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21517205 No.21517205 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, Anons. Welcome to the eight edition of the series of threads known as Link /comfy/ threads, wherein weary marines come in to share their woes, rest their feet, and enjoy and share in some good art, good music, and most of all, good vibes.

We ended the last thread with an extemely high note of Link ATH'ing at $20, proving me wrong once and for all that we'd see ten before twenty. I apologize for being so doubtful.

I recently rewatched a presentation by Sergey. While before I had believed in the project, and, of course, I had read the whitepaper and understood what we were on about- now I *believe* in link rather than just understand the value.

Boys and girls, we're onto something fundamentally world changing. This is bigger than 1k or 82k, this is the type of thing that could very well change how humanity conducts business in the developed world on a fundamental basis.

I implore you all to rewatch it even if you've already seen it. Among all the fud, I think it's valuable.

>> No.21517260
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Oh, and that was a nice lil' pump to 19.30 just now. very nice to see. Clearly cooling off for the nest run. I expect another day of crabbing before take off, as is the usual with Link.

And for the Anons not interested in watching an hour long presentation, here's some music for a thread theme.


>> No.21517411
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Most of all, I'm hit by a wave of sadness for Marines lost and Marines swung. I wish we could bring them to understand the fundamental societal change they could have been apart of if they just kept Hodling. I understand some had no choice, but if only they understood that this goes far beyond short term profits and Lamborghini's and Corvettes and Mansions.

And yet, I feel now an even deeper connection the Marines hodling with me who've understood and believed all along.

>> No.21517491
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And another thing- I think it will be a good few years before Chainlink gets to the stage at which all of these fundamental changes are realized. Yes, it's already been a while, But I think it might take even more time.

>> No.21517549

How many years you thinking?
I will gladly* try to hold for 3-4 years.
It’s easy to say now but in the next 4 years so many unexpected things can happen it’s impossible to know.

>> No.21517569

I sold half at 17.
I think i'll sell another half at 25/30 (we'll see).
And the rest I will save for 100 and 1000.

1/8 of my stack going to 1000 will be enough for generations.

I love you all, you special group of lunatics.
Meme magic is real.

>> No.21517596

Fishing anon here.
Was my birthday yesterday and considering it was the first one I had while also owning link, it was maybe the best one yet.

>> No.21517622
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Forgot pic cause retard

>> No.21517653
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I haven't the foggiest idea. An uneducated guess puts it at maybe 4 to 6? Think of the scale of this project, Anon. Something like this takes time to come to market. We aren't just 'early', we're embryonic.

based 69 post. Anon, without even considering meme magic, Link would be an incredibly valuable project. God only knows where metaphysical beings and the fight against moloch could take us.

Checked. Welcome back, Anon. Happy birthday! I hope you've been updating that journal, hm? We bounced off of 20 the other day.

>> No.21517757

Looking at charts, we see the lowest part of the dip on Tuesday, and after it pumps it his another low on Friday. This has been the trend for a while, from what I can see. The last low was a Friday, so I think we’ll see the cheapest linkies for a while in 2 days, followed by another pump. Maybe even $15 so I can increase my fucking mediocre stack of 33

>> No.21517767

Went fishing today to cheer me up after waking up and seeing I lost 10k on linkies overnight.

Caught a 30inch channel cat and it tasted like mud, I was so sad.

Upside is linkies going up now. Happy birthday anon

>> No.21517794

Thanks for making this thread, seeing link anons like this posting really makes me feel confy while big changes are happening in my life. I appreciate you

>> No.21517850
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Based TA. Agreed. I don't think it even matters how low we go considering we always pump back up afterwards.

Set and forget. Might be good if you take a break from watching charts for a while, hm?

