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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21512531 No.21512531 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21512864

i lost 5k on this scam

>> No.21512936

Trying to accumulate?

>> No.21513068

lol not selling cunt, i can smell your shit from here

>> No.21513072

the only thing vidt owners will accumulate is more debt from investing in this dumb dutchy coin

>> No.21513095

This. Its been irrefutably proven the token is not needed

>> No.21513096

I'm up $8k on this, so fuck off pajeet.

>> No.21513310

Your fud sustains me..

>> No.21513896

Remember Biz, these idiots sold the bottom. These are the SAME idiots that kept you buying from .10, .20, .30, .40, .50, .60, etc etc etc. Remember that FUD is bullish, same occurred with Link. DYOR and you’ll be alright:) the bottom is in, a pump is coming with 24 hours:)

>> No.21513953

Yep. Got in at 78 cents before the lift off and I'm holding my bags tight. Never had a thought crossed my mind that I want to sell. Patience is key with this one. This is my key to be rich. Not selling this one early.

>> No.21514446
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>> No.21514486
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Stay salty.

We'll be at 25$ by jan 2021 at this rate

>> No.21514521

Yes, your token, that is not needed, will magically hit $25. Pure delusion.
. Dont fall for it newfags

>> No.21514537
File: 276 KB, 2500x1330, 35g45763h65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token not needed faggot FUD never works on intelligent people.

>> No.21514719

ive been trying to sell since 0.0008900, finally managed to sell my last 1200 vids at 0.0008600 4 hours later.. i've been monitoring these threads, and i checked the archives. the extremely obvious pajeets shilling have made me lose all confidence. im all in xrp now.

>> No.21514780

Stop jerking yourself off, no one cares. We know you aren't telling the truth. Post a pic you fuck. Oh wait you don't have any.

>> No.21514854
File: 205 KB, 1280x827, photo_2020-02-20_20-55-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> .10




> .25


> .50


> .80


> $1.00 (You are here)


> $2.00


> $5.00


> $10.00


>> No.21514943
File: 387 KB, 617x2048, j4678g36f7eg735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.21515132

I'm up $100k with another 10x minimum. Not selling until $10+.

>> No.21515312

Based. This project is 100% pump and dump. Also, the token is not needed

>> No.21515674 [DELETED] 

Is this the guy with hamsters and a warty gf

>> No.21515747

Not selling warty hamster fuckers.

>> No.21515898

This is the only FUD these degenerates can create haha. Remember BIZ, these guys literally sold the BOTTOM after holding for many months. I’m worried for them as they might actually be on rope watch:( I’m sorry guys, you shouldn’t have sold so early why didn’t you just stick it through :( wouldn’t have had to drive trucks anymore;)

>> No.21515976

I’ve been saying this from day one. No more BIZ threads, these guys honestly DON’T deserve this gem.

>> No.21516007

Yet you’ll keep buying/riding the chain link phase? Oh please

>> No.21516035

So what’s the proof anon? Prove it and source the proof.

>> No.21516073

I’m proud of you Anon. I’ve been in since .10 and have no plans on selling till at least $10. You entered at the perfect time! And remember, FUD = BUY. These fudders sadly sold the literal bottom :(

>> No.21516086

Why dont YOU say what the token is used for? Oh yeah nothing. Theres 0 reason for this project to have a token. Its purpose is to dump on bagholders.

>> No.21516123

God this chart is so fucking bullish

>> No.21516182


>> No.21516222

Like I asked, prove it first and SOURCE it. DON’T immediately reverse the question back to me so typical. We know you sold the bottom and there’s no hard feelings, we all make mistakes at times. Just remember the Vidt family still respects you for it and you can buy back in at any time:) no need for childish behaviour. come back to the winning side!

>> No.21516291

chainlink is also a scam, neither token is needed

>> No.21516320

Lition makes VIDT obsolete

Token not needed

>> No.21516409

Please tell me you aren’t holding LIT still...please:( I remember back in 2019 LIT rode on the Vidt hype on the index days. Look where the coin still is...hasn’t moved:( anon it’s not too late to join:)

>> No.21516435

You’re very wrong. The Vidt token is literally needed for the validation method..

>> No.21516623

LMAO look at all these posts. Pajeet is really desperate to sell his bags

>> No.21516669

Lit is a scam with literally no future like vidt lmao
go back to your general

>> No.21516739

Fuck this Dutch scam coin.

>> No.21517001

Goodnight guys. To be honest since all this fudding started again I’ve been so fucking bullish you’ve got no idea! You’re right I’ll just leave you guys be. Just don’t forget, I know you all have made extremely bad trades in crypto which resort in you guys coming onto the internet to demote and talk down on extremely viable projects but always remember the vidt family is here, to welcome you in at any time with open arms:) that’s what cryptos about. Join us on the winning side anons :)

>> No.21517472
File: 91 KB, 1000x526, youtellme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds