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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 2256x1835, 1597638009956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21525770 No.21525770 [Reply] [Original]

New project, DYOR. Just got in their discord. The dev made this post below here on /biz/ but no one replied (https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/21517009))

"Hey Anons,

For the last 3 months, I've been trying to figure out a unique mechanism for a new DE-FI ecosystem based on how to use dynamic supply adjustment, pool pairing, staking, pool mining and deflation. I finally finished it and now start trading on Uniswap today (UTC 9.30).

The project is called Blitz Finance and it is designed as a new way to design your own derivative assets, offers a shelter from the market swings and creates trading&arbitrage
opportunities by its multi-layered, self-balancing asset structure (indices, sub-hedges, sub-hedge derivatives and anchor pools).

You can read the litepaper for more information about the whole idea and how it combines different asset classes together. I am currently writing the whitepaper and it will include my predictions on how checks and balances in the underlying idea reacts on different market conditions, possible trading & arbitrage & yield farming routes through the ecosystem and how to utilize them. It will offer a general guideline for the token holders, stakers, day/swing traders, pool providers and yield-farmers on how to behave for their own short/medium/long
term interests.

I hope you like the base idea. I think it is quite novel and I am eager to see the outcomes and how market will react in the long run. I will also share my forecasts on general market
conditions (up & down trending markets, sideways markets, crash days, support&resistance zones, corrections, trend reversals etc...) in the whitepaper as well.

Website: https://www.blitzfinance.org/
Discord: C83PEZb"

>> No.21525811
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He also posted this next

"I am a PhD candidate on Mathematical Finance and my research interests cover financial tools for monetary policies, stochastic estimations of chaotic systems and asset pricing. I have been studying applied finance for my PHD and I tried to combine my theoretical knowledge and create a new line of DE-FI projects to come.

Please visit the website, read the litepaper and come to discord to learn more about the project and my general approach to the underlying idea as a whole."

>> No.21525897

I'm too low iq for that litepaper, please explain it to me.

>> No.21525921

Only big brain anons will make it

>> No.21525974

Uniswap trading pairs:

BFI-Theta/ETH: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2&outputCurrency=0xac8827e20ef8416709efa60e357a58dd98e06390

BFI-Theta/BFI-Alpha: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xac8827e20ef8416709efa60e357a58dd98e06390&outputCurrency=0xafc55e4d67e2084f4ba8afceadb985ec4cd0b83d

>> No.21526089
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It's pumping. Fucking excited boys.

We in early

>> No.21526106



>> No.21526127

Pajeets are getting shameless



>> No.21526167

>dextools link
Dextools is a scam by samefagging pajeet who creates those scam coins and assigns them highest rating on dextools

>> No.21526175
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Post proof brainlet

>> No.21526184

the litepaper was certainly not written by a pajeet

>> No.21526200

how is buy this? "This transaction will not succeed either due to price movement or fee on transfer. Try increasing your slippage tolerance"

>> No.21526201


>Dextools is a scam

>Charts are scams

>Literal graphs are scams

>> No.21526278

increase slippage

>> No.21526313

It's Pamping boys. Could this be the prophesied coin that will make my benis 2" bigger

>> No.21526345

Lol look at the font of the image and tell me a non pajeet did this.

It is a fact that pajeets cant design or take good design choices for real.
Go rug somewhere else.

>> No.21526452

pajeets couldn't do this

>Here's the general pool provision layout for Blitz Finance for now. It is up to you to decide whether the underlying idea worth it or not:

50% of the BFI-T supply/100 ETH (Pool 1, tradable on Uniswap)

50% of the BFI-T supply/ 100% of the BFI-A supply (Pool 2, tradable on Uniwap)

BFI-T/BFI-B Pair (Pool 3, BFI-B has not been created yet: iterations on the rebase ratio, how to apply it and the total supply has not been decided yet)

BFI-T/BFI-G Pair (Pool 4, BFI-G has not been created yet: iterations on the rebase ratio, how to apply it and the total supply has not been decided yet).

>> No.21526568

Cool project
Wish I knew the Dev I wanna shake his hand, Both hands

>> No.21527176
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absolutely MAX comfy mode here... this stuff is so big brained it's ultimately going to melt minds. we are so fucking early i can't believe this shit.

> could not detect any curry or trannies
we good from here, get strapped the fuck in and godspeed anons

>> No.21527405
File: 9 KB, 225x225, A52DE9D1-AA22-4AD3-8494-BDD7C7AC1DB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely stacked up on BFI-A which none of you morons seem to be getting kek. you did get some, right guys?

