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File: 426 KB, 777x897, 50FF7FB3-F672-4160-A110-B7E7ED55E051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21525545 No.21525545 [Reply] [Original]

If you study the XSN charts you’ll know that the next pump is immenent, that’ll boost it to 70-80 cents, and with the dex soft launch due to release EOM, xsn will rocket to $1 dollar and 10 EOY

>> No.21525660

Gtfo pajeet coin

>> No.21525799

Stakenet is a scam. Put that money into DMG or you're not going to make it.

>> No.21526284
File: 224 KB, 828x735, 0CF9253E-6F38-46CB-A32F-7434BE27CE43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik putting all these wrapped asset dexes on suicide watch. XSN using Layer 2 is smiling from the sidelines.

>> No.21526341
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x950, DEX RAIDEN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this look a like a scam to you pajeet niggers? You had TWO years.

>> No.21526360

You had 2 years.

>> No.21526387

>xsn for weth

wake me up when it's btc/eth. who the fuck has an orderbook filled with weth lmao. what a shit show.

>> No.21526427
File: 495 KB, 1459x828, 1746F652-455E-437C-85E4-45E92928B4E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andreas too saying Layer 2 is the future for DEXs

>Stakies stay winning


>> No.21526430

lol have fun watching from the sidelines retard

>> No.21526479

no direct swaps for ETH are possible because ETH doesnt conform to the ERC20 standard. you would know this if you weren't a stupid nigger.

When the webm of BTC/LINK trading drops, enjoy watching the pump

>> No.21526490

Reminder how they deleted that tweet. Fucking embarrassing for XSN.

>> No.21526496

wETH is necessary retard because ETH doesn’t confirm to its own ERC20 standards until ETH 2.0 and isn’t the same as other wrapped assets like wBTC because wETH is actually backed by its own blockchain so is about the only one that’s safe and secure.

>> No.21526600

who's gonna watch that webm. everyone who's in is in. andreas isn't going to pump it for you, he probably thinks its a shit show also.

>> No.21526618

what tweet? keep coping cuck

if you havent accumulated by now you should be excluded from the make it train.

>> No.21526669


I got 5 eth to throw at a coin.

Would I get one of those fancy stake stacks you folks talk about?

>> No.21526724

>say andreas antanapolous is endorsing XSN
>get called out by aa
>delete tweet in shame

>> No.21526736


>> No.21526784

I think there was a miscommunication there as he basically explained the entirety of XSN and their goal/visions without endorsing it and that pajeet on twitter said he endorsed it then deleted his tweet which was poor form

>> No.21526819
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>> No.21526838

>pajeet on twitter
literally someone working for XSN.

>> No.21526903

How much for a node?

>> No.21526911
File: 423 KB, 828x1321, 780A3739-1DDF-4303-87A5-19474582A27D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>full tweet

>> No.21526912

>literally someone working for XSN.

I dont think so as I cannot see him as a "team" member just an overly eager volunteer or smth - i doubt he represents the team and if that pajeet does then they should put a muzzle on him

>> No.21526941


>> No.21526998

he doesn't. nice try though


>> No.21527059

this pajeet moonboy doesnt work for Stakenet and isn't associated with them at all professionally

nice try though.

>> No.21527117
File: 78 KB, 1012x419, 6479A772-6AB1-4289-B0A9-155F8D70C400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s not a team member just a community mod/partner if you look at his profile. This is just the best fud these retards can clutch on to at the minute so they desperately try to make it out to a big deal.

>> No.21527170


>> No.21527263

Grasping at straws FUD must mean kikes are afraid, I was going to buy some low cap shits tomorrow but now I'm going to buy some more XSN off livecoin, almost at 3rd MN now.

>> No.21527326

Fucking based and revolutionary-L2-DEX-pilled

>> No.21527388

He used to work for XSN.

>> No.21527465


kek - going on the operative word there "used to" so doesn't anymore which means they prob wised up to him and removed him from the team.

>> No.21527695

The fud just gets weaker and weaker boys. Stakeholders are definitely going to make it

>> No.21527785

My fucking master node keeps restarting. Do you guys just leave your computer open 24/7?

>> No.21527838

Check the damn cloud. It will tell you when to start it up once it's ready.

>> No.21527865

And continuing to shill with no organic interaction is getting more annoying.

