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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 447x190, eEror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2149862 No.2149862 [Reply] [Original]

Wow fegs you thought they were gonna put the world in the palm of your sweaty green hands?

This is the "great wealth transfer"?

How dumb can you be crypto soldiers?

You fall for this every time it happens.

You probably can't even see it can you?

There is no capstone you flaming phoenix chikuns.

>> No.2149898

Oh hey, its the nocoin autist. I like your presence, i screencapped one of your threads and it always makes me laught. Thanks for the good memories.

>> No.2149930

>Using Polo

>> No.2149957

i hope people start waking up. neets need to realize that their "huge gains" of the past few weeks is just them living in a make-believe fantasy land with fake money (like your video games). none of it will ever make it to your bank account

>> No.2149971

>none of it will ever make it to your bank account

Found the other butthurt nocoiner.

>> No.2149984
File: 54 KB, 640x660, goatluv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step one get real coins (gold/silver)
Step two play the games (mining cryptocrap, 10x gains in exchanges, hft slavery)
Step three get the tickets (Back to fiat bucks)
Step four get cheap toys (lambos, hookers, blow)

=Happy kid

Did I miss anything?

I can't wait till this JV squad shit ends.

>> No.2149995

just in the progress of transferring most of my funds away from polo. Not confident in their servers anymore. Everytime there is huge movement their site randomly crashes or orders don't go through. Didn't get hurt at all but don't have any intention of it in the future.

>> No.2150001

This is the final refuge of the no-coiner.

That or it's just bait.

>> No.2150022

Yet plenty of people have already cashed out the past two weeks so I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.2150040


More like step one , play the games with cryptos and after the 100x gains you can buy gold and silver if you are into that.

>> No.2150079

Maybe those who try to cash out millions at once will have issues. A. Daily limits on what can go to fiat for most exchanges. B. Selling all at once can cause your own investment to dip.

What sensible people do is pay out in chunks. No one wants to liquidate their entire portfolio unless they need to. After the portfolio is big enough, it acts like passive income.

>> No.2150115

Step zero: invest yourself in culturally enriching activities

how do you expect to be part of the elite if you can't make Shakespearean references in casual conversation?

Decadent displays of wealth are vulgar and obscene.

>And to the manner born, it is a custom
>More honored in the breach than the observance.

>> No.2150126
File: 75 KB, 532x895, 8days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that is how the loop repeats itself.

Then you will do it all over again.

What track are we on now??? 13???

>> No.2150129

>cashing out

You realize I can buy shit on newegg with BTC right? And there are workarounds for Amazon as well.

>> No.2150146

>how do you expect to be part of the elite
Searching for validation from peers is not what makes someone elite.

That is called low self esteem.

>> No.2150147

Well what do you use then?

>> No.2150169

>Step four get cheap toys (lambos, hookers, blow)

How does all that cheap gear taste when it hits your mouth?


Still can't see the parallels?

They run you not the other way around.

>> No.2150180

Not him, but get on bittrex you mong