Of course, Anon. These threads are needed, I think. Call it hopium, but if clear heads and good vibes prevail, it will better all of us.
(I just wish people would post more art. :/ )

>> No.21517916

I have terrible anxiety, only time I can keep my eyes away from charts is when I’m fishing

>> No.21517929
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It literally doesn’t matter, you’re right. It’s going to keep repeating this fractal. I’m just hoping it dips at the right time when I get paid in 2 weeks, I just got back to work after covid and I had no money to buy linkies sub-$8. I’ll take as many as I can get during dips until $100/per. We are all gonna make it.

>> No.21517963

I’m clawing my way to 2.5k link, got about 100 to go. Am I going to make it, my brothers?

>> No.21518022
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I would suggest doing your best, all the same. Perhaps find a second hobby to occupy your time, something simple like reading?

With the enormity of this project finally sinking in, the less and less short term price movements matter to me at all. The value of a project like chainlink is so fundamental to the next industrial revolution and how humanity conducts business, not to mention how it affects insurance companies and their ability to help mitigate risks for more emerging markets, make pumps and dips and dives and crabbing not matter. We *will* get there, it is only a matter of time.

Anon, there are always those less fortunate. I only have a stack of 800. If you want a shot of hopium, take your stack and multiply it by 1k. That enough to make it for you?

>> No.21518093

Bros how much link do I need to be in lambo land in 5 years?

>> No.21518101

Ever since having a daughter I lost all interest in things besides sitting by the lake or wading down the river.

It truly is the most serene thing in life. Thanks for the comfy thread anon.

>> No.21518113

College student here, got in to link at $16.50 (was trying to get in at $9.50 but didn’t have all details ready) bought about 4 chain. I know I’m not gonna make the big bucks but am still hopeful I’ll make decent profit with what little I have to invest

>> No.21518144

Keep buying dips up to $100/per. We will both make it.
t. 33 linklet

>> No.21518149
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Not really art but I made a Link Totem earlier this summer.
It’s a big green totem that is exactly 8 feet and 15 inches, which was the price of Link at the time ($8.15)
Crazy to think that was only a few weeks ago and I was debating on whether or not to buy more because it was getting so expensive.
Now I would die to buy Link at 8 dollars again.

>> No.21518169
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Felt comfy reading this the other day.

>> No.21518188

Unemployed rn, and saving up for desktop already. If I make any profit from small coins I’ll be sure to put it in chain, I’m a beginner overall anyways

>> No.21518204

(Tall and green totem to symbolize the eternally growing upwards green candle that will make our dreams come true and fix this sick judaified world)

>> No.21518212
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I lack Link art, but I love some comfy visuals too. Can't find a sub 4mb pic rn so here's some random shop in SF from a couple years ago.

Hopefully my future profits from my small stack will allow more time for photography in the future... used to take photos so often.

>> No.21518247
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A number more than zero.

Based blue and white dubs of truth.

Congratulations of having a Family, Anon. Above all, I think that matters the most. I'm happy for you.

based and creative. Here's a piece I painted.

bullish. Saw this being reposted a few times.

Checked. You'll be fine, anon. good plans.

Nice. something something
>return to monke

Comfy art is welcome too! Anon, you'll be rocking full frames and zeiss lens, I promise.

>> No.21518307

Nice to see threads like this. Just remember to take the long view my friends! It's been fun to watch the numbers go up recently, but keep in mind that the day to day fluctuations are nothing compared to what is to come

>> No.21518357


Wish to see more threads like this, it’s either been people shilling pajeetcoin or worshipping/condemning excessively after minor fluctuations

>> No.21518376
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Based and long term pilled. Remember to zoom the fuck out. It's lots of giggles to watch the 1m chart but it can really fuck with your head sometimes, no matter how strong your hands are.

Also, what gear do you run? And, if you want more comfy art, /wg/ is a good place for it.

I'm just a normie hobbyist so I run a A6400 with a 10-18mm wide and some zoom I forgot the size of.

Based. Welcome. I've tried to make it a habit of posting them every night, no matter if people come or not.