>> No.21527529

It's fucking pumping faster.. Literally not much time left to accumulate

>> No.21527678

I know 4 tokens is hard for you retards to grasp as that's basically how high some of you can count. Just buy BFI-T and wait. The tokenomics are amazing and the people smart enough to understand it will pump it high.

>> No.21527790

WTF I was building a project with this concept this is plagiarism

>> No.21527907
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oooooooooooh fuuuuuuuck we are getting somewhere hnnnnnng





>> No.21528516
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scammers are listing fake tokens = good indicator we might be dealing with something interesting here

>> No.21528545
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>> No.21528687

Crazy Dev
Very nice project

>> No.21528872

ohh...current mcap is just 50k....fuck this shit will moon like crazy..interesting concept though

>> No.21528975


>> No.21529132
File: 49 KB, 480x854, photo_2020-08-14_18-36-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, i can see my golden lambo already

>> No.21529160

This sounds sketchy af

>> No.21529211

its hard for biz loq iq to understand. its already pumping. just 50k mcap....easy 500k mcap in few hours. 10x if lucky could be 100x

>> No.21529562

fucking love it.

pump it boys

>> No.21529647

Worth throwing in an ether on the way to 500 k market cap

>> No.21529686
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>> No.21529809

Bring me joy boizzzz

>> No.21529868
File: 27 KB, 640x265, 471D0C24-36F9-4DF3-8989-E3CD07850557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BFI-T/BFI-G Pair (Pool 4, BFI-G has not been created yet: iterations on the rebase ratio, how to apply it and the total supply has not been decided yet).
Who am I and what is this Blitz Finance Project all about? (Part-4)

I am not a masochist but not the richest man on the planet either. I do not or will not hold any developer/founder funds for myself but my initiation requires an compensation. So
I decided to start the BFI-T/ETH pair with an initial liquidity of 100 ETH.

In total, I will be removing/adding liquidity to the pool just as trading a token. I will remove liquidity while the price increases and do the opposite while the price decreaes.

I will try to adjust the remove/add intervals as so while the last ETH is removed, there will be at least 1000 ETH in the pool. If this value is not reached, my total removed will be
adjusted accordingly as you might guess. I will write a more detailed post on how I will handle this project.

I also asked the developer to automize this process asap because I don't want to handle it manually. It is too much of a work for me.

To sum up, in the end, I plan to remove 300 ETH at most and it will be used for compensating my founder/creator share, providing liquidity for BFI-T/BFI-B, BFI-T/BFI-G pairs and genesis
anchor pool.

imagine a pajeet writing this lmao
who is this big brained maniac?

>> No.21530087
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BFI-T = 96,000,000 supply
BFI-A = 6,200,000 supply

do you believe in the supply/demand meme anon?

>> No.21530269

Big brain guys right now buy BFI-T and with that BFI-A. BFI-A still only 36 holders because you need a certain iq to understand what it is and how to buy.

>> No.21530385
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After reading the litepaper, I'm confused as to what the strategy at play is here. I'm tempted to just keep holding BFI-T and trade it as soon as it pumps because this looks shady as fuck, or exchange them against BFI-A. But since there isn't any BFI-B available as rewards yet, you can't trade BFI-A. And I don't have enough gas funds to take that risk at the moment.

>> No.21530943

Who am I and what is this Blitz Finance Project all about? (Part-1)

I am a PhD candidate on Mathematical Finance and my research interests cover financial tools for monetary policies, stochastic estimations of chaotic systems and asset pricing.

Blitz Finance is an experimental decentralized finance project based on my ideas which I always wanted to apply in real world. As an avid cryptocurrency trader in my personel life,
I was always quite eager to test my theoretical academic justifications with my main income resource i.e: crypto trading. My coding skills are sub-par. That's why I hired a developer to
write the smart contracts that reflects my aforementioned research interests. I am the sole founder and originator of the Blitz Finance.

As you know, DE-FI as a buzzword is the new shiny thing in the crypto world. Even if I am a long-time trader and researcher on applied finance, I must admit that I couldn't foresee
the existing craze about this whole DE-FI world that is expanding day by day. Volatile and unregulated nature of the crypto markets/assests allow creating new and experimental financial
instruments and becoming a parallel financial world in itself. Even so, it is still an nascent area and possibilities are endless. That's why I decided to conceptulize a multi-layered,
self-balancing and risk minimizing ecosystems based on hedge indices and derivative assets.

