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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21521356 No.21521356 [Reply] [Original]

gf won't leave me alone about helping her invest.. telling her about anything i invest in in moments of euphoria was a big fuckign mistake. i dont want to be responsible for this shit. But what do i tell her to get? I set her up with a brokerage app. was thinking just etfs on indices and let her pick a few bluechips with like 25%.

>> No.21521996

Fucking idiot, if she doesn't want to invest, she doesn't want to invest.
You cant teach someone who's not willing to be taught

>> No.21522109

you misunderstand, she DOES want to and she keeps harassing me but i've been avoiding it because i dont want to lose her money, especially if we see a massive collapse in the next few months esp with the election

>> No.21522131

plus my expertise at the moment is with shitcoins. im not up to date with the markets. but if anyone knows about trading currency pairs please lmk

>> No.21522160

This make her invest in an ETF, tell her the risks attached to it and then let her buy bluechips especially if she uses them herself (starbucks,Kroger,disney) she will enjoy it then tell her to check her portfolio once a week but not to sell when its in the red

>> No.21522172

just do it faggot and make sure she knows to carry on with life like the jews stole it and it doesn't exist anymore

>> No.21522205
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>moments of euphoria
you know what to do OP...

>> No.21522236

get her to invest in sucking your dick

>> No.21522281

it extra sucks because i dont think she realizes how much work goes into this shit. asking me to just invest for her and track all of her investments is like oh hey can you work 60 hours a week instead of 40? thanks babe
i think im just going to take a grand in cash from her and give her 2 in like a month

>> No.21522311

Clear dump signal.

>> No.21522368

you sound like the faggiest fucking beta in the world holy shit lmao what the fuck

"hey babe investing is more than just picking a random thing, you need to research it for hours on end and even then you can still be wrong and lose money if some whale decides to dump at the wrong time"

done. that's what i would have told my sweet little flower but a faggot like you can't even talk to your woman straight, you have to literally go on 4chan to fucking cry and bitch and moan lmao what the fuck is this world

>> No.21522400

You dont want to teach your woe-man how to be financially secure, she will get too masculine minded and be uncontrollable. You will start to see her disrespect for you grow daily as she gains independence. Keep her on a leash

>> No.21522431


>> No.21522439

To which she will reply "then you can take care of it for me, whatever you invest, add some of my money" then she will lose money and bitch about it.
The only correct answer is to never talk about your investment to women

>> No.21522474

what's the problem if you teach her:

only to invest what she can afford to lose
not to bitch about it if it does end up going to shit

You as the man is supposed to have control over the finances and make decisions that benefit you both. Not be a cuck and say b-b-babe im scared of losing ur money

>> No.21522478

you're clearly a seething loser who cant form a normal relationship. im simply asking advice from non high blood pressure psychos like yourself. i handled it fine. i was asking what stock market investments would be good, not what to say to her you fucking faggot ill bash your head in
exactly what i was thinking

>> No.21522516

you're fighting a total strawman that probably reflects relationships you've had that you're projecting on me. mine is great and i make all the money. she has extra funds that are just sitting there depreciating in value and came to me becuse im a chad with a big cock that makes us a lot of money. virgin loser faggot

>> No.21522553
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Yeah sure. That's why you literally went to 4chan to cry about it. Total big dicked chad uh uh.

>fucking faggot ill bash your head in

you're nothing but a UK dog with shit teeth lmao and your chubby, almost fat girlfriend is sleeping with your best mate.

>> No.21522629
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>hey 4chan investment board, can you recommend safe investments? heres a very brief background that you would be unhinged and schizophrenic to take the way you're taking it
pic related is you, the ultimate chad MGTOW 4chan poster who DEFINITELY gets laid and DOMINATES his girlfriends financially

>> No.21522657
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the fact that you have shit like that saved on your computer says a lot.

>> No.21522669

Walk her through your process. Tell her what you had to do to get to where you are today. Give her all the details, the timelines, everything. If she can sit through it all and retain the knowledge, then she can make it. If she ends up having no fucking clue at the end, then she just wants you to do all the work for her. Try to make a partnership, so to speak. Two heads are better than one, provided they're both capable.

>> No.21522719



>> No.21522742

looks like i hit the mark. yea, real men should only have libraries of brad pitt reaction pics lmfao you fucking faggot

>> No.21522753

Wow, I got the best color id

>> No.21522758

You have two options OP. Either you change the subject every time she brings it up, or you tell her to give you her money and use it for your portfolio. Just make sure to treat her well as you make it. Choose wisely.

>> No.21522763


>> No.21522818

>i think im just going to take a grand in cash from her and give her 2 in like a month
Kek I did this with my parents money when they asked me to 'double it' in crypto.

>> No.21522831

probably going with this

>> No.21522934
File: 647 KB, 1920x1200, orcle-problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my gf about Chainlink and she bought a $1k bag at $8/LINK. I get a lot of blowjobs.

>> No.21523116

>WOW, $2000!!!!!