>> No.21518420

how do I stop giving myself grief for not being able to buy more link when i bought in at 17cents. 2000 linklet here. I cant help but feel sad when i see these fat stacks

>> No.21518438

In NT oz we count catfish as minus points, nasty fishes with nasty spikes

>> No.21518484

Extremely dank. I’ll make some art during slow hours at wageslaving tomorrow, I’ll post in comfy thread

>> No.21518517

You’re gonna be fine man, it’s already around 20, just let it ride and you’ll be fine

>> No.21518529

This looks so comfy it actually hurts my heart. I have to make it, I need this in my life.

>> No.21518552

I may be a new linklet with only 40, but even I truly believe we can do this together, I am proud to be even a lowley footsoldier in this battalion of good men

>> No.21518559

Yeah I don’t handle cats, had a giant blue down in Florida pierce my shoe and had an infected foot for 2 weeks.

Decided to take this bad boy since I haven’t gone food shopping this week and was low on meat.

The fillets are brine soaking in the fridge to hopefully get that taste out. Heading back out tomorrow for some tasty rainbow trouts.

>> No.21518567

nice cope stinkers, but this is as good as it gets for you.Your shitcoin is goint to $.50 and staying there permanently AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.21518584
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Anon, you need to adjust the way you approach it, hm? For one, look at all the folks posting single or double digit stacks. That will always serve as a quick little shot of hopium.

More seriously though, you need to be proud of yourself for getting at all. Do you think the people who got into bitcoin or ethereum at $40 felt bad about the size of other people's stacks when they reached their highs?

And, consider this- if nothing else, you're participating in one of the must fundamental changes that society will see. No, we may not all get to live on mars sometime soon, but we will live to see the way we do business change fundamentally.

You will, Anon. You will have it. Patience, temper your expectations for the short term.

All are welcome, Marine.

>> No.21518603

Whenever I see a Link price beginning with $19, I think of the corresponding 20th century year - for example, $19.18, end of WWI.

>> No.21518605

This shit finna blast off tonight. Sweet dreams frens

>> No.21518623
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Funny. I'm a gigantic history nerd and I've been thinking about that a lot too. Probably just because I finished Storm of Steel recently.

>> No.21518630
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is chainlink gonna keep steadily rising or will it flatline soon? i need to accumulate more links. it can moon AFTER i have enough.

>> No.21518679

How much have some of you put in to link? Really wish I’d gotten into crypto at a younger age but can’t do nothing about that now. $90 was all I could muster in for, hoping I get some decent returns

>> No.21518701
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baste like a turkey dinner

Not sure, Anon. The number might go up. Or, it might go down. :D

No, but seriously, Link always corrects a bit after a pump and then pumps again. I think the difference in dollars between 18 and 19 and 20 stop mattering when we hit 1k and beyond. I don't expect to see sub 15 any time soon.

Good way to approach it. Be thankful for what you have, hm? You will get very good returns.

>> No.21518737
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>> No.21518757

If links makes it to even 500 per, then your stack of 5-6 will be enough to start a business, we will make it anon, kek wills it

>> No.21518776
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Ahh I just recently picked up a Fuji XT-3 w a 50 1.4 ! Excited because I have always been a Canon snob.

Took this w a 5D MII 15-30. Glad to know you like the ultra wides too.. Jus slapped the link on top to match thread theme.

Im a lurker and rarely post so thnx for being friendly and having something in common fren :)

>> No.21518803

maybe stinkies rise by 5 while i sleep, would be nice!

>> No.21518815

Thank you. I just came back to this board after 3 years after being shitted on for having less than 10k link and still think about it at times

>> No.21518816

Really hoping so, is that summit thing for chain still supposed to happen in late August?

>> No.21518832
File: 70 KB, 332x312, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you deal with the depression of knowing you only own 300 link
>be happy with what you got
impossible. i could have bought 100k link at 15 cents but bought REQ instead

>> No.21518857

But you don’t have 0 link, imagine if you had 0 link

>> No.21518913
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First month on biz.

Put my measly 5k savings into this coin at 13.50 and there's nothing left to do but wait. Here's to a wild bull run.