>> No.21530980

Who am I and what is this Blitz Finance Project all about? (Part-3)

1) Why should I trust you and why are you anonymous?

I am a PhD candidate and my main income source is trading crypto. I don't want my colleagues or strangers to find out and dig my personel details that I do not normally share with people
that I do not know in person.

2) Is liquidity locked, if not, are you going to and most importantly, will/are you planning to rug?

No. It is not locked yet. I will lock the liquidity. I am not planning to rug.

3) If you claim not to rug, why don't you lock the liquidity and save the time for more meaningful work instead of answering the same question over and over again? Are you a masochist?

Here's the general pool provision layout for Blitz Finance for now. It is up to you to decide whether the underlying idea worth it or not:

50% of the BFI-T supply/100 ETH (Pool 1, tradable on Uniswap)

50% of the BFI-T supply/ 100% of the BFI-A supply (Pool 2, tradable on Uniwap)

BFI-T/BFI-B Pair (Pool 3, BFI-B has not been created yet: iterations on the rebase ratio, how to apply it and the total supply has not been decided yet)

BFI-T/BFI-G Pair (Pool 4, BFI-G has not been created yet: iterations on the rebase ratio, how to apply it and the total supply has not been decided yet).

>> No.21531022

Who am I and what is this Blitz Finance Project all about? (Part-2)

You can read the litepaper for more information about the whole idea and how it combines different asset classes together. I am currently writing the whitepaper and it will include my
predictions on how checks and balances in the underlying idea reacts on different market conditions, possible trading & arbitrage & yield farming routes through the ecosystem and how
to utilize them. It will offer a general guideline for the token holders, stakers, day/swing traders, pool providers and yield-farmers on how to behave for their own short/medium/long
term interests.

I hope you like the base idea. I think it is quite novel and I am eager to see the outcomes and how market will react in the long run. I will also share my forecasts on general market
conditions (up & down trending markets, sideways markets, crash days, support&resistance zones, corrections, trend reversals etc...) in the whitepaper as well.

Questions that I would also ask if I were you and bitch about them constantly until I get a satisfactory answer (in short: pre-emptive FAQs for most-probably-not-so-hypothetical questions).

>> No.21531084

Who am I and what is this Blitz Finance Project all about? (Part-4)

I am not a masochist but not the richest man on the planet either. I do not or will not hold any developer/founder funds for myself but my initiation requires an compensation. So
I decided to start the BFI-T/ETH pair with an initial liquidity of 100 ETH.

In total, I will be removing/adding liquidity to the pool just as trading a token. I will remove liquidity while the price increases and do the opposite while the price decreaes.

I will try to adjust the remove/add intervals as so while the last ETH is removed, there will be at least 1000 ETH in the pool. If this value is not reached, my total removed will be
adjusted accordingly as you might guess. I will write a more detailed post on how I will handle this project.

I also asked the developer to automize this process asap because I don't want to handle it manually. It is too much of a work for me.

To sum up, in the end, I plan to remove 300 ETH at most and it will be used for compensating my founder/creator share, providing liquidity for BFI-T/BFI-B, BFI-T/BFI-G pairs and genesis
anchor pool.

4) Can I stake BFI-A tokens now?

Not yet. Because I am still crunching optimal numbers for BFI-B which is the staking reward token. Staking will start after the BFI-B is deployed.

5) Can I earn BFI-G tokens now?

Not yet. Because I am still crunching optimal numbers for BFI-G which is the pool mining token. It will be deployed after I decide to the optimal minting ratio.

6) All these sound quite confusing, would you summarize the Blitz Finance briefly?

Blitz Finance is a novel DE-FI project which introduces its users with semi-self-governing sub-hedge indices and synthetic assets attached to them in order to absorb and reflect
all related market actors' interest up to a certain point and thus offers a new way of thinking about asset management and profit seeking in a closed-circuit ecosystem.

>> No.21531117

I'm unironically considering buying a small bag because this reeks of autism, despite being inefficient as fuck. The entire premise behind this token falls apart as soon as you realize that it's just an ERC-20, but the "confusing" tokenomics might be enough to make people think it's a gem.

>> No.21531441
File: 48 KB, 720x581, CF479C3F-3E62-48B7-BF95-E2A92FD84219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much effort put into by dev for it just being some curry nigger scam


>> No.21531495

The potential behind this, if implemented correctly, is fucking MASSIVE.
I just realized what the dev was aiming at after reading his whitepaper, this is unironically the dawn of a new monetary system. But don't expect to see a quick pump. Results will talk for themselves in the next five years

>> No.21531925
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>next five years

>> No.21532022

Too complicated for a scam, bought both coins.

