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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2148383 No.2148383 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2148391



>> No.2148400

Probably because people haven't been able to wrap their heads around what they just heard/saw.

>> No.2148406

who could possibly want it to?

>> No.2148558

Because lots of people lost a fuck load of money from it's instability and they don't trust it. I lost 35k from that piece of shit and will never buy it again.

>> No.2148576

Because it is a piece of shit coin.

They literally sold out to financial insitutions. Imagine the dollar, but as crypto. Premined piece of garbage with inflation being part of the plan.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2148614

billions of coins are stored away and the Devs can't get access to them, stop the fud

op, just hold. you won't lose if you just hold. i brought a lot at 22k , more at 17k and now even more at 13k. it will rise, rise to the moon.

>> No.2148678

>the devs can't get access
You really believe this cuckery?

>hurr my bull stops when I signal him to get off my wife

McCaleb (one of the biggest stakeholders) is selling and abandoning ship
There is no support/hype even with consensus schedule

Ripple is dead. Got a bag? Just hodl and hope for a pump to get rid of it and at least break even.

This thing is going nowhere. Screencap this. Whatever. Fiat doesn't work in crypto. It's like trying to introduce a blockhaing to dollar.

Not going to happen.

>> No.2148721

>the Devs can't get access to them
Until they decide otherwise.

>> No.2148773

Because BTC is still mooning.

>> No.2148793

Its not fucking 'tanking' you fucking moron. It hit an all time high only a few fucking days ago. Member? Get a grip.

>> No.2148822

Don't invest in what you can't understand with money you can't afford to lose.

You're never going to make it, you're just not cut out for it.

>> No.2148824

People neglect the fact it was 10 cents literally months ago. There's just an influx of weak handed early investor retards who frequent the internet.

>> No.2148832

should i hold or nah?

>> No.2149750

It was money I made from crypto you douchebag. Kill youself.

>> No.2150342

i duno, the presentation obviously blew all the other coins out of the water. if you actually watched it you'd see why. it's actually kind of a mystery why this isn't even a sell the news scenario or even a pump and dump scenario, it's just plain going down for no reason other than guys on /biz/ saying it's digital fiat whatever that means. it designed to handle bank transactions and stuff accordingly and they even mentioned working together with a ledger with ethereum. it also has a team 4x bigger than ethereum.

i honestly want to say it's whale manipulation because this scenario doesn't make any sense at all as to why it's going down.

>> No.2150353

What would you goys have said if someone asked about buying xrp 6 months ago?

>> No.2150369

>Buys a filthy bank coin being shilled by the supreme jews
>Why is XRP still tanking
>Kek mate

>> No.2150394
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poor little cripplers

>> No.2150407

Fuck it time to hold

>> No.2150452
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>> No.2150472


>> No.2150482


>> No.2150489


>> No.2150492


the money that could've been made on this was months ago when it was below a .01, and even then 1000 sats is fucking nothing compared to people who ACTUALLY got in on this coin.

it's not going over a dollar, it's too heavily regulated, get over it and get out.

>> No.2150509

t. WAVES shill

>> No.2150515

You wish you had fucking Waves, you autist.

>> No.2150537

Bagholders are going to baghold, just leave them be