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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21518719 No.21518719 [Reply] [Original]

Binance confirmed!

>> No.21518758

it's Coinbase fool

>> No.21518773

I literally bought this 8 hours ago. Total dumb shit luck for once in my life

>> No.21519052

That too but im talking about this https://twitter.com/binance/status/1295224149019734017

>> No.21519448

I fucking sold this to top up my bzrx stack planning to buy back in early next month, please console me

>> No.21519544

Get in on this before it pumps

>> No.21519809

Whales and insiders been buying this just for this moment, look at the chart for the last 2 weeks.. dont get fooled guys

>> No.21520014

*presses tilda*
>Console open

>> No.21520059

Good token sir, must buy now sir

>> No.21521063

Finally :)

>> No.21521110

I sold early too, not to topup any stack though
you'll still be comfy with bzrx

>> No.21521210

>up 40% in a day
>up 700% in two months
>"get in on this before it pumps"
I hate shills

>> No.21521254
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For real. Anyone who thinks that still has more pump is an idiot. Congrats to all who held but its pump is done for now.

>> No.21521264

binance buys and pumps it well before they lsit it. then they dump it. then they buy it all back when its dead and pump it even higher.

>> No.21521283


How high will this shit go?

>> No.21522111

If they dump it anywhere near $0.50c I'm buying another 100k coins
Personally I can't see it but I'll be happy either way

>> No.21522957

Just go through the "research megathread" in the /biz/ archives. This project can easily $10.

>> No.21523370

50% up over night

>> No.21523594

If I had 200 ocean about 3 weeks and just bought in another 245 at .56 am I fucked? That means I destroyed my average right? Is it about to dump back down before it moons? Still learning

>> No.21524375

How does $2,450 sound?

>> No.21524414

sounds good babe

>> No.21524455

Literally bought 7k before i went to bed last night, nice.

>> No.21524516

On what basis?

>> No.21524569

fucking numerai as well, was wondering why that was pumping so much last week

>> No.21524660

Its going to coinbase too, now is the time to buy and hold if you havent already


>> No.21524661

Literally coinbase will shoot themselves in the foot, if they don't add ocean this month

>> No.21524733

is it worth holding or swinging if I have a 1000 stack? Where is this going?

>> No.21524834

imo you should hold, i think this coin will reach 5-10 bucks within a year

>> No.21524955

I use it as safe harbor, if I got money left and want it to inflate

>> No.21524982

*NOT inflate

>> No.21525034

what do you mean exactly?

>> No.21525081

dump finished, now we pump bitches

>> No.21525166

get money now fuck bitches later

>> No.21525310

i wanna make bank and get ass

>> No.21525340

Damp it for DIA. Wait for DIA binance listing.

>> No.21525345
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Fell for fud and bought 200

>> No.21525966

we're going to pump again v soon

>> No.21526069
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hodl and believe frens

>> No.21526242

This was the event the whole pump was working towards. That's a 30x in BTC for donnie and the crew, personally I made 23x and I'm pretty stoked about that.

There is zero chance it will continue pumping now it's on Binance, at least not for quite a while.

Noobs don't realise that pumps come BEFORE a listing and then they dump big time. That's the deal - OCEAN pays binance a load of tokens, and listing fee, and they both get to profit from the pump.

Brilliant run, 3mil to almost 200 in less than a year.

Over for now.

>> No.21526277

Did it moon already or does it have potential to grow beyond a 1$

>> No.21526425

>Noobs don't realise that pumps come BEFORE a listing and then they dump big time
That's not the question, the question is whether 0.6 is a good price for long term holding, not pnd flipping.

>> No.21526468

get in now, its going to moon hard. going on coinbase soon.

my estimate is 5-10 maybe even 20 eoy

>> No.21526485

This is the next Vechain

>> No.21526497

coinbase listing soon will pump it, i have a good feeling about this coin

>> No.21526852

So funny, when coin is deap low and you suggest it to everyone, you are called faggot))) But when it skyrockets and going to moon, everytone like....uhhhh why I did not buy it...shit..and so on :-D ))) Idiots, always buy coints that have good fundamentals but low awereness. Dont expect making x20 on coins that already on high.

>> No.21526875

Pumping on binance

>> No.21527020

round two incoming

>> No.21527431
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get comfy lads

>> No.21527432
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>Wanted to get let night before coinbase announcement
>Had to get funds from bank
>Funds were locked due to bank transfer for 3 days
>"I'll buy as soon as it goes through. Hopefully it clears by Tuesday."
>Binance announces they're listing it
>Price skyrockets overnight

Someone tell my dumb ass how to avoid this aside from having extra liquid in crypto. I don't like selling shit to make funds for new buys, credit cards charge you as cash advances for buying crypto which is the ultimate in jewery, and you couldn't get this anywhere that had an easy fiat hook.

I'm so pissed tight now because now I just have $2000 sitting in fucking Eth that I planned to use on this entire the pump but got cockblocked because of retarded kikery. This is literally the fucking use case for crypto - bypassing the retarded bank wait time bullshit, and (((they))) have made it so that you STILL need to play by their rules. Why the FUCK can't XRP do it's fucking job?

Don't mind me being salty. I guess next time I'll just have thousands sitting around in fucking USDT or some shit. Been out of Crpyro after the 2018 crash and just coming back now. Fucking we regulations with every fucking fiat entry point requiring KillYourself registration of name, income, blood type, 3 vials of your sperm donation, etc. Before you get fucking USED YOUR CREDIT CARD AND BUY CRYPTO INSTANTLY. I blame whatever money laundering nigger or pajeet scammer rose the regulatory red flags on this shit.

I've never been so close to making a moon mission and having it taken from me before. Of course I still fucking wanna buy but now I have to dilemma of waiting for a potential dump or averaging in on the pump in hope that it reaches stability on my entry. Plus dealing with the emotional burden of knowing I was so close to getting in on the initial pump that it most likely won't fall below for a while. I actually believe in this project so don't think last week's prices are realistically coming back.

>> No.21527624

You havent missed it yet, get in before coinbase listing goes live

>> No.21527663

when is it listing?

>> No.21527705

either by the end of this month or beginning of next

>> No.21527775

Tell me how to get in right now aside from liquidating my portfolio a bit to make funds. My money is still locked behind like time limits. My Eth is rotting on fucking Gemini and I can't take it out until the bank clears my funds. My ETH will probably be unlocked after the coinbase announcement by this rate.

>> No.21527977

good question, is paypal credit held to the same scrutiny as a regular cc? that could work

>> No.21528016

Who accepts PayPal?

>> No.21528174

coinbase does, buy eth/btc, send it to exchange wallet, buy ocean ezpz

>> No.21528218

take this with a grain of salt i havent tried to buy shit with paypal credit even though i have it

>> No.21528304

Research megathread?

>> No.21528764


I'm interested, where's the link?

>> No.21528811

I can't find it in the archive.

It be that way sometimes. Not even shilling btw but everyone in here should buy NOIA. I own a bag but it's a similar usecase and mostly unpumped.

>> No.21528907

apart from selling, what's the point of this token? How is it used in the ecosystem?

>> No.21528937
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>t. oceanlet

Thank you /biz/ for showing me OCEAN! I bought 800EUR now it's 1300EUR. I know you faggot niggers only care about 20x 100x, but I come from a poor family so this is already a lot of money for me and I'm very happy with the profit so far. Will keep holding.