>> No.21518923
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Completely forgot to mention this.
>>21518757 is right. Even a small stack puts you lightyears ahead of normies in realizing your goals.

Nice work, fren. I used to work at bestbuy and our sony rep got me a banging deal on it. I wasn't into photography until now. I mostly do landscape stuff. I'd post my pics but even shooting in .jpeg they're too big to post. With a little work, that can be an excellent piece. Please post your shots here.

Of course.

>>21518832 , >>21518857
is right except unironically. Anon, You can't change the past, but you *can* change your future. It is only a mistake if you fail to learn from it.

Comparison is the thief of Joy.

Welcome aboard. Lurk moar, dyor, etc.

>> No.21518953


>> No.21519053
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I was not a religious man prior to link. In fact, I was a pretty ardent atheist despite being baptized catholic. The more I lurk here and the more I read and the more I talk to other Marines and Anons, the more I start to believe that we have been shepherded and pointed here, to Link, and Biz, for a reason, and I think that reason is to improve the world. I think many Marines will engage in hedonism with abandon once they make it, but something tells me the kind of people who make it on Biz are the kind of people who will end up making the world a better place, either by concerted effort or by accident.

>> No.21519108
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1.4k holder here
will this newfound wealth fix my anxiety issues? :( I woke up last night feeling like I was gonna die, i don't wanna take mind altering medication

>> No.21519197
File: 1.23 MB, 1603x1069, Asset 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see anything u got! My files are too big as well but im resizing through illustrator atm. Also works through exporting in Lightroom or Photoshop I believe..

Thank you for your kind words. Blessed to be positive on this thread tonight sharing good vibes. Any anon reading this as well... sending you all positive vibes and love.

>> No.21519207

Reminder that the price action of this week is the current establishment buying into the network via small portions of early whales bags, it isn't a PnD, it's price discovery ahead of WEF and the smart contract summit

>> No.21519243
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No. Probably not. Hate to break it to you, Anon. But, please, don't be afraid of meds. I'm begging you. While Lithium and things like that do alter the mind, I speak from personal experience that if you follow through, they can help. please.

My father had a littany of extremely intense personality disorders and issues, Anxiety a footnote in them. We found a good therapist and doctor, and now he's the best dad on this planet. He's sane, he's still *him*, but he doesn't go off the rails and punch walls. It took time and crying and screaming and yelling and changing what meds he was on over and over but we're not at a point where, for the first time, I have a Dad.

People can shit on the Jews in the Pharmaceutical companies all they want, but if they've done anything, they gave me a father I never had.

I'll have to get around to resisizing them. Most of them are pre-covid unfocused garbage of when I thought turning contrast all the way up and slapping on some random filter on the camera was a good idea.

This. We also are literally posting a chad fad look at the weekly.

>> No.21519271

Comfy thread. I noticed a lot of double and triple digit stacks here, just remember the vast majority of people don’t even know what chainlink is yet. I know we obsess over it and immediately see the Portnoy and Newsweek things and think it’s over, but that’s nothing. We’re still extremely early, if link accomplishes what it sets out to do, think btc in early 2010’s. The biggest hurdle is going to be deciding whether to temporarily exit the market if crypto as a whole experiences mainstream attention (likely winter of next year), but staying in won’t hurt you in the long run, just your short term position.

>> No.21519292

I don’t take meds either, don’t start now. Get some fresh air and take a walk around your area and focus in on every sound and try to figure out what it is.

Hopefully you don’t live in the city, the country side is a wonderful way to relieve anxiety at night.

>> No.21519354

Stupid rookie question but where do you guys buy link?

just found out wife is pregnant with first child. painting a house for cash now, was going to buy ammo but might be smarter long term to stop being a pussy and get into crypto.

Is there a basic sticky I can read?

