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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21516658 No.21516658 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck guys. I have like 2000 USD. I missed my chance in 2018 when it was .20 cents because I was a poorfag.
Is it too late to get LINK?

>> No.21516713

Mid $20's this week. Buy now or pay more later or just get left behind.

>> No.21516771

FOMO in.

>> No.21516900

Thank me next week

>> No.21516926

Wait for it to drop to $12, then buy

>> No.21516999

its not too late. 100 LINK is and always was the suicide stack.We're all going to make it bro.

>> No.21517006

Retrospectively would you buy bitcoin at 20.00 if you had the chance?

>> No.21517023
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>> No.21517143

orchid is a better bet if youre doing jew coins

>> No.21517171

Still early

>> No.21517180

you won't need a suicide stack where we're going.

>> No.21517200

Take 20% of your LINK and put it on Bamboo Relay


Exchange that LINK for WETH

Now put that WETH in TRANQ


Now wait a few weeks until TRANQ hits Idex and take massive profits.

See here



>> No.21517241
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Stop spamming pajeet

>> No.21517327

Imagine buying bitcoin at 20 dollars.

>> No.21517393
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If you miss the 2020 LINK bullrun, you'll regret for the rest of your life. You will never be able to think of yourself as a smart person ever again. There will always be that disgust. I know because I've known how to buy Bitcoin since 2013 and I'm not rich.

>> No.21517421

Get in anon we’re on our way to making it!

>> No.21517443

You have already missed the big gains, people saying get in already bought in like pre $1, find something else.

>> No.21517780

>Is it too late
how does one hundred million dollars sound?

>> No.21517806

>Is it too late to get LINK?
are you ok with a 4000x?

>> No.21517830

no u misssed out because u were a brainlet, many poorfags have decent stacks they just ate oatmeal every day

>> No.21517931

are we really expecting a jump from 40 dollars before the smart contract summit to like what 200 before november?

Big thing to remember here is that macro events are going to start coming into play that will ripple into the crypto market come end october start of november, I dont think the anything above 200 is gonna happen until recovery comes in Q1 2021 but at that point more people are going to pool into crypto from other markets

>> No.21518457

>those digits

>> No.21518846

Buy xrp instead idiot

>> No.21518972

A lot of economic things are going on at once and the election, the stimulus, the economy, and a possible COVID-19 vaccine will change buying behaviors. I think most of it is going on this year.

>> No.21518997
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I have both.

>> No.21519031
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its over anon, you had three years

>> No.21519076

the biggest thing yet to come is the possibility of delinquencies and defaults with a rise in unemployment as well

id say thats the scariest shit that can possibly come still

>> No.21519149

>COVID-19 vaccine
Not really going to work, that might hit the economy, or not, people might just learn to live with it
>West going to war with the chinks
You forgot to mention this black swan

>> No.21519298

A suicide stack now costs almost $20k

>> No.21519350

>30 cent stablecoin
No thanks.

>> No.21519361
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hes talking about how theres this expectancy of the entire cryptomarket gobbling other markets and increasing its own volume of trading once the network starts scaling

at that point youll be at about 10T-20T in value

>> No.21519410
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It's done, Flare kills defi and oracles.

>> No.21519447

Brother, you're just in time!

>> No.21519452

explain urself xrp master

>> No.21519492

Like google+ killed facebook

>> No.21519507
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Never too late friends

>> No.21519627

Get in and hold. You'll just have to wait a few years before major gains

>> No.21519663

Checked. 100 link is officially a suicide stack

>> No.21520072


>> No.21520095
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Lmao with the digits too, you absolute faggot

>> No.21520231

Buy 50 anon

>> No.21520284

Unironically just buy xrp. You'll make more money when it inevitably moons later this year.

>> No.21520344

can u elaborate. have a couple eth to swing and its down to link or algo

>> No.21520499

So when the bubble pops how many people are going to go bankrupt from being tards and buying into shitcoins thinking that this time will be different from 2017?

>f-fuck swingies

The only people making money are the ones shorting this shit.

>> No.21520652

I can't hear you over the sound of I'm never selling kike.