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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 231 KB, 2048x1032, digis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2152933 No.2152933 [Reply] [Original]

HERE WE GO>>>>>>>>

>> No.2152946

But that's not ripple

>> No.2152952


>> No.2152954


she packed my bags last night, pre flight

>> No.2152963
File: 44 KB, 810x306, Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 7.35.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /big baller/ here?

>> No.2152968

Zero hour, nine a.m...

>> No.2152998
File: 27 KB, 344x389, 1493087901869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 10k DGB

>> No.2152999

I have more than double that amount and I'm a dumb poor NEET are you retarded?

>> No.2153013

There's always someone with more, and always someone with less. You do you, bro.

>> No.2153017

Yes and that is okay but you are not a big baller.

>> No.2153023


>> No.2153030


>> No.2153032
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>> No.2153036

Nope. Im not. I have about 3.8 million shares. More than some and less than others. Just like everyone else.

>> No.2153035
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>> No.2153039

Thanks for correcting the record

>> No.2153050

I have 3k dgb because i dont fully trust myself just yet, got it at 650 sat. WHAT AM I IN FOR CUNTSSSSS

>> No.2153051
File: 39 KB, 1452x234, Top5Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a good sign. Top 5 volume coins on Bittrex right now.

>> No.2153053
File: 83 KB, 1059x566, bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200k here, this one is the one I really believe in, and it's my ticket out of the game

I love you bizbros, and you digibros are among the best. No matter what happens I will look back on this time fondly.

>> No.2153056
File: 29 KB, 750x393, MAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. You're like a little baby.
>tfw 13.5k

>> No.2153063

>still stuck at 750 despite the sell wall being gone

jesus christ who is selling at 750 YOURE IN THE WAY OF OUR MOON TRIP

>> No.2153064

Hodl tight, bro.

>> No.2153065

We're going up Digibro's. Haha, laughing at the people with weakhands.

>> No.2153081

The H is O. Keep Hodling lads!

>> No.2153096
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>> No.2153101

ouch its falling, buy in time?

>> No.2153104

Have some chump change to blow, you fags actually think this will take off in vidya?

>> No.2153123


>> No.2153146


Listen here Forjoy, absolutely. Every thread is filled with ideas. Even if we aren't doing jackshit but memeing and holding. This coin cannot be stopped.

>> No.2153150 [DELETED] 

Help a poor Anon who is 100% this coin is going to get him some money, i can't afford to buy more right now, i'll make sure to hold them like crazy



>> No.2153162

Every fucking time I sell it skyrockets. Holding strong.

>> No.2153166

fuck 4-5 day verification since coinfuck wont verify my card and had to go the faggot checking account route.

no moon trip for me you fucking motherfuckers. why did i have to stumble upon this fucking treasure trove a couple days ago instead of last month.

came to biz after like 3 months to see if anybody needed a software engineer for a project and found 6 million threads about shitcoins. godfuckingdamnit.

>> No.2153172

sent ;)

>> No.2153201
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>> No.2153215


We locked on, ready to land now.

>> No.2153221


Fucking coinbase trying to keep you from your Lambo.

>> No.2153239
File: 322 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170522-230700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you really did lol, now just gotta wait for it to beat the 1000$ mark

>> No.2153251

charge your phone fucker what if theres an earthquake and your mom tries to call

>> No.2153252

Reeeeeeeeee! My gainz!!!!!!! Reeeeeeeeee!

>> No.2153253

fuck off begging nigger twat

>> No.2153281


>> No.2153290

Calm down.
We're up quite a bit on this day.
If it can stay here, it will go even higher soon.
Slow and steady.

>> No.2153292

I'm trying to save some money off the electricity bill

>> No.2153300
File: 125 KB, 1183x1285, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should look at the patterns of volume and price. This coin has the proper support and timeline for everything is correct. Every time volume spikes from the norm, the coin spikes and finds new support. Thats because people are holding and believe in the long term potential.

Thats what makes this different from pump coins.

>> No.2153303

>Tfw 150k DGB

I sold 100k of them a few days ago WHYYYYYY

>> No.2153316

Note the volume going down and buy offers going up.
This is going to be good tomorrow.
Time to get a good night sleep.

>> No.2153323

Your mom says otherwise.

>> No.2153339

Why do people keep posting this chart? What does it mean?

>> No.2153344


But what if it takes off when you're asleep?