>> No.21519400

Coinbase is what a lot of people use, you can find it on App Store/play store or just use browser

>> No.21519405


>> No.21519406

Also for added hopium. There are people who missed early bitcoin but turned a small stack into a large early eth stack. There’s people who missed early eth but used a small eth stack to purchase massive amounts of link 3 years ago. And some of you will have the opportunity to do something similar if another game changing crypto comes along. The worst position to be in is to have no position.

>> No.21519409

Start with Coinbase to get the hang of basics, it’s the most simplified version of crypto trading.

Once you’re comfortable on buying and selling, move to KuCoin or Binance.

>> No.21519446
File: 200 KB, 1240x1602, 1597111552543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Thank you for echoing what I've been trying to explain my fellow linklets.

Anon, you also shouldn't feel any stigma or be embarrassed about what you have. Anxiety is a mental illness. It is a disease in the same way that polio or Covid is, it is a sickness, the only difference is that it isn't visible. This doesn't diminish your struggle. Don't blame yourself for having Anxiety. If you could control that sort of thing, then it wouldn't be a mental illness. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help, to family, to friends, to people you know. The next time you are having an attack, just- text a friend. You aren't a burden.

Better be 55.6 or 7.62, Anon, don't tell me you've got some goddamn Arisaka. (unless it's a based chrysanthemum). Anyway, welcome fellow /k/ poster.

Coinbase is your best bet. It is KYC and very normie friendly. Safest, most well known, easiest to use, and makes it easy to report your taxes when you need to.

For tax purposes, your best bet is to stick with one exchange like Coinbase or Coinbase pro until you know what you're doing.

>> No.21519497
File: 3.62 MB, 1416x1755, 1597041230479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I would still buy Ammo. Split the purchase between Ammo and Link. Whatever you're buying try to get some good match grade brass case stuff, man. If you actually need it- then, y'know, you need it.

>> No.21519564

Thanks guys good luck to you

Going for more 7.62

>> No.21519565

Should I convert all of my crypto to LINK? and if so, should I do it now or wait for it to dip down again?

current portfolio:
32% BTC
25% IOTA
25% LINK
18% ETH

>> No.21519599

I was going to get level 4 body armor to larp better but seems like chain is about to blow up

>> No.21519604

I’ve been checking everyday. No 556 or 9mm. How the fuck am I suppose to protect my ledger

>> No.21519633

I would personally advise against trading unless it’s something you want to do for fun and have play money. While crypto in general gets a bad rap and is misunderstood by the public, the markets are heavily manipulated and full of bots and planned pump and dumps, to the point that if you aren’t in on it, you’ll almost always get stuck holding bags. Far safer to pick one of the big three and ride with it. If there’s a fourth I’m sure it’ll be found here as well, you just have to be able to see through the bullshit (if there’s no fud and people are calling it the “next link”, it ain’t it)

>> No.21519648

Agreed anon.

>> No.21519729

based. what are you feeding it into? I bought into the FAL memes and it's just heavy and it makes me sad :(

Depends on how risk averse you are. I don't think link will make another significant dump. How iron are your hands? Are you willing to hodl through high highs and low lows?

based. Fuck, man. More gear never hurts but I think link is the better long term decision. Hrm. I dunno. I'd take some of what you'd spend on plate and spend it on some medical gear instead. Antiseptic, medical tape, good gauze, israeli bandages, you know the drill.

>inb4 some /k/ migrant posts 'hurrr just don't get shot in the first place lmao'

I don't understand this ammo shortage. My local cabelas is literally brimming with ammo still. wtf. And I'm near Seattle, no less.

This, daytrading can become a nightmare for taxes for the uninitiated too.

>> No.21519881

Communifornia. BassPro. No ammo. No HP, no FmJ. Dirty ass range reloads 40-50 cpr.

>> No.21519926

Holy shit I am so fucking sorry for you. Fuck, man. I know your pain. I was born in Palm Springs and I just try to pretend California stopped existing after I left. :(

>> No.21519964
File: 1.49 MB, 1117x1675, Asset 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, edgy edits slapped on top of any pic.. the good ol days. Lightroom has taught me well for the most part.
Think I am done with these artsy link edits but thanks anon for letting me have a place to share. Been a long while since I've looked through any of these old files anyway.

