $2 to 1.70. What the fuck is happening

>> No.21542633
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>> No.21542677

buying pressure is insane, i've never seen anything like it on such a new token

>> No.21542728
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$14 EOM is FUD

>> No.21542769

This shit isn't organic at all. Pops up on /biz/ for the first time a day or two ago and now every thread is on this shit. Obviously a discord group creating a false consensus so they can dump on /biz/

>> No.21542828

Tried to uniswap brdg for flow and it just took the transact cost and didn’t swap shit. What the hell?

>> No.21542893

Just wait. Watch the transaction status. Failed transactions usually have a $1 fee that you eat anyways.

>> No.21542920

Uniswap just says “approve BRDG” as the transaction.

>> No.21542954

We are the discord group you fucking IDIOT. This is OUR COIN

>> No.21542989


>> No.21542998

You have to approve your wallet for transactions before making them. That usually costs like $1 in ETH as well.

>> No.21543057

Well I love /biz/, I just want as many anons onboard as possible. The telegram group is very energetic and excited. We're on day 5, and the coin grants 1% compounded interest via airdrop every night so the token itself rewards holding. There is strong sentiment in the telegram group to hold long term. Crypto is always a risk anon, but this is very very early. Just grab a suicide stack at least. As for me, I'm all in.

>> No.21543066

Just look at the pools and it becomes clear
literally one guy has 99% of this trash, when the amount of eth in the pool gets high enough he takes it all and leaves bagholders holding this trash

but if you buy shit that's not even whitelisted on uni you deserve what's coming to you
this board is for fucking idiots yet scammer keep coming back because it always makes them money

>> No.21543079

Its only 4 days old retard. Of course people just started talking about it.

>> No.21543110

Anything additional we have to do to redeem the 1% interest? Or do you just have to have a wallet with FLOW in it?

>> No.21543116

Don't be the one holding a bag of this. This shit is going to crash so fast.

>> No.21543128

that "one guy" IS uniswap...

>> No.21543154

People said the same thing about Statera at 4 cents. This is /ourcoin/, half of the holders are /biz/raelis. Any dump has been gobbled up faster than your mother eats black cock

>> No.21543202

How is this legit? The threads last night were sketchy as fuck, at one point, people were posting they got dumped on.

>> No.21543211
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Also check the fucking ID, we've been blessed by kek

>> No.21543213

Fuck these GAS PRICES holy shit

>> No.21543218

You just hold the token. The airdrop just appears in your wallet. It's very smooth

No, it's not. I'm sorry you have trauma, but no it's not. It'll likely follow the BAND chart style, which would mean now is very early.

the absolute state of /biz/.....

>> No.21543258

oh "morpheus" will deliver right? LOL

>> No.21543261

what do you mean, any flash dump last night had an enormous amount of buy pressure that btfod miniwhales, even a top 20 holder who liq’d his whole stack today. last night it was a fucking dollarooni

>> No.21543271


>> No.21543297

Lol, there's strong demand for DeFi and hedge projects right now. AMPL failed, YAM failed, and FLOW is here with 4 days of 1% rebases functioning perfectly. I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.21543325


Yeah, I'm kinda miffed about that. The last posts in those threads were saying that it was dumping or were asking if they were late.

>> No.21543335

You're gonna be so mad when we crack $3 in this thread, just like we did with $2 in the last waiting room thread. We'll be at $2.50 before the rebase, then a flash crash before a boost to ATH. It's happened every single day.

>> No.21543356

is the airdop just of more FLOW tokens?

>> No.21543387

I have last 100eur, is it worth dumphin zhem in FLOWers and eat shit in wage cage for the next 15 days?

>> No.21543395

based and kek-pilled

>> No.21543408

1% more, yes

>> No.21543411

flow will crash even faster.
Just be prepared, anon. Get out before they do.

