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File: 127 KB, 854x546, USPS patent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21489121 No.21489121 [Reply] [Original]

Biz hasn't seen to cover the fact that USPS patented blockchain protected mail-in voting. Oracles required, obviously. Any idea what trustless oracle provider they might use that is a leader in the space?

>> No.21489237
File: 69 KB, 1889x166, REST-API.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21489280
File: 103 KB, 1174x914, Connextion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21489332

who the fuck needs oracles for voting? seriously? what is wrong with the brains of linkies?

>> No.21489335

Do you remeber the 2018 ChainLink hackathon where the winner was a voting smartcontract bot?


>> No.21489383

Probably their own oracle using open source codebase from established projects like link or maker

>> No.21489384

>who the fuck needs the internet to listen to the radio?

>> No.21489453

Based retard.
Who needs trustless data in an election?
Double faggott

>> No.21489454

Thats what I thought initially too, however, a usps system would be a layer on top of the existing kludge of myriad voting systems arrayed across the nation. You'd have to bring in data from the blue-hairs counting paper ballots with pencil and paper, the Diebold systems, the dangling chad systems of Florida, etc.

Plus the Dems and Reps are going to fight it all the way because they hate democracy

>> No.21489528

not exactly the same thing.
but voting is such a simple thing you basically sign (and publish) a message with a private key (off-chain voting). alternatively transfer a voting token received to a registered address on chain to the designated address of the voting option (which pretty much involves signing a message but that is a formal native transaction).

>> No.21489535

Anybody got the screen cap of the schizo Xrp anon saying usps was going to be pushing something with crypto...? I don’t remember exactly what he said

>> No.21489608
File: 184 KB, 898x641, mediledger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent pull, forgot about this

this research also pulled me towards MediLedger, which is a pilot for supply chain/medical blockchain tech. apparently this has been discussed already. connects to fedex, pfizer, walmart chalinkink, wanchain, quant and cosmos. interesting read. in any case - USPS + Chainlink = Trump 2020

>> No.21489623

nah, grow a braincell nobody needs oracles for voting. you could do it with an erc20 token out of box. you register an eth address (anonymously) instead of casting your vote (same urn mechanics used in paper driven elections) you receive your voting tokens when it's time to vote and you transact your token to cast your vote (obviously this needs proper client support to make it user friendly).

everything is publicly auditable. there is no way to cheat with aggregation.

>> No.21489727

USPS is going to adopt blockchain for tracking packages and certified mail, etc., I doubt they are going to adopt any third-party oracles that could be gamed

>> No.21489784

the reason nobody needs oracles is simple: everyone is their own oracle otherwise it's not trustless and also gameable as you said.

>> No.21489940

People who actually think the USPS will be using oracles other than chainlink have no clue what they've bought and should sell.

>> No.21489945

so the boomers took a simple concept you can't cheat with and twisted and complicated it until it became malleable and expensive enough for their taste?

>> No.21489979

chances are no matter what crypto token you bought they won't be using it this includes chainlink. linkies grasping for straws also their rent seeking attitude is disgusting.

>> No.21490045

You're fucking retarded. It's like you invested in IBM and assumed banks would use their own individual ATMs. Fucking idiot.

>> No.21490051

You don’t know what rest API is do you?

>> No.21490058

you took over this thread with your complaining faggotry. go suck some BSV cock or iota or whatever you are carrying heavy bags of

>> No.21490142

sv rofl good joke retard, no we are talking about democracy 2.0 and all you fags are circlejerking about the world owing you favors and riches for buying into borderline scams that solve problems nobody really needs solving.

>> No.21490211
File: 88 KB, 644x504, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21490214
File: 120 KB, 804x644, 1597315786578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not American

>> No.21490281

and that's a good thing nowadays something to be proud of and thankful for. wasn't so 10-20 years ago good job idiots!

>> No.21490342

Its xrp. Lets the linkie idiots sperg put over this. Just to end up dead wrong

>> No.21490419

I would assume they want it fast, cheap and without error. So they will probably use the XRP flare oracles.

>> No.21490461

That’s what I thought

>> No.21490543
File: 65 KB, 1007x1024, 1597565705418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21490633

this is your brain on shitcoins

>> No.21490680

Why would anyone want a 30 cent stablecoin?

>> No.21490748

there was threads about this yesterday grandpa

>> No.21491561

What is it sir?