>> No.21527921

I do check the cloud. It says my node is offline right now. I'll restart it when I get home I guess

>> No.21527979

It should be yellow or read, And when you hover the status it should say something like "initializing: no action needed" also add the node to the monitoring tab. Status there should tell you when you need to restart it.

>> No.21527987

>I'm angry that I read all these threads on xsn and the buyers literally have nothing to talk about because the research has already been done
just close the thread nigga

>> No.21528020


>> No.21528117

I hold XSN but am a little irritated at the tweet to andreas.. if you believe in the project there is no need to do this sort of shill BS, at least wait until the DEX is fully released and you can matket your geart out.. right now it just feels desperate and makes me question the whole thing. You dont fucking need short term pumps if the project is sound...

>> No.21528119

Thanks didn't know that. It's saying new start required which is kinda fucking annoying. I just started yesterday and it ran fine all day until this morning so hopefully this won't be a common occurrence.

>> No.21528188

That's a bingo from me. This guy nailed your problem.
Fuck jannies
Fuck pajeets
Fuck shills
Fuck kikes
Fuck XSN

>> No.21528237

Should be last start you need. Takes like 5 fucking days before it starts generating XSN (ends up in your wallet) as well so be patient..

>> No.21528368

>poop poop poop in my but sirs do the needful
>poop poop poop in my but sirs do the needful
>if your poop is not as stinky as mine pop
>sirs will identify you are the greedful

>> No.21528484

Thats bollocks every fucker is either moaning about tx fees or talking about the solution being layer 2. XSN have a massive head start on layer 2 over everyone else so if people are talking about layer 2 then XSN should be part of that conversation. The problem is that it isn’t because nobody knows about XSN and the only way to do that is fucking tell people otherwise how else are they going to hear about it. XSN should be plastered all over every crypto outlet by now based on what they have already done with the beta alone

>> No.21528501

>1 post from this ID
Shills seething

>> No.21528569

actually I'm all in xsn

>> No.21528616

xsn is promising on paper but the team, marketing and overall org are a joke

>> No.21528703

>doesn't realise why no one outside of the xsn shills give a fuck about this dead on arrival dex
>future eternal bag holder

>> No.21528711

Except the product isnt out yet.. its speculation right now. Yes there is a need for the product, but desperately generating hype for something that isnt out yet isnt necessary.. unless they are trying to raise funds on pumps. I get the same vibe with biotech startups promising the next big thing and they spend most of their time pumping their stock to take profits. There are two types of people in these industries. Pump and dumpers making short term gains, and actual creators making long term gains. Its our job to figure out who the fuck we are investing our money with.

>> No.21528714

Search LiveCoin complaints on Twitter before you put any substantial amount of money in that exchange.

i got out of XSN. i'm going to come back when it's a bit more polished. i put my staking money in curve.fi instead.

>> No.21528737

yep definitely never seen projects with cringe marketing teams or shit leadership become mainstays in crypto

>> No.21529232

lmao this fud is based on one tweet prove me wrong

>> No.21529270


Me too. But it was just a misunderstanding and he apologized. Happens.

if Andreas is serious about caring about the technology a single tweet won't matter

>> No.21529377

You can already use it though.

>> No.21529502

Putting words in andreas mouth, right on the back of the intentionally misleading "DEX release this month!" Junk... starting to add up for me guys. I really want to believe

>> No.21529522

What the fuck are you talking about you gigantic faggot.

>> No.21529539

Trade on Beaxy if you are this paranoid, lol

>> No.21529604

Don't hold xsn you colossal faggot.

>> No.21529634

They were going around everywhere saying dex release this month.. and turns out they are only making the beta available without a discord invite.. but you still have to go to the discord to access it lol. Basically nothing changed except a token effort to save face

>> No.21530033

Do I send the following message:
>You couldn't tell a delay from a pump and dump if I pump and dumped in your mouth. Amazing that xsn is an iq test. Was such an easy buy for me.
Or do I let the fud happen because I have money waiting to accumulate more?

