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2150156 No.2150156 [Reply] [Original]

>be me hear dgb mooning, buy hard
>then eth/btc pump ATH, dgb down 30%
>panic sell sell sell dgb, redd for eth ATH
>eth drops another 10%
>fuck up sell eth to rebuy dgb because anons say it will moon today.

I just want to not live in my moms fucking house. fuckkkk I don't even want a lambo. Just get me the fuck out of here

I live in Las Vegas, so i feel like I should take all my 2 eth and shitcoins for cash and put it on red and have a go

>> No.2150175

Have a plan and stick with it, otherwise you'll do the dumbest shit like what you just did

>> No.2150183

Solarcoin has a promising outlook. There will be a talk about solar coins at Consensys tomorrow. Look into it yourself

>> No.2150186

Thanks to people like you we who hold our coins are making money. Thanks for giving me money anon, don't feel so bad about it

>> No.2150191
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Just cash out ASAP. You're obviously not cut out for this.

>> No.2150198


>> No.2150200
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Damn bro, turn off your damn phone if you have too. Buy Solar now. SpaceX preparing for launch to the Sun after consensus tomorrow. Look at phone again tomorrow.

>> No.2150202

Pick a stake.
Keep it there.
Log off the exchange.
Shit post on /biz/
A week later, evaluate
Swap where needed

I only step in when adding value like with the obv dgb pump at 300
Rdd right now
Sold all my cripple (with very light profit)

Don't daytrade. It is a gamble unless you control the market. People get rich by hodling not trading. Trading requires luck, inside knowledge or a big portion to influence luck seekers

>> No.2150205

Having a plan and not leading into temptation. Also know your coin, know whats happening around the coin. Example is what >>2150183 said. Know the next steps

>> No.2150210

Don't know man. I bought 1 ETH today for $170 and it's already down 5 bucks and I'm freaking out.

I wish someone could tell me that this is a minor correction, but I think I made a bad bet.

>> No.2150213

Anon your mother loves you and wants you to buy her a lambo instead of moving out

>> No.2150223

Lmao dw op people like you are needed so we make a profit

>> No.2150228

This, don't day trade, check for big event/news. And buy with certainty. Consensus is atm, maybe that would help you

>> No.2150241

>>>2150156 (OP)
>Don't know man. I bought 1 ETH today for $170 and it's already down 5 bucks and I'm freaking out.
>I wish someone could tell me that this is a minor correction, but I think I made a bad bet.
Grow some hair on your knuckles boyo. Eth is up $100 since last week. If it's down just buy more. Hold ETH long term, buy in the dips when you can. It'll go back up.

>> No.2150243
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I bought DGB at 920 ATH and I'm not selling because I know it's not a shitcoin.
What's wrong with you?
Why did you sell idiot?
Couldn't you close your eyes, walk away and watch anime for a few days like a non-brainlet piece of shit?
It's not a shitcoin. It's going places. Why did you sell?

>> No.2150252

what don't you understand?
Here is how you do it:
>Buy low
>Sell high

that's it! it's as simple as that really

>> No.2150260

It's a slutcoin that deserves to be p&d

>> No.2150270

you either sell on a profit or HOLD.
Don't invest in shitcoins with no background. And you're golden.
Don't daytrade till you're rich

>> No.2150297

Meditating helped me to develop an iron will and trade with no emotion. Buy in red, sell in green. Impossible to lose in this market

>> No.2150305
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This is going to 10k sat.

I'll be LMAO'ing at your life from my new lambo.

>> No.2150318

Log off the exchange buddy. Look at eth week gain. You will be there next monday guaranteed. Just sit still. Try one week. Don't see it as a gamble but an investment in ethereum.

Look at it this way. You really think 170 dollar is going to disappear in a week? If it drops more this week it won't half. Let's say it does. 85 dollars. That's what, 41 visits to starbucks. You can miss that? 41 beers maybe in nyc.

Don't be a pussy, son. Just look at eth and where it came from. It has too much money in it to vanish over night. Investors. Real companies with mouths to feed.

Hope this helps.

Now, if you cannot miss that 170 dollars: get it out. This isn't for you. Maybe buy new shoes and use them and get the value to 0$. You will get something out of it (new shoes) but no new value.

Choice is yours. Just don't panic. People lose thousands of dollars with dips but know what they came from and think "it will get back". That's why you managed to buy it on 170 in the first place.

>> No.2150320


The problem for us newcoiners is know what's "high" and what's "low"...not to be a dick but $150 is a lot for some people to gamble on some unproven digital mist of an investment. Sure when things are $5 who cares? but this is the area where it gets hairy...no other crypto currency has shown the "to the moon" results like BTC, that's why we're all skeptical AF

>> No.2150332

>ETH being $200 isn't mad profit
Ask all of the early holders how much they made

>> No.2150341
File: 59 KB, 600x338, kaiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Kaiji.

>> No.2150567

1 eth and you are freaking out? If you are investing in this shit be mentally prepared to lose it all. JFC people like you make whales richer

>> No.2150582

>If you are investing in this shit be mentally prepared to lose it all

>> No.2150608

This is good advice. Watching Kaiji now would make me sweat.

ざわ ざわ...

I put in 20% of my 10K savings in ETH at $85. It is my first coin. I didn't buy at $414 BTC because I was waiting for it to drop. I didn't buy $11 ETH as others convinced me it was a meme coin despite my own confidence in it.

No more being cucked on ETH, though. Reading up on the EEA, looking through the Consensus panels, presentors, etc., seeing the distributed ledger hype online, and looking at historical prices and trends, I do think this is an obvious coin to hold.

Though I've long lurked in the crypto zone until now, I've watched ETH gain long term confidence within the crytpo community. Now it has become the corporate family friendly BTC with the EEA. Even if BTC took a big dip and ETH followed, it would come back.

There is large money to be made in a wild underground global trading market, and corporations, brokers, and bankers have realized it. It will be a bumpy ride that I think will face many terrible fates, but for a bit, there will be big money to be made (and lost).

This coin is just coming out of early adoption in the whole of this bubble. I'd say, expect some 1980's/Kaiji shit trading coins but hold onto ETH, at least for awhile. Summer is just starting.

>> No.2150674

Both seasons were pretty good

>> No.2151392

Kaijicoin when