You got any link/crypto related advice for a newbie? Think I am in for the long haul at this point.

>> No.21520000

My state is turbo gay so the best thing I can get is my yugo sks with stripper clips

I really want some armor but now that I’m married I have to buy gay shit. Advice for all single men get your gear straight before you propose lol

>> No.21520057

Hodl and forget. If you're dedicated to Link, then transfer your stack to a hardware wallet, make a few copies of your keys, and then check back in a year. Block biz.

Otherwise? Doesn't hurt to play around with alts.

Don't fall for the memes about avoiding taxes. fucking pay them holy shit hire a tax lawyer if you must.

My biggest tip is to only invest money that you're willing to take out in cold, hard cash, pool up in a pile in your driveway, and set on fire. That way, if it moons- great! If the shitcoin you chose goes to zero- no big deal, fun while it lasted.

what the fuck based gearqueer SKS user

>> No.21520179

I know it’s healthier not to check the price all the time but it can be fun as long as you don’t let it get you emotional. Also you will miss comfy threads like this or breadcrumbs threads (the best) if you aren’t checking /biz/ regularly, because 95% of the stuff on here is admittedly trash.

>> No.21520184

Gearqueer-masterrace o7

>> No.21520241
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Fair. I only suggest blocking biz and the charts if you can't detach yourself from your investment. I'm alright with totally loosing the money I put into Link, which is why I can watch the 1m chart and not want to suckstart my ruger.

>> No.21520304

Okay the tax thing caught my eye and I feel now obliged to ask for your advice.

I've never filed/paid taxes. I am a zoomer from US.
Fresh out of HS and have never made over 10k in a year. Should I still file? How would that look like if I have $$$$ invested? I don't want to get fucked later on by IRS. I don't even know what form people fill out to file their taxes with. Feeling retarded but I know I should be concerned about this.

Also a hardware wallet sounds like my gig. Is that the same as cold storage anon's talk about?

>> No.21520318

keep buying when it dips. Will you be employed soon?

>> No.21520353
File: 906 KB, 1125x1068, 97EA52E7-8AB2-4773-BDFC-EE9D6E45D668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep feeling bad about only having 11k LINK.

Then i read threads like this where OP is talking about making it with less than 1k and all these people buyin in at $15+ bucks and I feel alot better

>> No.21520401

Hire a crypto-experienced tax lawyer. They are worth it. Taxable events on Cyrpto in the us count as coins being converted, coins being used to pay for a service, mining, and other things. You don't really need to report anything if you bought and haven't sold. In the US, Crypto is taxed using Capital Gains Tax, and there are brackets for what you pay based on your income from a regular job before your asset is factored in.

Google crypto and capital gains tax, that's the biggest thing. Also, if your account doesn't have a history of Major transactions, suddently dropping in 20 or 30k or more will get you investigated and your account frozen- thus, a tax lawyer. Your state may have different laws.

Do your own research. google is your friend here because the laws vary from state to state sometimes, and everyones tax situation is a little different.

>> No.21520452

4chan is a terrible place for perspective. 11k is something like a top 2 or 3k wallet, close to top 1% of all holders. It’s just a lot of those wallets are concentrated here so it increases the fomo. But all you have to do is hop to another board like /pol/ or /fit/ and they’ll call you a faggot larper if you post your portfolio.

>> No.21520457

I wish i could feel comfy... Sitting on a 6 figure stack, but my pops is hospitalized with covid. My mother and brother are also suffering back home. I tested positive as well, but have no symptoms for almost 2 weeks now. I was never a believer in karma, but is this some sort of balancing act the universe does?

>> No.21520469

I only have 650 Link and I bought cheap. I've just been low on funds lately so I can't buy more. Wish I could.