>> No.21543433

That's the exchange wallet. Holy shit that's a new level of stupidity

>> No.21543447

As worthy as anything else. But be prepared to pay like 10+$ for gas fees

>> No.21543448

Everyone calls everything a ponzi scheme or cry about being late unless they were in on day 1. It makes no sense really. A top 10 wallet holder sold his entire stack an hour ago and the dip got eaten up immediately and now we're at ATH again as we have been every night for the last 4 nights. With buying pressure like that where do you think we are going? It's not late

>> No.21543455

thanks anon

>> No.21543540

How do you check info on the wallet ID like this?

>> No.21543548

There's literally no whales. There was no pre-sale or ICO. The largest token holders aren't capable of dumping the price hard enough to permacrash this. A top 10 holder sold his stack and it's already at a new ATH and RISING

>> No.21543565

Yes. I feel like at every dollar figure, a bug stack is going to be sold as has been happening at 1$, 2$ and then 3$, 4$...

>> No.21543686

Should we just go ahead and make the $14 waiting room? Keep it alive for 60 days? (Sorry for the FUD)

>> No.21543729

yeah $14 waiting room coming up

>> No.21543762

To people asking “what about the guy who owns 25% of the supply”

Like, holy shit, how did you even get onto biz without knowing how to read Etherscan and smart contracts? Lol

I guess we have LINK to thank for these newfags?

$14 in 60 days is FUD

>> No.21543785

sorry for being tard but will metamask suffice

>> No.21543802

stop with this FUD

>> No.21543829

goddamn. It's amazing what a handful of people with vpn's can do. I almost regret looking at the telegram as early as i did, I would've held otherwise. Good stuff!

>> No.21543860

the telegram is literally the only reason i bought

>> No.21543892
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>> No.21543896

Holy fucking checked, we're gonna make it bros

>> No.21543940

Oh my god. You have no clue what you’re even looking at do you?! Ahahahahahahahahahahhahaa

>> No.21543982


You tried this fud in the other thread and got stomped there too.

>> No.21543986

lol, are you for real?

>> No.21544017

Are you actually retarded anon?

>> No.21544090

Well someone might as well explain it to the poor guy

>> No.21544097

Circulating supply please

>> No.21544125

I'm seeing addresses controlling > 30% of the supply. Are you retarded?

>> No.21544143

should i go all in and swap my other half of money stuck in $MYX over to $FLOW?

>> No.21544178

up to you bro, there's always risk

>> No.21544182

Do you see that little notes on the left?

>> No.21544202

No, don't be a retard. This one is going to crash once the hype dies down. The website looks like shit. And farming isn't even't developed yet.

>> No.21544217

If you are asking about it you might be already be late. We got questions like this when it was .87, 1.4, 1.9

>> No.21544247
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>has no idea how a smart contract works
>7 posts by this ID

>> No.21544329

Doesn't make a difference, there are wallets controlled by the same holder who loaded up early

>> No.21544364

im honestly getting embarrassed for you at this point

>> No.21544397


Shit project

>> No.21544451

When did Flow and Shrimp get shilled on /biz/?
Shrimp has a crappy liquidity that I could only put 3k in, but Flow I could genuinely put 300k in it.

>> No.21544459


Go all in fren.


>> No.21544493

yes but i already put half my money in to FLOW at .20

>> No.21544501

Shill began 4 days ago on tg, reddit cryptomoonshot, /biz

>> No.21544616

You son of a bitch, I'm in.

>> No.21544650

Why is this shit?

>> No.21544838

Is developer serious about listing this on exchanges?

>> No.21544854

Look at it. It's a shitty project with empty promises. I would take profits before the fast crash.

You have been warned.

>> No.21544888

The guy doesn't even know how to differentiate what tokens are locked up in smart contracts and what tokens belong to holders. Has 0 clue what he's talking about.

>> No.21544948


You're embarrassing yourself.

>You have been warned.
Yeah, we're sure you're an angel with no motivations of your own.

>> No.21544957

>11 posts by this ID
LMAO god you got ass blasted and priced out didn't you anon?

>> No.21544989

The git repository says it all. You're asking anons to buy a vaporware project with empty promises.

Don't be left holding a bag of this. Fast crash soon.