>> No.2153358
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, coping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have bought this at 20 sats. I could have been out of debt and free to move out from my parents'. I could have changed my life if I hadn't just listened to my mom and put a couple hundred bucks into DGB when it was 20 sats. I want to fucking kill myself. I synced my wallet every day even though I didn't understand how to mine shit and what for? I'm tearing my hair out over this. How do I cope?

>> No.2153366

Buy more dude.

>> No.2153372

I can't even bring myself to do it. I look at all the spare change I gathered and realize if I just hadn't been hesitant to take it to a coin changer because of my mother, I could have paid off everything I owe her and leave.

>> No.2153393

pump and dump other coins

>> No.2153397
File: 20 KB, 500x364, nootsinternally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There a re couple of things to notice. This is comparing DGB's current 2-3 months run past a dollar with PIVX's super moon and XRP's mini moon

1. Support begins to gain
2. A pump happens when people realize this coin has real world potential and thus will go up in value when that potential is realized. During the pump volume peaks
3. A dump then stagnation occurs, where people are still accumulating but some are selling. If you spend time looking at candlesticks you'll notice the sell offs aren't as big as the accumulations
4. On each subsequent price spike, the buyers actually HOLD. Do research on this coin if you want to know why with this coin, it really could be great.
5. Because buyers are holding and not selling off, each subsequent spike needs less volume, the price increases faster

My final point is, if these price runs were green literally every day, they'd be easy to spot and everyone would be rich. These moon missions take time. Look how many red days there are on the way to the top.

Basically, fucking HOLD. This coin is top volume and is following the buy and support pattern that those other two did, and it fits well over the 2 month timeline. Buy in no matter what the price is now and let it run.

And participate in the community and make memes.

>> No.2153423


AMEN Digibro

>> No.2153437

god you're stupid

that is not how pump and dumps work, like at all. All of it is controlled, from pump to dump by whales. It's not when people fucking realize potential.

Why the fuck is bytecoin up 300% if thats the fucking case, the thing is fatally fucked.

>> No.2153452

Tfw 19k

Almost want to top it off to 20 but ive done enough for today

>> No.2153454

You're talking about a pump and dump. I'm talking about an asset that gets pumped in phases to its appropriate market value. This is what's going on with DGB. It's not what happens with /biz/'s flavor of the hour that half the people sell at losses to jump on

>> No.2153456

I will never shake hands with any of you faggots who bought Digibytes.


>> No.2153464


>> No.2153469
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>> No.2153475


are you fucking serious

you cannot possibly believe DGB is at it's realized potential or on the way to realizing it

I have nothing against DGB, I do see a future for it, but it's such an obvious fucking pump and dump you have to be delusional not to see it

Like this coin is followed the flag pole TA perfectly. This is a clean as fuck pump and dump. If you even watched it go from 430-490~ you would realize this. The most artificial rise I've seen since BURST.

>> No.2153514

which will get to the moon sooner,trex or polo

>> No.2153520

Then what's the next big pump and dump on the menu? Make me richer than I am today.

>> No.2153529

Newfags everywhere.
whats going on?

>> No.2153538

I will write poem's of the philanthropist's choosing for DGB


>> No.2153551


not off to a great start but I assure you, I am a decent writer

>> No.2153565

sending 50 dgb, write about having a fetish for the pavement pajeets shit on

>> No.2153602

That buys you 2/3 of a haiku

The pavement is brown
as her skin was in Summer

>> No.2153613

someone else fund the rest of this artwork i gotta get on the waves train

>> No.2153644

>not saying "ride the waves wave"
This is why you have to pay people to do your writing

>> No.2153645

/biz/ help me get fit, i will do 1 push up for every 20 dgb i get, i weight around 360lbs right now! Come on you can make me The Rock


>> No.2153681

or just dont be fat in the first place? You make more money not being fat and save money on food not being fat. There ya go, theres your dgb money

>> No.2153689

sent 20

>> No.2153739

Sent a salad.

>> No.2153808

Who /saladcoin/ here?

>> No.2153829

In up to my eyeballs in fatcoin atm

>> No.2153847


Thank god only 20 dgb so far, i almost get a heart attack doing that push up

>> No.2154100

Youre right, its basically the same pattern that ETH is making where it spikes and then has a brief dip before it stays at a higher support level consolidating for a while. Everyone is holding ETH long term. Stairstepper pattern, this is a beautiful bullish chart

>> No.2154196

Bro this whole game is all about throwing your balls on the table on a shit ton of coins and holding.

As long as you don't throw your money at pajeet shit coins like moon 75% of those coins are going to pay off. It's all about holding. Do that and you will be in lambo land