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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21485079 No.21485079 [Reply] [Original]

>remember to take profits guys

>> No.21485235
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>don't invest what you can't afford to lose

>> No.21485823
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>90% of traders lose money in the market

>> No.21485851

This is unironically good advice

>> No.21485882

If you take profits (into a stablecoin) and the price of the thing you want to accumulate retraces, then you can buy more of that coin. Not sure what you’re getting at.

>> No.21485886
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>This is unironically good advice

>> No.21485927
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Never gonna make it. All or nothing

>> No.21485967

let me meme in peace

>> No.21485978
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>let me meme in peace

>> No.21486002

Don't break character you fucking faggot. Entire thread is ruined now good job.

>> No.21486015


>> No.21486026
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>you just got lucky

>> No.21486035


>> No.21486058

These threads crack me up. What's even better is that most of you guys look like s.oy boys. There's no hiding it.

>> No.21486063

How is that mutually exclusive

>> No.21486082
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>if you don't pay your taxes they WILL catch you

>> No.21486132
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>These threads crack me up. What's even better is that most of you guys look like s.oy boys. There's no hiding it.

>> No.21486532

Swingies never make it bro.

>> No.21486562
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>> No.21486694

Guys im unable to enter character

What does this mean

>> No.21486785

so if youre retired, you should keep everything in cash?


>> No.21487037
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>Vanguard ETF

>> No.21487110

Ever wonder why you're fucking losers? It's because you're retarded and even if you made it by pure luck you'd end up fucking it up and losing your money.

>> No.21487125
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>> No.21487152

It means if you're a poorfag you shouldn't gamble your rent money on short-term trades and then cry and have a breakdown on biz about losing it all

>> No.21487234

ngmi if you aren't willing to risk everything.

>> No.21487297

basedjack me next

>> No.21487315
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>> No.21487326

you're never going to make it, not like this

>> No.21487422
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1591173138271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek back to/r/cryptocurrency little faggot. fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck women, and fuck you

>> No.21487440

You risk everything short of what you can't afford to (AKA food, water, shelter, electricity)

why is this such a difficult concept

>> No.21487496

you didnt sign on for a reverse mortgage to buy more LINK? Never. Going. To. Make it.

>> No.21487534

I'm a NEET so no, I don't have a house to mortgage

>> No.21488155

>>remember to take profits guys
It's true though. Greed used to be my downfall. I'd hold until long after the peak only to see coins bleed down again because I bought into the hype.
A pump is typically followed by a dump. It is what it is. Taking profits to me mostly means going from shitcoins to BTC/ETH though.

>> No.21488158
File: 492 KB, 1280x2160, 67CE7F8F-558F-40D6-B2B5-88153612EDC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. https://news.bitcoin.com/sleeping-in-his-car-and-working-two-jobs-man-goes-all-in-on-crypto/

spoiler alert: he’s at least 86% down feelsbadman

>> No.21488230

spoiler alert: the retarded faggot bought Bitcoin
everybody who's been in crypto for more than 5 days knows Bitcoin is dogshit and will lose its throne one day.

>> No.21488271
File: 185 KB, 881x1920, 60D35787-68CD-4D1B-B06F-3C2E8207C2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even click the link? Lmao
>As for his crypto portfolio, the unnamed Canadian is currently pinning his hopes on Collosusxt, Fundrequest, Policypal, and Dero.
The dude posted in this board and all

>> No.21488275


>> No.21488293

i aint clicking no shitty links on an anonymous basket weaving forum
but honestly thats even worse, what a colossal retard

>> No.21488389

Imagine if he bought LINK instead

>> No.21488464
File: 106 KB, 640x918, 3701D460-7C9F-446F-B101-5C513A3C792B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine if he bought the right lottery ticket instead
Tons of ifs and shoulves

>> No.21488473
File: 379 KB, 639x800, silverbullet-biz-21485079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

syug stiforp ekat ot rebmemer>

>> No.21488522

Wait, wait wait.
That shit got a little weird at the end

>> No.21488550

Cope. You had three years to dyor and it was obvious as fuck. Have fuck sucking shekelbergs dick for some Monopoly money

>> No.21488580

Is there anything on Coinbase worth buying? It’s pretty much pointless to buy Ethereum on there if I can just buy it on Robinhood commission-free.

>> No.21488593

You buy lottery tickets if the expected payout is >1.

>> No.21488600

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.21488737
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>> No.21488767

I fear this is going to happen to me AGAIN with link, I'm greedy AF plus selling something valuable is hard

>> No.21489221


>> No.21489269
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>everybody who's been in crypto for more than 5 days knows Bitcoin is dogshit and will lose its throne one day.

>> No.21489664
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"invest as much as possible in your 401k every month!"
>"you need to be a genius to trade in the markets"
>"I only checked my account once 10 years ago!"
>"you'll be able to retire well in 30 years and buy all kinds of toys!"
>"I commute 60 miles everyday to work, its not that bad of a drive"
>"I get here an hour early to enjoy some coffee and get ready for the day"
>mfw 6am-2pm schedule and have to wake up at 4am if I want to cook breakfast

now im only in this job because im required to work for a few years as part of a scholarship condition, but holy shit I'll neck myself if I end up like some of the higher ups in the office

>> No.21489706

I either make it or I literally get the rope anon

>> No.21490490

Jesus Christ that’s peak boomer right there. I hope you make it and escape

>> No.21490594

>"I only checked my account once 10 years ago!"
kek my dad told me not to look at my accounts during the downturn, I told him it didn't even phase me

Waking up early is based tho

>> No.21490714

Good luck anon

>> No.21490776
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>> No.21490855

Back to plebbit söî drinker

>> No.21490911
File: 143 KB, 988x1059, 2697B6E1-810E-4054-8F8D-1E6F9373879B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversify your portfolio

>> No.21491056

I risked everything and lost half, 23k. Now I'm scared

>> No.21491152

I hated it at first but yeah getting sleepy at 9-10pm and waking up at 4 without an alarm at this point is a pretty good change
thanks, im just doing this for a while. salary base (40 hours) + OT and/or working on holidays should net me 70k this year, just going to be paying living expenses and throwing the rest into shitcoins or stocks tbhfamalam. I want to make it to help my dad retire since he's working as a tradesman and just hit 50 yo, he is fit for his age group, works all week but I can tell he's getting tired out when I see him passed out on the couch on his off days. hope this motivates some other anons to make it as well

>> No.21491261

Sounded good until the middle.