>> No.21545001

>it’s shit
>look at it
Holy shit you sold OH NO HAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.21545037

>6 posts by this ID
because you fags are spamming /biz with this shit

>> No.21545096

stay mad stinky linky

>> No.21545183

The same fags from the telegram chat are collectively flooding /biz to shill this scam.
Don't buy.

>> No.21545243

Stop ignoring anons pointing out that you don't know what you're looking at. You humiliated yourself here.

>> No.21545261

buy the dip.

>> No.21545290

What is the flaw in the code or the idea? How do you know the shilling is not warranted?

>> No.21545346

> he got priced out

>> No.21545519

the way these dips are eaten up is so bullish

>> No.21545610

When appears the airdrop?

>> No.21545628

Why are you trying to scam other anons? There's one contract file there - and you might as well just buy another shit coin that does the same thing.

>muh morpheus will deliever

This is going to crash.

>> No.21545712

The code's been audited. Stop the FUD.

>> No.21545779

LOLOLOL. It's the latest buzz word for shills.

>> No.21545935

the telegram is pretty annoying, still bullish on this project though.

>> No.21546039

i'm with you on that. anyone who bought in sub $1 can see clearly this is a moonshot

>> No.21546078

It's recovering so fast lol

>> No.21546160

EOY $20 ay?

>> No.21546198
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This was the dip. Reminder that there's always a flash crash before rebase, followed by intense buy pressure before a new ATH floor. DO NOT SWING BEFORE THE REBASE, YOU WILL GET FUCKED LIKE EVERY MINI-WHALE THAT'S TRIED IT.

>> No.21546356

based. you guys need to stop worrying about every dip and just hodl and buy during market corrections. you see how quickly we recover. stop fudding

>> No.21546487

What's rebase.

>> No.21546494


I would never scam anyone. I'm a hodler and I never invest more in anything than I'm willing to see go to absolute zero because nobody can predict the future.

The point is, you've been utterly humiliated and you're refusing to acknowledge it. Acknowledge your mistake. Now, please.

>> No.21546565

when's the rebase?

>> No.21546600

It's literally crashing right.
I'm not buying your bag, retard.

>> No.21546619

>I got scammed once again
I'm literally going to kill myself

>> No.21546668

stop it you fucks I only make it if his shit hits $3

>> No.21546726


I'm not selling. And I think you need a longer timeline than 30 seconds to tell if something is crashing. You've been here too long without going outside, pink wojaking because something didn't go up every second of its existence is stupid.

>> No.21546747

healthy market correction. work on your hands, they're a bit weak. whales accumulating the dip. and if you don't as well you'll get priced out before rebase

>> No.21546765

Like I said, I would only invest throw-away money on something like this.

>> No.21547357

>crashes from 2.5 to 1.3

>> No.21547446

Unironically sold at $2.4 and will buying back in at $1.4, $1.3 right now.

>> No.21547495

It’s back up to 1.50 like fucking magic. This has happened every single day. Just wait a couple hours and check again after the rebase.

>> No.21547541


>> No.21547586
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I'll have a 45 caliber hole through the roof of my mouth before then, adios frens

>> No.21547638

EOD estimates?

>> No.21547714

This is a scam literally vaporware. Nothing in the chat is about actual development.It's a bunch of degenerates posting memes acting like retards and jerking each other off.

Stay away from this.

>> No.21547893

shutup faggot this is /ourcoin/

>> No.21547929

back to telegram shill

>> No.21547972

Surething. Ill keep watching my money go up. stay poor

>> No.21547999

i get tha bag 8-D

>> No.21548066

Literally nothing has changed, you know that.
It's a pump and dump ponzi.

>> No.21548099

>20 posts by this ID
holy moly buddy go outside

>> No.21548116

>20 posts by this ID

>> No.21548148

Just making sure you don't scam anons

>> No.21548176


lol obviously mad he missed it at .30c.

Still time bros. $3 EOD

>> No.21548212

>21 posts by this ID
So you just sit on here all day, watch anons make gains, and don’t even participate? You were probably here saying the same thing at 95 cents too.