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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 356 KB, 866x1021, 1581956417838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21511087 No.21511087 [Reply] [Original]

If you hold link, how could you not take 1 hour and watch this shit


This is unfucking believable. I mean Jesus Christ he's going back to the creation of the contract thousands of years ago. And disrupting it all. Who else is anywhere close to this level? Fuck boys. We literally did make it. He's going to change the world forever. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.21511125

>left cant meme the image

>> No.21511130
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>> No.21511159

Imagine holding link and not seeing this yet

>> No.21511434

I've been here since 2016. I'm your average type lad, I bought a small stack of Link. But still I never really dove into what all these breadcrumbs meant. Now that what I imagined in my mind is truly happening in front of me, I can see now how people get totally taken in by this man and his mission.

I will never fucking sell another Link.

We're all in this together anons.

>> No.21511600

I must be fully deluded but his public speaking has really improved I believe. This is the kind of tailored and rehearsed keynote you give in front of genuine global world elites, exactly designed for audiences like swift or wef. Very different than when he only addresses blockchain devs. I genuinely won't be surprised if he ends up becoming a wef global young leader within the next 5 years or some other position like this with an institutional think tank outside of chainlink. It's hard to not see this and realize just how top level ambitious and gifted he is, and how behind the scenes he's probably being coached by adelyn daily and closely groomed by people like gonser to reach that level. Unparalleled in the crypto space currently. Try comparing to clowns like cardano ceo etc or even to himself from 2 years ago. Wef connections also mean he will be able to keep rubbing elbows with other top level executives and further refine his craft while expanding his network.

>> No.21512270

Fell asleep

>> No.21512509

The people who don't seek out the basic information themselves probably shouldn't be holding in the first place.

All you need to know is literally spoon-fed to you in a series of videos.

"I duUn caRe i JuSt wAnT LaMbO 1000 EoY!!!"

This technology single-handedly put me on the right track to, at least somewhat, overcome the depression i've been dealing with since i was a child.
It's fascinating.
The more i learn the more i want to learn and this is just the beginning.

>> No.21513227
File: 1.29 MB, 1152x6352, 1583814303397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all Redditors. I'm spoonfeeding you again. Take this medicine and never fucking go back to that liberal cesspool platform, buy some Link, and then fuck off Biz so we can go back to how this board use to be before you newfags came.

>> No.21513405
File: 66 KB, 960x461, 1552106587840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is spectacular. You can really see the philosopher shining through here. I wonder just how much of this could have been a part of Sergey's early exchanges with elites and now we are just seeing the final, polished product with this video.
He is destined for greatness. Anons here could see it just from what was dug up on him in the early days of research on his twitter, quora, linkedin, couchsurfer accts, etc. The 4IR is an incredible milestone for humanity but I don't see someone like Sergey resting on his laurels. If anything he's got plans spanning decades.

>> No.21513661

>This is spectacular. You can really see the philosopher shining through here. I wonder just how much of this could have been a part of Sergey's early exchanges with elites and now we are just seeing the final, polished product with this video.

>> No.21514018

Easy way to tell if anyone is fucking you is when they excessively gesture with both hands dramatically. Never Selling. Fuck banks, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, fuck no linkers, and fuck everyone else.

>> No.21514153
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>> No.21514652

no way these guys accepted SN or Ari among themselves without SN or Ari proving them that they are SN. where does Sergey's credibility come from otherwise, especially five years ago or so?

>> No.21514781

No more fucking breadcrumbs for these seething Reddit sub-human scum. Redditors do not deserve Link.

>> No.21514918

that one was an implicit and explicit breadcrumb at the same time, just like Ari would prefer
>implicit is good for solving static conditions
>explicit is for dynamic environments

>> No.21514933

I haven't been here since 2014 and came back because someone told me on /pol/ I had 3 years to buy chainlink. I've looked at other coins being hyped up like PNK and it looks like trash. Link the only thing that's good other than the more established coins?

>> No.21515123

There is something called technology readiness level (TRL). You can think it as a scalar value on how the technology you are developing is close to a full product or ready for world adaptation.
>more established coins
They are TRL 1-3, meaning mostly proof of concept.
>I have an idea, let's start working on it and experiment with it. Owww great, I proved that the concept I developed works. Great!
whereas where Ari is going towards is TRL 9-10

>> No.21515356

holy fucking shit, if i wasn't broke i would be pooring money into this rn

>> No.21515507

It feels good to leave /pol/ for /biz/ isn't it? Good days are coming, I believe it is God that guides the right people towards Chainlink.

>> No.21515515

Can you just fuck off? Who do you think you're talking to here?

>> No.21515618

calm down, it is $18806.1 right now

>> No.21515728
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, sergeymacbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that really shitty green-screen effect
Fuck. I just remembered that he uses a Mac, too. Just sold all my linkies.

>> No.21515741

That’s how memeballs work tard

>> No.21515939

based and godpilled. we'll make it anon

>> No.21516646

It comes with Zoom video call you NEET
Better than everyone seeing his big mac collection on his shelf behind him

>> No.21517726

You could always get a loan and pay it off as soon as you make enough, not the best idea getting into debt of the Jews though.

>> No.21517747

Go to Venezuela

>> No.21517872
File: 19 KB, 600x384, 7A68C212-D2F8-4C08-8F4A-F386855A5FD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a female being concerned and worried that you found a better girl
>feeling jealous about you
Tfw never gonna feel like that man ever

>> No.21517925

i fucked my credit, trust me of i could i would.

>> No.21518873

This is it. Always has