>> No.21530152

anyone can share the url lmao

>> No.21530442


>what now fag

Welcome to the Light Wallet/DEX

Please download the latest version of the light wallet for your OS using the link below:

Linux latest build: https://auto-updater-wallet-test.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/light-wallet/production/linux/installer/Stakenet.zip

Win latest build: https://auto-updater-wallet-test.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/light-wallet/production/win/installer/Stakenet.zip

OSX* latest build: https://auto-updater-wallet-test.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/light-wallet/production/osx/installer/Stakenet.dmg

* With the Mac build, Auto-updates have been disabled so you will need to download the latest version from this link each time.

- Open the wallet and let it sync to the chain.
- Have a watch of the below videos which addresses common questions.
- Send either (or all) XSN / LTC / BTC to your wallet. I suggest sending about $15 worth to your wallet of your chosen currency(ies)*.
- Note: if you are sending LTC to your wallet, Livecoin does not accept the current SegWit address so you will need to use an intermediary wallet like Exodus for the moment to act as the middle man i.e. Livecoin -> Exodus -> Stakenet LW

* You only need one currency but you are welcome to send a combination of BTC/LTC/XSN if you want

>> No.21530619


>see above retard
>biz exclusive
>xsn dex release

>> No.21530886


not cool... that is the beta version before the team release the refined public version with extra features

>> No.21530898

Still putting buys in for the next few months but I will probably slow down once we crack 5k.

>> No.21530949

Beta version.
You idiot?

>> No.21530986

You posted the link for the BETA from the discord, good job.. This isnt the DEX release.

>> No.21531135


So what it’s in beta might be a bit buggy which is why it was limited to discord so people could report issues. Still its real and it works no denying it now fudders btfo

>> No.21531222

Nobody in this thread said the beta didnt work idiot, go reread it since you were blinded by your XSN boner

>> No.21531296

I don't see anyone saying it doesn't work but at least let the team officially release the proper version.....

>> No.21531336

You said it was speculation it’s not speculation it’s right there for you to download and use so now what ranjeet


>> No.21531559

Raiden release and erc-20 token swaps is going to be the real test and proof that it can unseat uniswap. Who cares about swapping BTC to XSN?

>> No.21531741

You want a link to the Raiden version too so you can see that too Linux only right now though but then you can shut the fuck up

>> No.21531771

Somebody needs to take care of Wolf, Yankee and JoPark before they ruin this with their Pajeet-tier twitter shilling.

>> No.21531818

How long does it take for an enabled MNaaS to start generating income? Mine hasn't produced anything yet after 24 hours.

>> No.21531887

Up to 4 days

>> No.21531899

>he fell for the meme
Congratulations on locking away 15k XSN just because some anons told you that you could make money doing so.

>> No.21532007

I mean wolf is right though.. no matter what these fudders say it is an objective fact that Andreas and vitalik both tweeted about things that XSN is bringing to the table.

>> No.21532146

Yes but he’s too retarded to bring it up smoothly so he came across like a clout chaser instead.
I like this project but I don’t want that idiot besmirching Stakenet’s name. They should hire an actual marketer once they get the funds to do so.

>> No.21532197
File: 704 KB, 759x769, 1572509268217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>locking away huge sum of money in exchange of just a tiny drop of money
Imagine falling for this scam token.

>> No.21532235

The Andreas FUD is weak as fuck, like the other anon I just bought my 3rd Masternode.

>> No.21532263

Could take up to 85 hours I believe for the initial rewards.

>> No.21532272

It’s not so much FUD as acknowledging we have room for improvement.
I mean, there are probably people using it as FUD but to me it’s looking at the weak link on a team and wanting to replace them.

>> No.21532387

Yeah, link a video of you buying link with btc in the Dex.. would be a lot more effective than screaming faggot and retard

>> No.21532389

Oh I agree the twitter bullshit is dumb and they come off as tacky spamming twitter. But most of the FUD is about the Andreas tweet and not them spamming twitter.

>> No.21532403

And yes. I know he isn’t “officially” on the team, but nobody is going out of their way to clarify he isn’t and he seems to love LARPing as if he still is.
All the posts on this website about acknowledging how important appearance is but not applying that knowledge...

>> No.21532481

It’s not even fud, Andreas is a tech guy and had no idea XSN exists, everything he said in that answer was XSN. Now there is no denying he knows about XSN and his thirst for tech and curiosity will lead him down the rabbit hole. Regardless of how he found XSN it’s on his radar now as he will have to know for himself if it’s legit or not