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21503421 No.21503421 [Reply] [Original]

One of my cats went missing. Feel like throwing up. I'd give all my 20k LINKs to find her right away. This shit sucks so badly.

>> No.21503534

Sorry man. Have you tried those trucks to help pets find their way home? Like putting out your worn clothes or their bed? Not sure if those work for cats though.

>> No.21503653

Did you get them chipped? put up some posters in your neighbourhood (but don't fucking mention link or crypto) and hope someone finds it / takes it to a vet where they read chip and find you

>> No.21503717

That sucks man, put there litter tray outside, can help them find the way home.
Go out late at night when it's quieter and call them.
Good luck

>> No.21503719

tell me exactly what the cat looks like (photo would be good) and I will find her and give her back to you for 20K link.

>> No.21503721

I put some food near the apartment building area. Idk were she could hide. Under cars or in the bushes near. If she is found, she has a chip with info so that's good at least.

>> No.21503743

Take 200 LINK and put it on Bamboo Relay


Exchange that LINK for WETH

Now put that WETH in TRANQ


Now wait a few weeks until TRANQ hits Idex and take massive profits.


>> No.21503821

If I don't find my cat I'm gonna nuke India

>> No.21503926
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Remember all of the birthdays and Christmas mornings as a child? Yeah, it was always nice getting something cool as a gift, something you really wanted. But those things always come and go, especially the feeling and memory. The things that really matter, the memories that really stick around, are when you got a friend, spouse, or relative that gift they wanted, or better yet, didn't know they wanted, and seeing them realize at that moment you made their life better. But more than that, that you were interested in making their life better. Remember how good that made you feel? Those times are always easier to remember and much fonder memories than the fleeting joy of receiving.

Bless you anon, and I hope you find your cat. Remember the good times.

>> No.21503937

That's good at least, if she doesn't find her way home maybe some trappers can help her find her way home. I found a dog two months ago and have tried everything to find his home but no one reached out. Post the cats picture on Facebook on your local city's lost pets and hope someone sees her.

>> No.21503942

please do it even if you do find your cat, good luck anon, couldn't imagine losing one of mine

>> No.21504148

This sounds like a funeral speech. P-pls d-don't, but thanks.

I'm gonna go look fer her now since it's 2am. She has to be near somewhere. Then tomorrow I'll post pictures on the apartment complex.

>> No.21504198


>> No.21504299
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>> No.21504890

horrible feeling im sorry fren

>> No.21504939

I put out posters and cardboard boxes when my cat ran and a neighbor found her sitting in of the boxes weeks later

>> No.21505004

I'm so sorry dude. If you let your cats outside you need to stop and never do it again with a future cat. If you give them enough attention and enrichment, they are perfectly happy indoors. It seems like most people basically ignore their cats unfortunately, and thus think they are only happy outside where they can blow off some steam and hunt. Outside, they often travel far from home, kill birds, and track god knows what into your home. All anons have given you good advice, don't forget to post on craigslist, facebook, and neighborhood apps like nextdoor.

I would put out everything anons have suggested, and put posters within your apartment building and surrounding ones, as well as notify management if there is one on site (like an office).

>> No.21505006

>$400k for a cat
cringe just buy a new one

>> No.21505052

couldn't you - if u really wanted to - just go to your neighbours and tell them the person that brings your cat back gets 5000 bucks?

>> No.21505124

love you bud

>> No.21505937
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>> No.21505985

happy for you anon. cherish this feeling. that day you finally make it? yeah that still won't feel as good as this.

>> No.21506039

I live with my parents in an apartment and sometimes we take the cats to a summerhouse where they really enjoy the outdoors. Every time after that the cats start meowing near the front door wanting to go out again and this time one of the cats somehow slipped out so quickly and quietly somehow.

>> No.21506226

Yeah I could see how they would want to after being able to. I know someone who even had their property fenced up and slanting in so they couldn't climb and one still escaped and never came back.
If you live in a truly rural area it might be safer but still not really necessary. I let mine out on our deck when we lived in apartment and she loved it, but only ever when I was nearby to monitor. If they aren't scared of being outside you could try the harness/leash route. Glad you found her though!

>> No.21506313

your cat is a piece of shit responsible for the death of hundreds of animals in your local area

>> No.21506470

It wasn’t us, it was the link

>> No.21507369

This post is off topic and you shill and your faggot cat should unironically die.

>> No.21507416

nobody cares ranjeet

>> No.21507498

Based and whiskerspilled

>> No.21507537

shilling a cat, obvious sell signal

>> No.21507592

>volume=1 cat
how are we meant to trade this