>> No.21532501

Barely enough IQ for the lite paper, seems very promising but ambitious. I think there are easier ways to scam people than this, so I think this is legit. Going to a couple of million in mc for sure.

>> No.21532878

this seemed to pay off well. people do not seem to have realize this yet.

>> No.21532884

So what do you do with BFI-T after you bought it?

>> No.21533058
File: 82 KB, 1029x766, Screenshot_20200804-013443~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also was this you Blitz-Anon?

>> No.21533166
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I think so

>> No.21533267

Alright fuck it I trust him
Just bought 300k

>> No.21533441

Looks like an obivious scam

>> No.21533516

my IQ is high enough to know that this will not work. Its only like 10% finished, why did you release it already? Developing this will be expensive, as you have no coding skills yourself and crypto coders are expensive af. The graphic design is terrible too. And even if you finish your plans and it all works as intended nobody will adopt it.

Sorry man but you lost me at "my coding skills are sub-par, I hired a dev, meanwhile I do stuff manually".

>> No.21533909

What is the circulation supply/mcap?

>> No.21534056

Scam all over the place in the name of Defi....Fuys we need ignored these bastards they are about to mess things up ..

>> No.21534077
File: 483 KB, 1455x1333, 1597661210810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look like this was well thought out.

>> No.21534199

too autistic to be a scam

>> No.21534456
File: 282 KB, 1080x1301, 1581795288073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here but another deflationary buzzword filled piece of crap which solves anything. Big words, but nothing of substance - the norm when it comes to DeFi projects. There's too much autism here, it basically guarantees this will fail. Buy in if you want to count upon other idiots to pump this for you real quick, but anyone who spent more than 3 days in the cryptosphere can tell this project is dead in the water.
>yeah I'll create a whole new asset hedge fund class which will be semi auto regulated and it will be a new paradigm in finance
I have never read something this stupid. Seeing as the dev cannot write in proper English, I heavily doubt he's a PhD or if he is it's probably in a third world country. What a pathetic project

>> No.21534490

Lmao... Don't buy this already overvalued token. There are far better alternatives, DYOR and exit this thing as soon as you can. Fair warning...

>> No.21534522
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>4 tokens who are essentially useless to make things over complicated and give pajeets the impression it's something for high IQs

>> No.21534625


>> No.21534790


>> No.21535133
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>> No.21535256


>> No.21535348

>PhD in mathematical finance
>not a single equation or graph

>> No.21535425

PhD in Bangladesh

>> No.21535905

Blitz dump

>> No.21536116
File: 150 KB, 806x707, CB216B6A-BE38-4719-8500-A0FBAB6B6294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tg group that called vsn at 3500gwei, price went to over 30000 (9x)

Scha at 0.05, price went to .20 (4x)

Flow at 0.20, price is at 1.60 (and will be much higher) 8x

Proof in the tg

T.me uniswap10x

>> No.21536793

Someone correct me if I'm wrong

You can buy BFI-T on Uniswap. 1% BFI-T gets burned with each transaction.
You can swap BFI-T to BFI-A. BFI-A can be staked. BFI-A supply depends on the price of BFI-T.
BFI-B constitutes staking rewards towards Blitz. You can only sell BFI-B if you swap it back to BFI-T.
If you provide liquidity for the BFI-T/BFI-A and/or BFI-T/BFI-B pool you receive BFI-G. BFI-G is paired to BFI-T

>> No.21536840


>> No.21536851

He rug pulled already, move on

>> No.21536960

pajeet rugged on u fucking plebs, go back to wage slavery

>> No.21537021

What do you mean uniswap is still there everything is still working I can still trade

>> No.21537063

wait no I can't wtf

>> No.21537162


>> No.21537209
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>> No.21537286

lol look at dextools. ruggd

>> No.21537421


>> No.21537604

I told you idiots.
"No this project is too big brain for you, they can't rug"

The dude said he was a PhD student and his whitepaper consisted of copy pastas from econ textbooks from the 80s and horrible pajeet mispellings.
Never change, biz, never change

>> No.21537716
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>> No.21537823

I bought a few hours ago at 0.002, but uniswap says there's not enough liquidity for this trade. When there's still $370k in the pool according to uniswap info. What can I do?

>> No.21538022

Theres no liquidity dude. He rug pulled. Your uniswap probably isn't updating.

>> No.21538392


>> No.21539015


>> No.21539775

i lost 2 eth on this rug pull...wtf going guys