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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21525329 No.21525329 [Reply] [Original]

>start a new job
>get assigned task with a tight deadline
>finish it over the weekend since I don't have enough time to finish it on Friday
>send my work to my boss
>boss tells how impressed he was with my work, and that I'll be a great asset to the company
NEETs will never know this feeling.

>> No.21525348

you have already lost but you don't know it yet

>> No.21525352

>boss tells me Im a good boy
>feels good mang
NEETs are missing out big time

>> No.21525402

>>start a new job
>>get assigned task with a tight deadline
>>finish it over the weekend since I don't have enough time to finish it on Friday
>>send my work to my boss
>>boss tells how impressed he was with my work, and that I'll be a great asset to the company
a week goes by, boss tells me the work is done good job I can go home now i'm not needed anymore
(true story)

>> No.21525409

Good work mate. People who knock the professional recognition of their peers and employers tend to be psychologically damaged losers. A good work ethic is important and a great way to build your esteem. Enjoy the recognition

>> No.21525423
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>Get assignment
>Effectively work about 30% of the time
>Half-ass it to finish on time
>Boss is super impressed and congratulate me on my work
>"No worries sir, I'm just doing my part"

>> No.21525452

Surely this is bait but if it's not, stop being a beta male and go all in on Chainlink

>> No.21525558
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> (You)

>> No.21525594

>wageslaving on his free time
>boss is impressed by this new slave
>pats his head
You'll be burnt out in less than a year retard if you start doing that.

>> No.21525597

> literally sit on my phone in the toilets for upwards of 2 hours per work day
> sometimes don't come back from lunch
> top performer in my team so boss just impotently seethes

>> No.21525740

>proud of doing work on the weekend

>> No.21525787

Kek i learn not to do what Op did the hard way.
>IOT engineer
>Updates my boss each progress
>"Very nice, anon! Now look into X and Y and see if you do Z"
>Update him again on the completion of Z
>"Great! Now do AA, then study about BB. Make sure you understand about CC, we will look into DD tomorrow"
After sometime I realized that hardwork generates more hardwork. All my coworkers who take it easy? Their jobs end up on my desk while they get to sit all day and just internet..

Dont do it OP. Also, NEET is the best life. You think Jews work hard?

>> No.21525909

This is back when I browse /pol/ and not yet learn about /biz/, so my ideology back then was to help my own people, be the best worker, a fit person, friendly person, etc.

After learning /biz/, fuck all of them. I need to help myself first before I can help anybody else. It is why the firemen has to equip any protection gear they can before they proceed to help others who are in need of help.

Save yourself first fren, dont buy into that "dont be selfish" bullshits. Those are just a manipulative technique to make you do something for them.

>> No.21526356

This is truly pathetic. You're a literal happy nigger on a cotton farm singing the praises of his owner. About the only valid reason to be a wagie is to get experience & connections (and a little startup money) for your own business - and even then it's very debatable if that's ever really needed.

>> No.21526462

but i must say, now that the financial world is about to crash hard, it may be a good idea to be a good slave and work because a lot of layoffs will happen in the next 12 months when financial institutions fail.

>> No.21526498

Of course you should help yourself first, you can't accomplish anything while you're a slave. It's just that it doesn't stop there, don't just go on endlessly chasing toys (which is where your average cuckservative (((Capitalist))) type goes wrong). Once you're no longer a slave & have all the time and resources you need to be comfy and productive, help your immediate family & very trusted friends. Then help them do the same. And so on. That's really where /pol/ goes wrong, imagine thinking that just reeing about shit or wanting to protest things or vote for change is doable when you're still working 9-5 and a broke faggot with no connections or power base.

>> No.21526580

They won't fail. Infinite money printing to prop the economy up & if need be they'll transition to Fedcoin & reset things to make this easier. Do you really think the elites didn't plan all this? Small businesses and whatnot will fail - but we centrally planned algorithmic State Capitalism now. Look into the administration of the Fed, connections to Blackrock etc. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just being done without fanfare to avoid startling the normies.

>> No.21526609

Like this?

Drop us some red pills anon

>> No.21526647

It ain’t much buts it’s a goddang honest day’s of work.

>> No.21527139

To be fair anon, the hard workers are the ones that'll keep their jobs when times get tough. Plus if you push the advancement game well you'll be able to leverage for higher positions and raises far more easily than your peers.