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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 58 KB, 661x754, FA06E4B5-F48B-4E6E-B692-4A59898D96B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21513913 No.21513913 [Reply] [Original]

Look I’m not trying to bully,buddy. But I’ve invested in markets since the eighties when we’d have cocaine and wheaties for breakfast and our daily prayers began with “greed is good”. So I know a thing or two about investing and your post and your accent is sending up more red flags than a Bloods gangbanger convention. I may have been born at night but I wasn’t born last night. Save your little grift-wrapped con job for someone else Patel. We’re all stocked up here.

>> No.21513997

Ultra based OP! Great coin!

>> No.21514021

Where buy

>> No.21514062

KEK MY SIDES ! where to buy

>> No.21514098


>> No.21514128

Where i am to buy this?

>> No.21514142

You can buy at Uniswap sir :)

>> No.21514172

the uniswap sir

>> No.21514188
File: 304 KB, 651x503, CD9C45CD-97AD-41F2-98DD-90A82D90FD74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, I totally understand. PND scam tokens are a diamond dozen these days, and the crypto market is a doggy dog world. But you gotta take a step back and look at the bigger picture, champ. Don’t let these pre-madonna fudders get in your head; when you get down to brass stacks this coin has rock-solid fundamentals and should not be taken for granite. You just gotta mustard up the courage to see passed these mine games and take a risk, it’ll pay off tent fold. Sleep on it and get back to me in the morning, big guy.

>> No.21514385

>he thinks it’s for courts of law
>he doesn’t know they’re in Thomson Reuters incubator
>he doesn’t realize pnk holders act like pajeets for fun
>he doesn’t realize it’s done a 20x since Feb
>he doesn’t know it’s shilled by vitalik
>he doesn’t know it’s one of the largest holds for the top 5k link wallets
>he doesn’t know they received $500k and $1M grants
>he didn’t check kleroscan.com to see that the project has already brought in over $1M to the users
>he doesn’t know what dispute resolution is
>he didn’t turn $5k to $100k holding pnk
>he doesn’t realize kleros has 8 diff dapps besides their court dapp
>he doesn’t realize kleros helps link solve the oracle problem
>he doesn’t realize link cannot handle subjective data
>he doesn’t even know what subjectivity is
>he doesn’t know 1 whale just put over $400k into pnk during ATH last week
>he doesn’t know about the coinbase email leaks
>he doesn’t know the token sale in February sold out in a week and a half
>he doesn’t know they raised over $1M in their token sale
>he didn’t see link whales put 500-1000 eth each into the token sale
>he unironically and unequivocally thinks pnk is actual Indians
>he doesn’t realize kleros is one of the most advanced teams in all of crypto
>he didn’t believe 4MOONXGG
Congrats, you failed the IQ test.

>> No.21514575

Ultra based Anon. Good coin!