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File: 2.68 MB, 2560x1707, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21540113 No.21540113 [Reply] [Original]

honestly huge scam

>> No.21540325

if you actually take the time to dyor instead of relying on fucking memes you’d understand why XRP is “the standard”, just look at the team behind it.... you’d honestly have to be brain dead to not understand it

>> No.21540364

You know what they say. XRP is an IQ test...

>> No.21540396

OP is a faggot, but he’s also correct

>> No.21540446

yes, we know.

>> No.21540464

Bro... tech isn’t what drives crypto prices. Lmao

>> No.21540519

low IQ scum being this smug is bearish. XRP is garbage tech.

>> No.21540630

The team is fine but the idea that anyone would use their proprietary token for marginally faster transfers is legit retarded. The entire hype around it was based on the team but the company itself is losing interest.
It also fails one of the fundamental goals of crypto in being so centralized.
When need a crypto that allows stakeholders to take our mortgages or something, not SWIFT 2.0.

>> No.21540674

*What we need is a crypto that allows sufficient stakeholders to take out mortgages or something

>> No.21540678

And OP failed

>> No.21540691

you’re an idiot if you think tech is all that’s behind XRP

Smug or common sense? no ones forcing you do buy fren, go invest in more shitcoins and hope the rug won’t be pulled kek

>> No.21540742

>Fiancee sees my XRP gains
>Wants to cash out now so we have money for wedding
>I told her I have to hold because it looks like it's still going up
>Keeps insisting that I need to get out now or else we lose
Wtf do I do?

>> No.21540782

If you hold, give her 2 weddings

>> No.21540865

They announce deals the same way that scam penny stocks do...

...let me guess, you’re dumb enough to fall for OTC scams, too.

>> No.21540867

yet, that´s why 99% of this market will go to zero in the long term, but 10 years from now XRP will still exist no doubt about it

>> No.21540907


Because they pay banks your invested money to say good things about them.

>> No.21540918

I swear these "my fiancee" posts are a huge meme

>> No.21540927

Weddings are a huge waste of money and never look or go as planned. Plus most women with a brain come to realize in a few years that the money spent on the wedding was excessive and wasteful.

>> No.21540938

XRP is trash - it relies on trust, it is not blockchain. Ethereum is infinitely better and isn't run by jewish bankers.

>> No.21540989

I automatically assume anyone who thinks this coin is a scam is either retarded or done 0 research. Yes, it has been stable for 3 years. You would know why if you did research.

>> No.21540995

Tell her you lost it all, as a test.
If she leaves, good you dodged a bullet.
If she says, marry her.

>> No.21541005
File: 647 KB, 1200x756, Muh Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that is exactly what the flare network is.

They built a strong foundation with XRP, and they will continue to build it.


We are about to get REAL DeFi.

>> No.21541155

About 2 of years ago I was part of the XRP army waiting for the Zerpening, hopium was created by garlichous and co.

Then a guy i will be gratefull for the rest of my life told me about Link and gave me some breadcrumbs. In the months that pas I found more crumbs and even pieces of the bread it's truly amazing and it excites me!!

>> No.21541197

Why though? Genuinely curious about your take on it, not trying to troll or shit

>> No.21541235

I mean, why do you think it’s been stable for so long?

>> No.21541237

People that have none have a IQ of infinity?

>> No.21541281

Cash out for wedding or ruin your future marriage. Secretly make investments back into crypto and never tell your wife again you fucking moron.

>> No.21541362

>Fiance sees MY
>Wants to cash out so WE have

shes ruining your maximum output form

>> No.21541424

Based, this right here

>> No.21541458

Are you serious? The only thing driving link was tech and partnerships and no hype until very recently.. Fundamentals is king you disgusting retard

>> No.21541544

Fuck off you can't have my coins

>> No.21541556

This is literally why I will never marry/date. I absolutely refuse to listen to someone who doesn't know a damn thing about what you're doing but still believes their opinion holds any value whatsoever. On top of that, refusal to listen to something so idiotic can potentially result in damage to the relationship/them taking half your shit because you didn't do something that would have hurt both of you.

I hate stupidity, which happens to be in most women.

>> No.21541607

You have to be stupid to buy this shit. Imagine not realizing that the US government's just going to create a digital dollar and have banks used that instead,.. lmfao.

>> No.21541846
File: 20 KB, 309x147, main-qimg-72d6cbfe4ae2f41461cb91ac2d038d3d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know

>> No.21541892

OK, and is china going to use the digital dollar? What about any other country that isn't USA?

>> No.21542048

I 200x'd off Ripple and have been sucking up the LOKI supply and will 200x again. GG!

>> No.21542107


>> No.21542123

Dude be more smart, never show your wife to be your portfolio again. Women want to control everything, including your crypto

>> No.21542211
File: 134 KB, 846x658, Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 2.14.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the main reason you should own XRP.
If Billy G is behind it you can be certain he will force it down everyone's throat.

>> No.21542221
File: 1.79 MB, 200x200, 1529576171023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21542726

to prove its not a volitile pos like bitcoin and can be used for widescale adoption buddy

>> No.21542823

dont be stupid

>> No.21542919

>thinking the US and global economy will run the risk of using a decentralized crypto where bunch of chinks mining can cause a security risk.

>> No.21543076


XRP's validator network is literally the most robust that there is

>> No.21543247

Bitcoin and any other decentralized crypto. Might be good for many things, but running a bullet proof global settlement system isnt one of them.

>> No.21543531

XRP is literally the most robust system we have. It was designed by a cryptographic expert


>> No.21543640
File: 1006 KB, 2351x1921, ripplebtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is ripple was not picked by the feds and will not be used by the feds pic related and links



>> No.21543654

What does Bill Gates have to do with XRP?
Did he directly advocate for it?

>> No.21543728

>json parser that relies on eth

>> No.21543781

XRP is settlements, not payments...

>> No.21543868

And? You think they can beat ripple out at this point? they're so ahead of the curve by now the government cant do shit. Also there's no need to replace the dollar.

>> No.21543916

the seething xrp schizos are insane. i would obviously be too if i had invested in stablecoin kek

>> No.21543931

It's already starting an upward trend. Whats wrong? You secretly hold XRProfits like the rest of us right?

>> No.21544141

The standard for what? Flat-lining for years on end? If that's the case it's unsurpassed.

>> No.21544254
File: 304 KB, 646x595, 1596398918997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the cripple jews dump again when it went passed 30 cents? kek why do people keep investing in this shitcoin...

>> No.21544352

Bank of England - trialled and dropped XRP (and appoint Accenture to build a solution)
Santander - trialled and dropped XRP

And what happens to XRP when/if SWIFT announce their own equally fast settlement system?

>> No.21544484

>he doesn't know that accenture is one of the companies the implements the XRP ledger

>> No.21544660

haha they're not paid enough

>> No.21544754


haha yeah right

>> No.21544810

>keeps going up
>its a huge s-scam
Bretty bullish Tbh

>> No.21545180
File: 62 KB, 640x486, black_man_sucking_o-1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what people who don't invest in XRP look like

>> No.21545324

;) 100% to a 50/50 future

>> No.21545417
File: 71 KB, 628x780, 5B959CB7-22E4-48CB-BBEB-E27D67F8ECD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21545499

what with the fax paper?

>> No.21545665

it’s from back to the future 2...