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21484283 No.21484283 [Reply] [Original]

>women allowed to vote
>world immediately goes to shit

>> No.21484308

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.21484319

It was a gradual process, women being given the right to vote was just another step on the decline. Western civilization peaked in the 1500s.

>> No.21484375
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>landless men being allowed to vote
>wards of the state being allowed to vote
>no voter ID
>no distinction between a citizen and resident anymore
>states are dominated by degenerate shithole cities like Chicago, LA, New York, etc. whose voter base could not give less of shit about the rest of their states
Too many people are allowed to vote, period.

>> No.21484478
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The powerful men wear homos and thots as gloves when crushing us.

>> No.21484537
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Women belong in public and free brothels.

>> No.21484580
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>net negative tax payers allowed to vote

>> No.21484582

This. Men wtih no economic value should have remained as slaves as well.

>> No.21484620

Britbongs spread the idea that you should be able to choose your husband

>> No.21484635

Oh look, the incel thread

>> No.21484752

>landless men being allowed to vote
You know you can't own land anymore, the best you can hope for its to purchase
>no distinction between a citizen and resident anymore
Why are mutts so fucking dumb? green card holders can't vote.

>> No.21484811

Giving non land owners the vote was worse. Now you have a bunch of poor leaches deciding who wins elections. It's a miracle that trump won.

>> No.21484864


>> No.21484888

Yeah best not to think about who's making life worse, right rabbi?

>> No.21484962

>Why are mutts so fucking dumb? green card holders can't vote
As if this is the only issue. The fact that they take up space, jobs, state resources, ignore the law, refuse to get insurance, commit mass amounts of fraud by working under someone else's SSN that was either obtained illegally through some data breech or provided by a "friend" that has one,
And I wasn't faggot. Tell me more about how my country works.

>> No.21485021

It's fine. We'll replace the state with a system of smart contracts with policies set by prediction markets that incorporate reputation scores for accuracy & a delegation mechanism for top performers. Rapidly, most women, niggers & other undesirables will have such diluted voting power that things right themselves.

>> No.21485055

It's pretty important

>> No.21485064
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You people think voting actually does anything... lmao

They are all on the same team forcing the luciferian agenda upon the world. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.21485087

Just go to 4chan.eu already it just opened up

>> No.21485174

Only men with economic value are good slaves.

>> No.21485225

Then all men with no economic value should be gassed.

>> No.21485236

based as fuck

>> No.21485246

>The fact that they take up space, jobs
Mutt, understand that its the H1B visa hodlers that artificially inflate the IQ of your shithole. The rest of your ramble is fuckin arrognat, typical mutt.
>And I wasn't faggot
You're so fucking dumb you don't know what a residence is?
>Tell me more about how my country works.
its a third world shithole filled with arrogant cunts like yourself.
The first world facade is falling, soon the whole world will see it for what it is, a third world shithole.
The USD is losing it status as a GRC. You do know what happens to countries that lose their GRC status right?

Part of your issue is you've been brainwashed to think you live in a free country, its a police state.

I've turned down the passport for your shithole AMA

Imagine thinking the 1st amendment hasn't already been encroached upon. The good times are over for burgerland, those that don't renounce will make up the new Mutt race (think Brazil)

>> No.21485254

Landowners are leeches.

>> No.21485336
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>> No.21485381

Leech spottef. Kys nigger.

>> No.21485547

If women and people who are negative net tax payers couldn't vote none of this would happen.

>> No.21485601
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O boy he don't know about the illegals, the dems and voting fraud. Boyo u got allot to learn

>> No.21485632

fucking seriously, the majority of women are absolutely dumb as fuck and manipulated by the media to all hell

>> No.21485694

Cope nolander. At least land owners won't vote to support retarded poor people like you

>> No.21485782
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Exactly. Dego. Decentralized governing. 1Gx easily.

>> No.21485788


>> No.21485843

>1 post by this IP

>> No.21485873

Wrong. Western civilization peaked in pre-Socratic Greece.

>> No.21485914
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women in leadership positions and women involved in "politics" is punishment from God against a sinful people


>> No.21485916

I would say the bigger issue is paperless voting.
>Boyo u got allot to learn
If you're a mutt, you're in no position to tell people they have a lot to learn.

>> No.21485951
File: 197 KB, 1106x884, 5F657966-05D8-4EFB-A2B6-3B99AD4B6AA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed, we're living in upside down world
military conscription for a year should be mandatory for men after highschool and before college

>> No.21485965

This nig knows what's up

>> No.21486009

riLlY mAegS u ThImGk

>> No.21486040

Isaiah is based

>> No.21486059
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You may be right.

>> No.21486156
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4chan has ironically ruined and saved my life

>> No.21486280

Yep. They are preparing the way for the Antichrist. Soon anyone who doesn't take the mark and worship the beast will be killed.

>> No.21486312
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>> No.21486459
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op dont be a faggot, post the link to the whole thread

>> No.21486512

you can't do business without politics

>> No.21486536

but leftists can't keep their politics out of my business

>> No.21486656

>military conscription should be mandatory
Maybe if you live in a real country, but the American military is literally just a huge money making scheme for the military industrial complex and actively makes the world a shittier place. Also the US military is filled with nothing but retard dropout low lives.

>> No.21486921

Should be only the leaders of industries and intellectual fields who wield the power and responsibility of voting, men and women included.

>> No.21486944

incredibly based

>> No.21487137

fuck off back to r*ddit, newfag