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21531437 No.21531437 [Reply] [Original]

Someone who was here during the 2017 bull-run.

If you aren't ready for when BTC pops off, and yes it might not be now but if you don't have any BTC you will be so fucking wrecked once it happens.

You will bleed SATs so hard. Look BTC pumped only 1% and your alts trembled in fear, you just wait once BTC pumps to 13-14k and don't tell me you weren't ready.

>> No.21531464
File: 12 KB, 216x234, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But im all in LINK

>> No.21531484


Okay retard

>> No.21531513

Its literally stonk level gains now though. Would have to hit 25k to do a 2x, lol. Yeah no thanks

>> No.21531515
File: 121 KB, 750x806, BBBEDF41-D83E-42D8-BFF7-2DEBC9117A81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to sell

>> No.21531578

You’re gonna have to start with explaining what Sats are to these newfags. I haven’t seen a sats quoted price on here in well over a year.

>> No.21531586

This. 4/5 of biz wasn’t here for 2017 and is completely ignorant to BTC’s power. Their crypto experience has literally existed within the BTC bear market.

>> No.21531601

As a literal retard with 0 understanding of blockchain/crypto in general can someone explain to me why Alts crash when BTC Pumps a mere 2%?
It can’t be because people are that retarded to chase pumps that they drain their alts to FOMO into BTC is it? When blue chip stocks pump 2% you don’t see the rest of the market crashing.

>> No.21531967

This is a beautiful wallet anon.

>> No.21532028

Moshi Moshi based department

>> No.21532113

It's not retail fomoing, it's whales that control the entire market that plan this out in advance. BTC is where whales consolidate. They don't measure their portfolios in fiat, they measure it in BTC.

>> No.21532134

The general idea is to maximise Satoshis, so yes, money pours into bitcoin whilst alts bleed. Congrats! You just hedged the market for your alts, which you can now go and buy a lot more of thanks to more purchasing power + price dips. BTC Pumps then Alts follow after

>> No.21532138

All in, but just ether.

>> No.21532265

Might have been true in 2017, yes, but now so many more coins are traded against eth (most of them exclusively) and many many couns have fiat pairs now.

>> No.21532289

Needs more in XRP.

>> No.21532530

I've done a x100 on Link, but yeah, I'm sure bleeding out 2% in sat value will kill me faggot.

>> No.21532587

Not everyone is you fren.

There are people here that fomoed into link above $10 and now are going to get rekt by papa bitcoin getting off it's fat ass.

>> No.21532645

The point is to protect your sats. Alts will dump 70% or more if BTC went to 20k. You buy back into alts once BTC rally is done.

>> No.21532953
File: 62 KB, 645x773, 32188466-639F-4843-AD8E-F2AB52A4B96D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please explain sats to me like I am a brainlet because I am

>> No.21532998


>> No.21533062

Sats = satoshis = fractions of bitcoin (don't remember the ratio)

>> No.21533085

Yup, but for real I'm also preparing right now for the 2023 bull run.

>> No.21533554

100 million sats make a bitcoin.

>> No.21533740

Everything else runs with it though..last time LTC went into the 300s too dude. Anything top 10 or on CB will run

>> No.21533973


>> No.21534163

sat is the smallest unit of a bitcoin, that is 0.00000001 of a bitcoin
if bitcoin goes up in value and altcoins don't keep up, then you are losing sat value / bleeding sats

>> No.21534627

so what do we do? sell our alts then buy back after btc moons?

fuk the tax implications for that

>> No.21534823

>BTC explodes
>Alts blow up after from all the money poured in to btc afterwards
I was there, newfags for the love of god if you see your alts dropping 20%+ as bitcoin skyrockets don’t fomo out, keep your positions and wait for the following alt pop off

>> No.21534926

enjoy poverty

>> No.21534985
File: 411 KB, 1242x2688, 927ABF10-4F39-4BF2-A37A-652013E926B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally never in my entire life been
more bullish on BTC than at this singular moment, thanks anon

>> No.21535034

>I haven’t seen a sats quoted price on here in well over a year.

That's because there are so many USD, USDT, and DAI pairs now. Things change, sats are less relevant than they used to be.