>> No.21520529
File: 2.73 MB, 1080x1524, 1597301674140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison is the thief of Joy. 800k at 1k would buy me a house, a car, and pay for a PHD. Those are the biggest expenses of the average American, and that would set me far, far ahead of most people.

It's also a matter of perspective, too. I can't be mad at myself for not knowing what I didn't know, but I can be proud I was wise enough to get in *at all*.

This, pretty much.

Don't we all.

God bless, Anon. I think you'll all pull through. Perhaps it could be some karmic balance. The world is a strange place. After getting involved in Link, nothing is out of the question anymore. I wish you luck.

>> No.21520673

Same guy, different id

Semester is about to start, might try and find a job but I’m on educational leave for my job back in hometown on the other side of the country, don’t have all my personal details in person so that’ll be a pain

>> No.21520682
File: 198 KB, 447x489, 1596828835078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke newfag here, bought 28 LINK at $17. Joining the military soon so I hope I can buy more before this shit really takes off.

>> No.21520700

bless. which branch which mos

>> No.21520730

How many stinkies do I need to steak in order to get 1 per week in rewards?

>> No.21520740
File: 504 KB, 1046x1306, 1597533112045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this image increasing my comfiness by 500% ?

>> No.21520756

Army, 91b. I ship out in a week. Seems like a great time to get into crypto snice I have basically no expenses for the next 4 years.

>> No.21520802

I think you misquoted, but i got the message. Thank you for the kind words anon. The uncertainty is more frightening than anything. Money and riches aren't everything, keep and strengthen personal relationships and hold those people tight. Advice for all linkies.

>> No.21520828
File: 698 KB, 600x900, 1596700821619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody knows anything about staking yet and we won't until it's announced.

because it's not out the question that they could use Link, but for whatever reason this image seems more and more fabricated every time I look at it. Dunno why. Can't be assed to go look it up.

fuckin based, mad respect. My old man did that exact thing in Korea on the nuclear missile trucks they had posted up there.
based and familypilled. It doesn't have to be lonely at the top.
probably did misqoute, the later it gets the more delusional I am

>> No.21520849
File: 76 KB, 902x913, 1597475943760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that even though I have 120 link I bought at 7 (bought 4 of then at 2 bucks when i was broke and curious) that I'm happy and excited to be in this? This is too fun to experience. I imagine this may be his how btc and eth dudes felt.
Hodling this and pnk for ages though.

>> No.21520865

I have been hoping this is true. If this is true LINK at $100 is happening soon.

>> No.21520880
File: 45 KB, 497x576, 1596914843460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21520966
File: 418 KB, 740x900, 1597297989258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is very comfy, anon, and you are going about it in the right way. I've preached it all night, but comparison is the thief of Joy. Even a small stack put ones ahead of normies by miles. Long as it's spent wisely, of course. As I said. We are embryonic as far as I'm concerned.

One day, saying you had 120 link will get people calling you a liar and a Larp.

>> No.21521010

Nah perfectly understandable, the memes and the shitposting make the experience. Anyone that spends more than a few moments of despair over “why didn’t I buy more” might as well just give up because you could be winning the lottery twice a week as well.

>> No.21521180

Hm. That's an unfortunate dip. Not much of one, but, still. Ah well. link usually retraces before a pump anyway.

>> No.21521247
File: 21 KB, 656x354, _18_89093_·_LINK_to_USD_Coinbase_Pro_Digital_Asset_Exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not much one for TA, but that looks like a chad fad to me.

>> No.21521436

Holy shit. Now that's a candle. At any rate, I think I'm going to go turn in for the night. Play some games, then conk out. Thank you, as always, for coming to my thread. I'm glad I can offer some people some comfort, and good vibes to all.

May we all wake up and see link at $20 and above.

>> No.21521496
File: 26 KB, 240x240, 120461521-default-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 links, will it be enough. Will take stimulus check dos and drop 80% on Linky lous. The stimulus will help everyone if they know how to use it.