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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21525616 No.21525616 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ bros, today I got some news that somebody important to me is very, very sick. I've been making some pretty good gains recently, but this puts things into perspective. Money is a hugely important component of life, it's critical, but in the end you can't take it with you. Be sure to look after yourselves as well as your portfolio...your health is a gift and there is so much pleasure to be had from eating well and exercising - as much as watching charts. Your loved ones are a gift and with all the bs we go through in life in our interpersonal relationships, letting people who love you know that you care about them is so important. Please take some time to reflect on this, as it's caught me off guard. I know I'll be back to memeing and shitposting soon, but please take some time out to speak with family and friends. They're important. Take some profit to buy something you like (which isn't self destructive) as a treat and just enjoy the things we so often take for granted.

>> No.21525713

this is a trading and finance board. it's 3 am. none of us are healthy we're just here to make money.

>> No.21525725

my "loved ones" used me for labor then ignored me at all other times fuck them

>> No.21525766

Based and based

>> No.21525855

It’s 9pm wtf are you talking about?

For once, OP was not a faggot. I’ve had this realisation too recently. God speed

>> No.21525907

I'm sorry anon, I know how much that shit hurts, especially when it comes from family. I hope you can find some peace.

>> No.21526309

I live in a modest house. Even though my wife and I make quite a decent living. We could still easily pay our mortgage and feed our two children on one pay check should either of us lose our job.

There's this street in my town with big mansions and Porsches on every driveway. I was taking my son there to play at a new friend's. I walk in and this kid has a heavily spastic brother. He was spazzing out while locked in some contraption. I walked out, then noticed that there was not one house where anyone was home. Except for one house, which had a kid hooked up to a dialysis machine.

Let me live in my modest house with my two blonde haired, blue eyed healthy kids. I honestly feel wealthy beyond words.

On top of that I also hold 3m RSR that I bought with 2017 left over profits LOL go buy some you faggots.

>> No.21526558
File: 142 KB, 820x627, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha anon, I see myself having two kids and still calling people faggots on the internet, like you.

On a serious note, what you said is very based.

t. 22 y.o.

>> No.21527108

Hope everything goes well for you and the person important to you.